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Posts posted by sd

  1. Originally posted by destiny779

    wow that definately sounds horrible...not a good way to start off the new year.

    sure was, woke up with a nasty hangover, was pissed that we'd gotten in an argument, and worst of all my friends couldn't help but wonder why we were arguing, and you know on some level doubting the value of our relationship.

  2. mine was going great, i was at a good friends wedding in the backwoods of CT. then my g/f and i managed to get into a disagreement at about 11:45 and missed the countdown, fucking terrific. of course i came out looking like the asshole.

  3. Originally posted by teklord310

    How much is the average roll??

    I found a great place down by school, $1 pieces of sushi and most rolls are $2.50 - $3.00. Damn cheap, but still more expensive that your average meal.

    SUSHI is the SHIT! Anyone up for a clubplanet Sushi Meetup?? hehe :D

    Jewel Bako is on the expensive side, bill was $300 for 4, we drank a bottle of good saki, and drank quite a bit though. the Sushi sampler was $29 with 10 (great) different pieces of Sushi, which was the best value on the menu.

  4. another great Sushi place is Jewel Bako, on 5th St., between 2nd & 3rd. its actually right down the block from the Lep. place is deeee-licious, tried some jelly fish there on Saturday night, never had it before, its pretty bland and really crunchy.

  5. nothing deadpan about it (outside of the girl going down and suffocating of course).

    the rest are serious issues that people that are overweight undoubtedly have to deal with. they are human functions, urges and motivations that on some level have got have an effect on their psyches. the inherent embarassment in dealing with those basic human actions have got to have long lasting effects and may even drive to further bingeing on food as it is most likely a source of comfort, further exacerbating the problem.

    ok, that may have been a little deadpan. but seriously, you can't tell me that at some point and some level you haven't wondered about how morbidly obese people face normal day to day experiences that may create challenges, that a person of normal height and weight would not be faced with.

    that is at the root of it all that i was wondering, call me sick, or demented if you want for not asking about how they tied their shoes i suppose that on some level i am. but these are a few of the sick and demented things, that i happen to be wondering about.

  6. Originally posted by weyes

    this year, i have made less than $17,000. it is impossible to live off of this and own a car (insurance and f'in maintenance :mad: ) - which is a necessity in l.a., and live as far from work as i do (gas), etc. and i have made more than 4 times that much money for my company. today alone, i made over $2,300 in sales.

    i need a new job, i need money; cry001.gif .

    if you can sell, you should sell something that costs more that in turn pays better commissions. i don't know what your entire story is, but i do know that companies are always look for sales people, because sales drives every companies future, whether it be down the toilet or to financial success.

    LA's job market may not be great right now, but there's someone out there that needs you to sell something. if you're an aggressive sales person, as a woman you can kill it, take advantage of men's weaknesses and make yourself enough to live on.

    just get out there and do it.

  7. as foul as that was, it was equally amazing. i have to admit to not being able to stop scrolling down.

    i've always wondered how weight was distributed on the morbidly obese (i now have a much clearer picture), and a few other things. i have to admit to now having more questions, for example-

    1. when you're that overweight can you actually have sex, as in penetrate a vagina, i would think that the said individuals penis would be to recessed to be able to touch a vagina let alone penetrate it.

    2. if you were walking along, and got a hard on (nobody would notice), would the movement of folds (of skin) against your penis be enough to get you off?

    3. can you jerk off, or does fighting your body to get to your penis require so much energy that you are exhausted before you get off?

    4. if a chic were to go down on you, would she risk dying of suffocation?

    5. when you take a shit, does the shit get out? or does is just smear all over your cheeks.

    6. can you wipe your ass, or do you use some sort of hose (i would think that a bidet would be an option, but i can't see it as being big enough, which brings the question of whether or not you can use a regular toilet, or do you need to have a special one built for your ass).

  8. Originally posted by sassa

    A guy friend of mine was joking about it the other way, and I was wondering if a lot of guys actually do this....

    and do people shave/wax their a-holes.....stemming from a thread that was here before...

    yup, i shave it all off. its a lot nicer when its completely smooth.

    my g/f does the same, clean front to back. sex feels so much better w/o hair, the best is right after we've both shaved, you feel this super soft skin against yours, i'm getting a semi just thinkin' about it.

    in regards to waxing, i can't imagine how much that would hurt, i'll run the risk of a cut over the pain associated with waxing anyday of the week.

    the key for those thinking of testing the water, is baby powder or triple medicated gold bond, especially right after you shave. otherwise things will stick where they're not supposed to, and you might get a bit of a nasty rash, not to mention if you shave your ass, your cheeks just don't slide against each other the way they did. so apply liberally, and you'll be a happy hairless wonder.

  9. Originally posted by shugabooga

    i read in Maxim that this kind of thing could be caused by an injury????

    now you're onto something-

    an acquaintance was going at it with his g/f after long sojourn apart. he was pounding away from behind, enjoying himself as was she, when for some reason he pulled out a little to far, normally not a problem, as long as all involved continue moving with in the same plane.

    however at this particular moment, she moved laterally, lining his penis up with her right butt cheek, as he came forward full force, his penis for whatever reason did not slide off her cheek, but (no pun intended) rather impaled himself into it, cause his penis to actually break. now i don't know the exact way such a think happens, but it did.

    as if it wasn't bad enough to have to go to the hospital, suffering from such an injury, he also had to explain to his coach why he needed to be on the DL for the next 3 weeks.

    now i don't know if this would affect his shape of not, i would however surmise that it would be possible that it could.

  10. Originally posted by tastyt

    I'll give you the background-

    This thread was really started for those of us who, unfortunately, are unable to contribute to the "bump this up everytime you get laid" thread- because some of us are sorry fucks who aren't getting any action.

    Sooo... the orgasm itself can be attained any which way you like... from self, man, woman or beast... but if ya wanna talk about actual fucking, without making us feel worse than we already do... take it to the other thread buddy... :tongue: :tongue:

    ah-ha, now i comprehend, i'm pretty thick skulled. as a former, and certainly future "sorry fuck" i will rub one out in solidarity with you all this evening, and i'll be sure to take it to the right thread then.

  11. Originally posted by tastyt

    Kindly refrain from talking about sex on this thread! There's another thread for that. This is about orgasms only please!!!

    sorry, didn't realize the technicalites of this thread, requiring that the orgasm had to be one stimulated in some way other than sex. be sure to find the right thread next time.

    in order to insure that i do not commit a similar, grievous error again, would you mind breaking down what is allowed within this thread; oral, manual stimulation by another person, in addition to masterbation. if you pleasure yourself while watching your partner pleasure themselves, do the powers that be consider this sex or an orgasm?

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