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Everything posted by trancerxn112

  1. What the... XTC a little bit of knowledge... I understand enough about women NOT to try to understand them
  2. I dont hate woman. On the contrary i love em... u guys know who u are and we all know i love u to Lina its just i hate when girls act stupid it really bothers me because i know they are capable of so much more. Well most girls at least.
  3. YEAAAA hahaha shes really stupid... "Sweetie ur so talented"... "Talented...? Why am i talented?"
  4. oh and another thing... stop thinking guys mean something else when we say things... what we say is what we mean PERIOD... you girls like to disect everything and rearrange the words. Dont do that!!! its so annoying trying to explain what u mean when the meaning is right there in the wording damnit... i dont wanna get off on a rant here but im tired of having to explain myself to girl when they say "what are u thinking about?"... what am i thinking about "NOTHING"
  5. You read my mind... Smart is very Sexy... stupid girls are boring and annoying u need to be able to carry on a conversation about something more then clubbing and clothes.
  6. Nice soft skin, Dark hair, Tan (not bronze just a little color), Breast size is not important, nice legs, heart shaped ass, good fashion sense and soft lips
  7. I do have an awesome picture of me laying out a 7 year old... bastard get kicking up snow around me so i plastered that midget to the boards... im so proud of myself
  8. Damn can't go one night without drugs huh? (Godfatherbam, Trancerxn112, RDancer) Ummmm what are you looking at?(Sexxybabyd,Trancerxn112) You drop me u die =) (Sexxybabyd,Trancerxn112) If I let u suck my tongue would you appericate it? (Sexxybabyd, Godfatherbam) WaZzZzZzZaAaPp!! (Trancerxn112, Sexxybabyd) No Means NO!! (SExxybabyd, Godfatherbam) The Mod Squad (Godfatherbam, Trancerxn112, RDancer, Sexxybabyd) Damn thats a nice ass (RDancer, Godfatherbam) Why You Talkin To My Girl?? (Trancerxn112, Godfatherbam) You Talkin To ME? (RDancer)
  9. i think someones not gonna last to long on the boards
  10. Most of the time they do... but some guys... namely me like to have girl around cause they make good company
  11. Dick Up... Tongue Up... Volume Down... Money Up lol
  12. I have a broad taste in music and all but im just wondering why everyone has beef with Plasmic Honey... they always refer to some songs as Exit or Plasmic Honey cheese... im listening t oa few of their tracks right now. Sleepers, Exorcism, Get Up, Intensity these are some real quality tracks... i was at a club awhile back and the dj dropped sleepers and it blew up the entire crowd so just curious why is plasmic honeys music refered to as cheese?
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