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Posts posted by sd

  1. thought my fellow CP Sex Board freaks might get a kick out of this story:

    a few nights ago, the girl i'm seeing and i are getting it on and having a great time. we were going at it for the second time and some how ended up sitting, facing each other, watching as we got ourselves off. i was jerkin' away, horny as hell watching her play with her cleanly shaven pussy, getting more and more turned on by this whole scenario. as i'm about to cum i leaned back against the head board and looked down at dick, as i did i came hard and managed to shoot myself in the face and mouth. at first i couldn't believe it, i was shocked. about two seconds later i realized what happened and started to laugh my ass off, as did she. she then did the hottest thing, crawled up to me and licked the cum off my face, the girl is amazing.

  2. i actually didn't realize how many people i had sex with until i wrote them down about 3 weeks ago (it took a few minutes to remember them all). it came up in conversation and i said about 10-11, the next day i began to write them down and all of sudden was at my actuall #. i couldn't believe i'd had sex with that many, i wasn't sure whether i should be proud of myself or disgusted.

  3. Originally posted by clubkat

    and the moans will have you wanting to suck some more!!! :D


    :tongue: JUST THUMP IT :tongue:

    once again Clubkat shows why she is the shit.

    i love having my balls played with. having them sucked is great, but my favorite is when i'm doing her doggie having her reach up and massage them, especially when i'm about to come. the other thing that i like is with her on top, having her sit all the way back, so i'm completely in her and her massaging them.

  4. Originally posted by somebitch

    i think the quality of men out there is going down... most of them are assholes.


    yeah some of us can be, and even i have at times, sometimes and often unintentionally. you can be an asshole for anything you do.

    for example;

    i recently ran into this girl that i grew up with, we've hung out in a group setting a few times, she wants to go out and get involved and i on the other hand do not, because i don't i am perceived as an asshole. i could on the other hand, bow to her wants and go out with her, say to dinner and then lets say we get fucked up (which will happen) and she's totally coming on to me and we get it on (great i finally get some ass). but then the next day, i'm happy cause i got some, only to remember that i'm not intereted in a relationship (with her), and because she had a great time the night before she's even more into me. then i end it because i don't want a relationship, and now i'm still an asshole, because i did as she wanted and took her out, we hooked up and now i'm holding true to the course i had set earlier.

    either way i'm an asshole, i guess i should just start hookin' up like a tow truck, hahaha.

    seriously though, can a good guy win? i do the right thing, don't out out with her, or get in her pants (taking advantage of her feelings for me) and i still come out at the shit end of the stick.

  5. the reason he's so good at fucking you, is because you guys have had so much experience with one another, the fact that there are still feelings obviously has something to do with it and makes it more intense and therefore enjoyable.

    if as you say you believe, that there is no future between the two of you, you need to stop fucking him. you will NOT be able to move on until you do, your not giving yourself the ability to close out this part of your life. you're also probably not giving another person the chance to become a part of your life and get good a fucking you, because of your relationship with this ex.

    finding another comparable relationship doesn't happen overnight, sometimes you have to wait awhile before finding another person that means as much to you, give it time, be patient and it will happen. good luck.

  6. done it, and wouldn't hesitate to do it again. the only problem i've encountered is that you often need lubrication, the blood/fluids tend to dry faster and it can get a little sticky. my ex used to get really bad cramps, a good hard fucking used to make her relax and feel a lot better.

  7. Originally posted by fierydesire

    Ummm...is that a problem....

    no, no, no, fierydesire, its not a problem at all.

    i actually think its great. i'm actually jealous of the variety of implements that women have at their disposal in regards to getting themselves off, you are only limited by your imagination. we men just don't have that kind of selection.

  8. Originally posted by saigray

    AnD an addition to the complaining ( I'm whiny today) when I pay 10+ for a redbull and vodka, it is reprehensable to replace the redbull with cheap ass,immitation "energy drink", that tastes like flat cream soda!!!

    that shit drives me up a wall. if it were the real deal i wouldn't be as likely to bitch about it being $10, or if it at least tasted similar it wouldn't be so bad. but for it to taste like shit, be a rip off and not provide any energy just isn't right.

