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Everything posted by avalondon3

  1. PM SexybabyD. She is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to Scot Project and his bookings.
  2. I dont get your message. You say your party wont be full of little kids, yet its a no-id event. NO ID implies that anyone can go. How do you plan on keeping the kiddies out?
  3. Glad you're keeping count. BTW:Why dont you go back and work on graduating high school? Its "YOU'RE" not "your"!
  4. Here's an On-Topic Reply: KILL YOURSELF :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :blown: :blown:
  5. Holy crap. You're right.
  6. That's what im saying. He was just there less than two months ago. whats the sense in bringing back someone who isnt even worth the return trip.
  7. No one's gonna change you is such a S&M song.
  8. Seems like Disco is stealing alot-if not all-of Centro's thunder. Looks like these two giants are gonna battle it out for control of Thursday.
  9. Why dont you ask Exit's head promoter? He seems to be a source of reliable information.
  10. If it is true that he is only playing for 2 hours, save yourself the dough and buy his CD. (or, if ya wanna be extra cheap, just DL the damn thing)
  11. I only heard some live rip, but from what I heard, it suckkkkkksssssssssss the beat is nice, the singer-whoever she is-cant sing to save her life. Hopefully a cleaner rip will do the song some justice.
  12. Here's a multiple screen name Biaaaaaaatch:
  13. I thought that was Smokesum's dad? :confused:
  14. Mike Skiiiiiiiiiiiiii...This was Lizzy's anthem back when Draper was playing Exit.
  15. maybe he heard you were coming, so he decided not to show.
  16. Great. Now we're stuck with Puffy.
  17. I'd like to dedicate my 2000th post to Smoke's big head and to the entire Bump and "..." family. Thanks, guys. Without your support, I wouldnt have been able to accomplish this mighty goal. Thank you..Thank you..
  18. I dont think Magilicutti even posts here, and Smoke is just a total waste of space. I think its time to hand the reins over to some up and coming Bump and "..." members.
  19. HoooooooookkkkkkkkkkFaCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  20. Who wants to see these two rip apart New York?
  21. Once was enough. $40 is a little too rich for my blood. Hopefully soon he'll have another charity event like the one that took place at Arc.
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