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Posts posted by sd

  1. Originally posted by ichi_gami

    OK, so this last one is supposed to do WHAT, exactly? Is this supposed to make me wanna go str8? :puke:


    actually ichi, many groups are using this as part of their campaign in support of euthanasia.


  2. this is a great place to come. there's tons of people that have been through the same thing you have, the only difference is that they are still out there at the clubs loving the scene and music and having a great time. i've settled down a ton over the course of the last year and other than the very occasional indulgence don't use, yet i still get out to the clubs and have as much fun as i ever have before.

    the key is just to find a few people to get out there with, that are doing the same thing you are. i haven't been to any of the meetups yet (conflicts) but it looks like there might be one in the making that should be really fun, check the NY board and go, i'm going to make it.

  3. when you start with the yay, i like to think of it as hitting the ground running. the roll hits me much harder and much faster, i don't even usually wait very long after bumping the last line to take the tab and the i'm good for hours.

    don't go the other way though, it'll bring you down.

    sounds like your going to have a great weekend, just be safe.

  4. Jay and Silent Bob ruined my night; as a matter of fact, they ruined my night so badly that they might have ruined my week. And if I ever see that self-indulgent prick Kevin Smith in person, he’ll be lucky if I’m kind enough to remove my stainless steel spiked KISS boots from his stupid ass after a satisfying session of what the Ancient Romans liked to call peda-sodomia.

    So, in retaliation, I’m taking a clue from my old pal the filthy critic and reviewing Mr. Smith’s latest piece of shit, the almost completely unfunny "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back." Jay and Silent Bob are two semi-retarded caricatured stoners from Red Bank, New Jersey who you might remember from the amusing indy film Clerks, as well as the progressively stupid to stupider to stupiderest Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and the most pretentious assault on intelligence ever put to film, Dogma, in which Mr. Smith was brilliant enough to point out that the bible contradicts itself. Really? A long-ass collection of parables written over hundreds of years by hundreds of people and then translated into hundreds of languages and interpretive schools of thought and ritual isn’t air tight? What, a book whose ambiguous tales are there to make people think about life and faith and how the word of the creator relates to them, a book that inspired everything from alter-boy blowing priests to snake wiggling baptists to airport pencil selling jehovahs witnesses to jews to the weird jews with the curls to mother theresa to christian rock phenom stryper can be interpreted in different ways if you’re as smart as Kevin Smith? Really? Well, jumping Jesus on a pogo-stick, Kevin, you are a smart fat bastard, yes you are.

    So, back to Strike Back; someone obviously more retarded than Jay and Bob decided to make a comic based on them where they play superheroes named Bluntman and Chronic, because they’re such badass potheads. Then, after the success of the x-men movie, the slimy hollywood fucks started buying everything attached to comic books, and the dumbest one of all, I assume, bought bluntman and chronic. This was all explained to them by Ben Affleck’s homophobic chasing amy character Holden something (wow, Kev, referencing "A Catcher in the Rye!" That means the character must be important!), reading from a cue card with all the charisma of a fall-down drunk refilling his own glass at dollar drafts night while the bartender’s back is turned, which made no sense at the time because Affleck didn’t play himself until later. So now the dynamic dildos are heading across country to Hollywood to stop the movie from getting made because people are trashing them on the internet. Like me. More on that later. Along the way viewers are treated to an endless chain of homophopic fellatio jokes, including: "Silent Bob loves cock," and "You love cock, don’t you Silent Bob," and "If you let us go, my friend Silent Bob will suck your cock," to name a few. Now, I’m not against a good joke at the expense of anyone, but it better be funny, not just stupid and an obviously transparent outing of the joke’s writer, as in, "If I write all these jokes about how my character loves to suck cock, nobody will think that I really would like grease Matt Damon down and blow him like a rusty trombone." Still, there’s good with the bad. I’ll give you the worst first; as the movie is really a collection of comic book/campy 80’s shit/movie nerd inside references, Mr. Smith decided to send up Charlie’s Angels. He casts his wife (who looks like she should be in a trailer somewhere bringing her husband another Schlitts before heading to the diner to work a double shift while he scratches himself and collects workmen’s comp) along with two very attractive women and the now very anorexic and Olive Oyl-ish Shannon Elizabeth. OK, Kev, you’re fat and your wife has an attractive figure, and she loves you for your mind. Sorry to say, that means she’s got a pea brain, a nice body, and a face to protect it.

    Now the best, and the only thing that kept me from punching the guy in front of me who was mad when I kicked his seat every time he laughed at something that wasn’t funny; Will Ferrell. This guy is the funniest man on the planet, and I think that’d be the case even if Chris Farley were still alive. He’s like Bill Murray in that he doesn’t do jokes, he just plays a character so well that it makes me laugh until I choke. And there’s no way Kevin Smith wrote any of his lines, because they’re too good. I wish I could give him a big sweaty hug because he is the man, and he made what was otherwise a nauseating, pretentious pile of self-indulgent crap pretty fucking funny at times. I won’t ruin the ending for you, but Jay and Bob make it to Hollywood and get paid for their troubles, and blow their money flying across the country beating up the 12 year olds that talked trash about them on the internet. Whoops. Well, as long as one of them sees this, it’s worth it. 191 Greenwood Ave. Bethel, CT 06801. I’ll put some tea on, fuckos.