  9. Originally posted by mjr203


    Cipriani's at 42 is 110 East 42nd Street NOT rockefeller ctr.



    wow, i totally fucked up. MJR you're right.

    i was on their (cipriani's) site and clicked on Rainbow room instead of the 42nd St. accidentally. being as it is that i'm a go-tard (semi functioning retard) i got all excited and didn't have the capabilty to cross reference this information with the fact that Rockefeller Ctr isn't even on 42nd. i apologize to all that i mislead.

    after checking out the 42nd St. venue ("this italian renaissance masterpiece features soaring marble columns, a 65 foot ceiling, magnificent inlaid floors and glorious chandeliers, a national and New York City landmark interior"), seems like it could be a pretty cool place to get down, though certainly not the Rainbow Room.

  10. from my understanding there was nothing to misconstrue, it was harassment. if you go back through the archives you should find a couple of threads that stopit wrote, essentially describing how since they broke up he has stalked her at work, embarassed her in her workplace, lied to her colleagues, to her parents, emailed and called her non stop, basically refusing to break contact with her to the point where her attempts to avoid him were controlling the way she had to live her life. his parents have, as i understand it tried to intervene with him on her behalf.

    its embarassing for all involved, i'm embarassed by his actions and i don't know either of them.

    there are probably 50 of his ridiculous threads in the archives. he would post a topic and then once he got a few responses, hopefully stopit's, being one of them he would go back and edit all his threads to say something different. he pm'd me and at least one other person, with threats, or just shit that made no sense. he's basically a psycho.

  11. Originally posted by barvybe

    guys in groups tend to be idiots...


    thats so true, i love hanging out with my friends and being an idiot. its so much fucking fun. my group of guy friends has over the years found about 10 girls who think we are absolutely hilarious, while the rest see our behaviour and puke. i know what kind of girl i wanna be with.

  12. Originally posted by drama

    I am going to have to go against the norm on this one and say that it would not bother me and I see nothing wrong with it. My closest friends are male and I chill with them as any other female would with their girlfriends and yes, I do chill with them alone on occasion at their place. My boyfriend is extremely understanding of my friendships because he trusts me. I have never given him reason not to and would be offended if he thought something was going on being that these guys have always been my friends - nothing more. If there is complete trust - there should be no issue. I do not really see it as a guy and girl hanging out - they are as much a friend to me as some females are and there should be no reason that I should have to put limitations on my friendships because they have a dick and my man can't cope with that - I am not having that...

    As for me dealing with my man doing the same - if his girlfriends were respectful of me, I have no problem with it. If your mate is going to cheat on you, there is nothing you can do about it. I would rather him be honest with me about who he hangs out with and what he does.

    i totally agree with DRAMA. i have amazing friend-girls and would not sacrifice the friendships i have built with them over the years for a possesive, jealous girlfriend. i beleive in trust, trust that allows you to continue to lead your life and enjoy doing the things you did before you were in a relationship. if i had to completely change my life for someone it wouldn't work out, wouldn't work out and i would want no part of it.

    with that said, i would have no issues with my g/f (which is non-existent at the time) hanging out with guys that shes good friends with. i had a two year long distance relationship, when i used to visit my g/f we used to hang out with her guy friends, they were all great, fun guys. i would rather know she was out with them, people that care about her and would look out for her than out with her girls having tons of scumbags hitting on her. it would be one thing if all of a sudden she was hanging out with some new guy and she was acting all weird, but that not being the case and the guys being friends is totally cool.

    on a some what different note, i want my g/f to be able to hang out with and feel comfortable with all my guy friends, regardless of whether or not i'm around. the guys i'm friends with are friends for life and its important to me that the person in my life gets along well with them. one of my friends is away on business a lot and his wife hangs out with us all the time when he's away. he knows he has nothing to fear and feels better when she's with us, knowing that we'll take care of her.

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