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Posts posted by sd

  1. my parents are 16 years apart. they have an amazing relationship and have been married 28 years. there are some issues that arise as a result of age, but nothing to difficult. i think for my Mom its the fact that he could die and while she still has years to live, hes 69, she's 53 now, that she could have to live without the love of her life for a long time.

    though it worked for my parents, i don't think i would look to someone younger. i actually tend to find that girls 2-3 years younger than me and even my age (i'm 25) lack the life experiences and maturity that i'm looking for in a g/f. maybe as i get older that will change.

  2. highmay,

    my involvement in bestiality is spot on, i'm down for some barnyard antics. however too talkative, how so? and please, French poodles, though into bestiality, i'm certainly not gay.

    c'est pas mal de pas avoir trops a faire, mais pas pour trop long temps. aujord'hui pour moi y'a pas trop qu'il se passe, j'attends des reponse de plusieurs personne avant pouvoir avance avec leurs projets. comme tu dits l'experience d'une petite boite pouras peut etre m'aidais, ca c'est mon plan. il suffit que cette companie soit un success.

    tes j'amais allez en Califorie? ca c'est fou. je pensait ques j'alais y retourner quand j'ai fini l'ecole en Mai. mais quand on ma offer cette position ca sera pas tres sage de pas la prendre. j'ai une season pass a Mammoth Mt. c'est a 3 heures au sud du Lake Tahoe. j'ai pas mal d'ami qui habite a LA, et quelques un qui habite a Squaw.

    L'Irlande est un beau petit pays, si ta le temps je pense que ca sera une bonne idea de y'aller. tu retourne souvent en Allemagne, ta dis que un de tes parents etait Allemand.

    j' pris ton email, je vais t'ecrire dans quelques minutes.

  3. Originally posted by highmay

    hey SD, i was only raggin on ya...so if you are too...BLOW ME...

    yeah, i'm ragging on you.its all in good, dirty fun.. so go fuck a donkey.

    les etudes de droit, ca se dure. ta pris les LSAT? si non, je te souhait bonne chance. je viens juste de finir mes etudes under-Grad. mew notes etais bonnes mais pas superbes, est ca ne m'aides pas que je suis allez a 3 colleges et que ca ma pris 6 ans. c'ais pour ca que j'ai pris ce job, experience j'espere miaiderait rentre a une bonne ecole comme Stern ou Marshall.

    mais parents sont Irlandais, je ne retourne pas aussi souvent que je souhaiterais, mais on fait ce qu'on peut. je voyage comme pas mal, mais parents ont une petite maison pres de la mediteranne ou ont allez tout le temps quand j'etais plus jeunes. je pense qu'on va allez en irlande cette annee for Noel, voire la famille.

    la plus part du temps quand je sort, c'est a New York, la plus par de mes amis y habite. recament, je sort pas trop, j'essaie de pas trop depenser, l'hiver arrive et j'adore faire du skis, je vais en californie aussi souvent que possible.

    un de ce jours, on ira prendre quelques bieres. je ne savait pas qu'ils y'avait des boites Francaise a NYC.


  4. j'habite au West New York, dans le New Jersey. ca prends a peu pres 10 minutes pour entrees a NYC. j'travail pour un petite company a quize kilometres a l'ouest de Manhattan. apres an MBA, dans quelques ans, j'espere trouve du travail avec une grande companie international Francaise comme, Vivendi ou AXA. ya un peu de temps avant que ca se passe.

    tes parents on Francais, comment ca se fait que ta habite en dehors de Paris? retournes tu souvent?

    un de se jours peutetres on se recontrerait en boite.

    hey Highmay, though we're communicating in French, we live right here with you. so SUCK it.

  5. Originally posted by tepfenhardth

    Comment ca se passe la bas. Je suis au etats-unis, excuse mon ecriture puisque j'ai fait des cours que aux cm2. Sinon, Best essential mix - j'aime bien le Mauro Picotto aussi. Est ce que c'est fou en France aussi. Mon frere y habite dans le quartier latin. A plus


    ou est que to apris ton Francais? c'est bein marant qu'ils ya quelques Francophone ici. est qu'ils ya des autres Francais sur CP? excues mon Francais ecris, ils est terribles. je suis nes en France a Grenoble, jais passe 8 ans la bas. ca fait a peu pres 10 ans depuis ma derniere lesson Francaise. Renaud, tu viens a New York souvents?

    a plus tards les amis.

  6. depends who you get caught by.

    the only time i got caught was by my g/f at the time. at first she gave me a look of disbelief, best described as, "we had sex twice less than an hour ago and your sitting here masturbating". (i was so horny as a result of the filthy sex we had just had that i had to). i of course didn't stop, thinking she would just walk out, after about 30 seconds of watching, she had a hand down her bathing suit, getting herself off, her other hand was playing with her nipples. needless to say that it leaded to another hour long romp. after that experience, i don't mind being caught.

  7. i couldn't agree more with what you have written.

    its fascinating to see how your thought process has developed, through this one experience you came to a realization that i would agree, many people don't. i have slowly over the course of the last 2-3 years begun to formulate a similar type of belief. mine however has developed very differently, as i learned from each relationship, whether 2 years or a one night stand, they each had relevant lessons, that not only make me a better lover, but allow me to better understand women.

    i've never seen these ideas so concisely laid out, in fact i don't think i've ever even been able to think the thoughts you wrote as clearly or in such an organized fashion. it would seem all the reading you have done in addition to this one specific experience spawned a new thought process for you, a paradigm shift if you will.

    i used to think that once you got a little older, especially for guys the sex went downhill, i've come around 180 degrees and now believe the opposite. as you find someone more compatible, whos more willing to experiment with you, thats patient and unrushed with whom you have repeated sexual encounters, that you are emotionally attached to, that you share all aspects of life with, that you will begin to have the best sex of your life.