  5. Originally posted by madrusso

    nice post phuture, thanks. just wondering , what happens when people OD, fall into coma and some die unfortunatelly, i heard a lot of cases its just overheating and dehydration.


    pills are actually not the reason that people die, its the side effects. people that die while using "E" are usually in clubs where its very hot, they are dancing non-stop for hours on end and their bodies simply dehydrate. as their bodies can't cool themselves they overheat and this can cause a coma and possible death. the actual medical cause of death is the same as the cause of death that football players such as Corey Stringer have been dieing from, overheating and dehydration, their bodies can no longer control their own temperatures.

    this is why when doing any drugs in an area where it is really hot, where your dancing and sweating you should be sure to drink lots of water, and not drink alcohol as this simply dehydrates you more (hangovers are predominantly caused by dehydration, try drinking a glass of water with every few drinks and you'll feel much better the next morning).

    hope that helps

  6. sorry bud, sounds like your fucked, just move on and make a better first impression with the next one.

    if you waste your time anyway, flowers are the wrong idea, they will just play into the whole insincere view she already has of you. the only way to get her to change your opinion of you is through time. you need to prove to her that you do care, that your not simply a Jackass, this can only happen through your actions, actions that show that you are a great person, that you do care, that you can be a person different than the one she believes that you are. this won't happen over night, good luck.

  7. you knew you were doing the right thing. there is nothing better than knowing your in control (and empowering). obviously not someone you needed, knew it wouldn have been nice but stood your ground.

    its always so much better when you knew you did the right thing the next morning.

  8. Originally posted by phuturephunk

    Consumption went down, so the drug industry (LOL) decided to fix their rep and up the purity and concentration.

    It worked. I have to speculate that it did BOTH from an increase in Quality and a decrease in the British population's frequency of usage.

    ahh Capitalism, keeps the world goin' round.

    its amazing how the basic rules of macro-economics (the same we studied in college) apply to all facets of life. if you spend any time reading about the drug trade you realise that is nothing more than another business. the quality of cocaine has consistently increased over the course of the last 30 years (you don't find me complaining). as the producers felt the pinch of users turning to other drugs, ecstacy, special K, heroin (with an increase in purity, decrease in the needs for needles, one less barrier preventing people from trying it) they had to increase the purity in order to maintain their share of the market.

    whats amazing is that outside of all the violence, murders, corruption the drug trade is no different from our free market system except that they are a lot more successful, make a lot more money and don't pay taxes.

    hhmmm, time for a career change.

  9. thats the most well researched and thought out "e-tardedness" post i've read. i went through the same experience about a year ago, got really depressed and started reading about the how "E" actually works and found the same thing. its amazing, everything in moderation, in the spring i rolled again and once since and each time its been amazing. i rolled really hard for hours.

    i hear people all the time saying "e used to be so much better, and the pills 5 years ago were the shit." i'm not saying that some pills aren't better than others because i know some are. what i am saying though is that the real reason people feel this away about pills is because of the pysiological effects e has had on their brains. pills are not significantly less potent than they were 5 years ago, they can simply only have so much effect on you after you've abused them.

    if you want to really want to enjoy your drugs, mix them up. use them at different times and in moderation, thats what my scientific research has led me to do and i'll tell you what, the last year of partying has been the best ever in terms of fun and diminishing the side effects of doing to much of just one.

  10. i'd set my parents up for life.

    i'd get all my friends cool cars, preferably with hydraulics.

    i'd build a compound, on a lake near a great ski resort, it would have a motocross track, quads, jetskis, boats, snowmobiles, and a huge garage with lots of space to work on all the toys. there would also be huge room, attacked to the kitchen where we could all hang out w/ a trampoline, pool table, beirut table, flat screen, Phazon, tons of really comfy couches and you could walk out of there onto a big patio where there would be a huge pool with a 3 meter spring board (there would of course be a fully stocked bar).

    i'd go back to Thailand and stay in Koh Samui for a year.

    i'd go to Alaska and heli-ski for 3-4 months in the spring.

    i'd get another great club in NYC, bringing in big talent for all of us that are in need. i'd design the space like Zouk in Singapore with different environment's and atmospheres in the club.

    i'd spend a summer in Ibiza.

    i'd go back to school.

    i'd sail around the world with the love of my life (if i found her).

    i'd become an incubator, taking people with ideas and giving them a place put those ideas to use, similarly to Bill Gross.

    if i got married, i'd have Pete Tong spin at my wedding.

    as you can see, i've spent way to much time thinking about this and its not like the $100 bucks i bought in tickets paid off yesterday. so why should it next week? i guess you can always dream.

  11. there is nothing better than the satisfaction of making some one you love have an orgasm by having your head between their legs. not to mention its just fun, especially once you get to know what gets her off, you can just fuck with her and get her really close and then back off, just teasing her. following it up with some serioussex is the best, because she'll be all lubed up and ready to rock.

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