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Everything posted by trancerxn112

  1. do u need help?... what... do u need some help?... why would i need help... getting into the fucking child seat! get the fuck in the back!
  2. oh oh me me me!!! lol... btw Ronin dont say ur number 2 behind me... doesnt sound right...
  3. Italians and Greeks... pshh ur dead Pangelid!
  4. Glowstick competition... how come i wasnt invited!
  5. Yessss... i think the Russian army will devistate the Greek and Italians... You forgot the most important thing... never engage in a land war in China... but only slightly less known is never bet against a Sicilian when death is on the line... ahhahahaha ehhh
  6. Holy shit dude i actually said... "looks like Cher!" the picture was lame... but thats wierd lol
  7. after E they are gonna go right after Weed man... soon ur not gonna be able to drink water fast cause the lack of oxygen may cause a sudden head rush... fuck that! Governments war on drugs please! do u have ANY idea how much money the fuckin police make on drugs... all those corrupt dealings and shit they grab a buncha pill push em to some druggie and get a decent wad for em. I'm not talking about all cops but you read some of these articles about these Narcotics officers on the take in last months time (was in a dentist office) and it really makes you think.
  8. Doubtness... join us my communist brother lol
  9. Hold the line... hold the line... single column!!! single column!!!... hehe my Regime is not failing its all part of the game...
  10. Black Hair, Burnette, Red Head....Oh yeah and then Blondes...
  11. i wonder how long i could go to jail for this j/k
  12. grrrrrr give me a neck rub and im urs!!!
  13. Yea a girl once told me all scorpios are chemically imbalanced... i agreed and said cause my mind was always on sex i must be crazy lol!
  14. now...now...now..nonow... nononow... nownownow... ahhhh!!!!
  15. Damn thats wrong... boner... gone lol
  16. Nah lol i know Paul (Pangelid) he likes to start shit... all it did was let us see how many Russians, Italianos and Greckos we have on the board... Russian power lol. "I not communist... just i want government to control everything" lol j/k!
  17. You guys are brutal!!! btw if its a female dog the reason she sniffs your crotch is shes jealous your gonna take her pups away... IE her masters... wierd but Female dogs think every guy is her pup
  18. I tried to lick my elbow... damnit!
  19. Dude if i was dieing i would definetly wanna go out with a bang... Legends is right the parents just wanna make some cash its a pretty lowblow but everyone sues everyone nowadays
  20. You shouldnt do it man... lol... err what am i saying?! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  21. Now that we got a Gemini thing circulating im just curious how many sex lovers errr scorpios we have on the board
  22. Thousands of people get paid to play the latest video games in order to find bugs i hear if you got some programming back ground you can make a fortune!
  23. Me likes winning too... i love Johnny Vicious especially when he played Freedom - First Strike... i love that man!!!
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