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Posts posted by sd

  1. a good friend of mine just called to say his cousin from England is going to in town with one of her friends. the only problem is that they're 19. being past the 21 barrier by a few years i have no idea where to take them.

    what's 18+ or where can they get in without ID (even if its a small, cool lounge). i know that SF and Exit are 18+ on Fridays, any other suggestions, esp. for Saturday. it would be really cool to be able to show them a good time in NYC, they are on the last leg of a year long trip around the world. it would suck if they didn't have a great time here. any thoughts would help.

    thanks guys,


  2. though the train is great because its so fast, i'd recommend taking the ferry. its pretty cool to leave the cliffs of Dover (they're chalk white) behind you and approach Calais from the channel. there is a train station there that will allow you to get anywhere you want to go. just be careful not to get there to late in the evening, my girlfriend and I got caught at a town about 20 miles south of Calais for a night waiting for a train to get us to where we were heading (we took our sweet ass time leaving London). though it was the Festival of Fish, which was pretty cool to see, rural France at its best.

    to anyone thats going to be in Europe in August make a point to get to Geneva for its festival, 300,000 people partying all day and all night for 3 days, every kind of electronic music (and others) that you can imagine, carnival rides, food and tons of booze, set on a crystal clear lake surrounded by the Swiss Alps.

    renting a car on your own will be pretty expensive (unless 4 people not a very good idea, remember gas is also 4x as expensive), your best bet as was mentioned above would be to get a EuroRail type pass, you can travel anywhere during a certain time period (there are some restrictions). they are also fairly reasonably priced. if your going to travel alone, travel with loose plans, stay in youth hostels, usually you'll meet people (i've met some incredible friends this way) that you can travel with, which makes it a lot more fun.

    hope that helps a little if you have any questions PM me.


  3. Hey, is that a keg in your pants?

    Cause BABY, I wanna tap that ASS.

    I have experienced great success with this "line". Its great because you can quickly judge the fun factor of any girl by her reaction to it. If she is shocked, appalled, hits you or simply does not think its funny, move on. Should she laugh, you've got a keeper.

  4. 3rd Friday of every month used to be DJ Heaven at the Limelight. I think she lost her residency though, the crowd wasn't really down with her sound, she would have done better at Centro. Kind of a shame she's fuckin' hot.

  5. So, about 5 years ago I'm out in the Hamptons with a few of my friends. Hadn't seen them in a while and we proceeded to get absolutely shit-faced, nothing new there.

    After getting back to my friends house I proceeded to fall on my face and pass out on the floor. About 2 hours later I awoke to feel that my tongue piercing was floating around in my mouth as opposed to being fixed through my tongue, as it should be. Still wasted, I got up, went to the bathroom, and tried to get it back in. I was congnicent enough to get it through my tongue, but seemed to be missing the necessary motor skills to screw the ball back into the post. After about 5 minutes I gave up. An hour later we all wake up to the Goat (friend, Billy) yelling that the surf is pounding and we have to go. The other 3 of us got up and headed down to the beach. As we paddle out I realized that I have misplaced one of my personal belongings, unable to do anything about it I just stayed out in the water. The Goat was on the beach about 25 minutes later puking his guts out which was funny as fuck, especially considering his ass had us out their at 7:30am in the first place.

    Later that day when I returned to the house and tried to replace the stud I realized the hole had already closed up.

    When I got home a day later I had to go and get it repierced, which hurt like a mother. I didn't have any money as I'd donated it all to the various bars in and around Hampton Bays, so the guy said he would just push a needle through, no charge, as long as he didn't use clamps. I had to push my tongue against the needle, as he had nothing to push against. He told me it wouldn't hurt, what a crock of shit, he knew it would kill and probably thought it would be humorous to see me hurt myself.

    The moral of the story, don't fall on your face if you have a piercing in your head, as you might jar it loose.


    [This message has been edited by sd (edited 06-27-2001).]

  6. I have to agree with momadance, Destiny's Child sucks. Their songs are so played out its ridiculous and Beyonce seems to think that her shit don't stink. Her attitude sucks, which is a direct result of ppl kissing her ass, such as at MTV.

    Lets see where they are in a couple of years, when they've gone through a couple more group members and the world sees what a bitch she really is.


  7. My parents were both born and raised in Ireland, I was born in France but spent most of my youth in the beautiful 'burbs of northern NJ.

    When people ask me what I am, I always answer that I'm an American. Not so much because I'm a US citizen but because as a person that's who I am. Though influenced by the other cultures I've been exposed to, the way I act, think and live are what most would call American. Thinking independantly, the ability to determine ones own future, freedom, the lack of constraints on thought and development are reasons why I answer the question the way I do.

    I am an American.


  8. I think the best bet is to pick one of the 2 weekends, either before or after and make it last for 5 days. I'm getting together with a bunch of my friends and we're going out to LA for 5 days. I can't wait its going to be insane, we're throwin' a bachelor weekend for one of the guys coming out and all the rest of our friends live out there.

    It'll be a quiet week, so many people will take the whole week off or extend their weekends on either end that no one will be getting shit done.


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