  8. Originally posted by tastyt

    HA! Closer to 10 grand if you want a good doctor who won't make you look like you stuffed volleyballs in your chest wall!

    an ex of mine got hers done out in LA about 4 months ago, for a little less than 6K. i didn't think that she should get them done, she didn't need it, but i saw them recently and they are amazing, perfectly symmetrical, they hang (not torpedoes) and they are a full C, not to big. the doctor that did them was apparently really good.

    all in all though, don't think she should have done it. i'm not really down with fake boobies.

  9. Originally posted by jennEfer

    should I go out and do the fun thing on the friday before and then have a small romantic dinner thingwith my boyfriend on my real birthday?

    this seems to me to be the best option, why only celebrate your birthday on one day, when you can make a great week out of it, i mean you'll only have this particular birthday once. seems to me that starting your birthday week with Sasha and Diggers and then ending it with a quiet dinner with the one you love, is the only way to go.

    you should also be sure to plan other events for the middle of the week, parents, girlfriends, and co-workers should be scheduled on various days to enhance this special time in your life.

  10. If my girlfriend had problems with me having friends that were of the opposite sex our relationship would end. I have 4 girls that I'm really tight with that I've been friends with for years. They are amazing people, I wouldn't sacrifice the relationships with them for a girlfriend. This probably also has something to do with the fact that I think that kind of attitude says a lot about the person and how they're going to react to other situations (ie. not worth being in a relationship with in the first place).

    Even if I met a girl while I was in relationship, I wouldn't hesitate to be friends with them. As long as its platonic I see no reason why you can't/shouldn't have friends of the opposite sex. How are you going to avoid it, run the opposite direction every time their is a girl in your environment.

    Btw, of course theirs attraction to someone when you meet them that is interesting, it doesn't mean it has to be sexual, it happens when you meet someone of the same sex to. Cool, interesting, intriguing people, create attraction.

  11. 25

    i never thought i would still feel this immature at this age. i thought i would have grown up by now, this however does not seem to be the case, nor will it ever be. i'm doomed to the maturity of a 13 year old, and i LOVE it.

  12. Originally posted by rachel8c

    I gues we all like gossip. Maybe the persons energy is focused somewhere else perhaps something positive?

    though your right in that we were giving him recognition, it was more out of curiosity than anything else. he had been on the boards non-stop for about 3 weeks, posting total crap and another CP member who had gone out with him (a while back as I understand) was threatening legal action against him, specifically saying that two weeks ago he was going to get arrested. i wanted to know what had happened.

    i think his energy is probably focused on extrapilating himself from his current troubled situation.

  13. yeah this website is hysterical.

    i especially like the quote at the bottom, "I cannot believe we wasted $150,000 on tuition for this crap. I could have had two Jaguars." website creators Mom.

  14. i totally agree with DG, when you meet friends through friends thats cool, thats how i've met most of the people i've been in relationships with. there's a common bond before you even meet.

    however getting setup sucks, most of my friends are in serious relationships or are married. their g/f's and wives feel as though they have to set me up with their friends, and play little matchmaker. they know i hate it and they'll scheme when i'm out with them to have their friends meet us out and "randomly run into us". yeah right, they now exactly what they're doing. i guess thats one of the downfalls of being an eligible bachelor, j/k.

  15. Originally posted by shugabooga

    here's another common question that guys like to ask girls: how old were you when you lost your virginity.

    why do they need to know.

    curiosity, is the reason i like to know.

    i have yet to sleep with a girl and her give me an answer in regards to virginity that upset me. i've slept with girls who lost their's as young as 14, i actually went out with her for 6 months. for me personally, the age of loss of virginity is of no importance to the outcome of the relationship.

  16. i'm good friends with a lot of girls. at times it was really frustrating because you want to take it to the next level. eventually, i came to the realization that if they didn't want to be with me, their was no point in forcing the issue.

    i would suggest two things-

    if you want to get in a sexual relationhship you need to do it earlier on, often it is no more than the mystique around this new individual. the downside to this is that usually no relationship comes out of it.

    stay friends with them, as you get older the things that you offer become more valuable, assets so to speak, being a good guy, friendly someone they can turn to and trust are all worthwhile characteristics. worse case scenario they'll be setting you up with their friends, or even better trying to set themselves up with you. you'll also learn a lot about women that will prove valuable when you do get into the right relationship.

    though things may not seem great now they will be. good luck.

  17. Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

    See, you think you wanna know, butthen you find out, and you aren't so sure anymore.......

    That's where that double standard kinda comes in.....It's a hard call.

    it is a tough call, i guess i won't really know until i'm in that situation again.

    yeah it is a total double standard. i would tend to think think that people today are more open to and understanding of this, a byproduct of the feminist movement i suppose.

  18. Originally posted by jaxl

    Nah, I don't think so. He PM'd me about some bs related to his posts. Sure wish he'd stop.

    that psycho pulled the same shit with me. some thing must happened that all of a suddenhe stopped posting.

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