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Posts posted by sd

  1. YES, More=Less

    I came to this conclusion recently, I was enjoying the beautiful weather, sitting outside with Mike, Allyssa and Nicole (names have been changed to protect the innocent) when it hit me as we were talking, More=Less. I confirmed this with Mike as soon as the girls got up to go look at the flowers or some such shit. So here it is, take it to heart.

    While having somehow or other found myself involved with this girl I realize that she wants MORE, if I do get involved with her or continue to fornicate with her it will =LESS for me (LESS, money, partying, time riding motorcycles, watching MTV, etc). Therefore using E=MC squared (the theory of relativity) and some basic accounting principals I conclude that if I give her MORE, that means LESS for me. I refuse to have LESS for me, so I say NO.

    Mull it over, MORE=LESS, avoid relationships, especially for all you winter sport enthusiasts, cold weather is upon us and you need to be saving for the upcoming season. If you can find a girl (or guy for you ladies) that just wants to molest you and take advantage of your manhood go for it (this was my original hope), however this seems to be highly unlikely so watch out.

    This Public Service Announcement has been brought to sd.

  2. I like her a lot.

    Everything I've heard and read about her points to her being a postive influence in DnB. She's involved in a all the big DnB nights in England, promoting and playing, she's on the road all the time as a positive influence and spokesperson for not only DnB but the whole scene.

    I've never heard that she had been in Playboy before. She is beautiful though.

  3. I love history. You can't understand where we are, how we got here and the most recent tragic events without understanding it. More importantly you couldn't figure out how to solve the complex issues that our country and the world is faced with today without first understanding history and our place and involvement in it.

    History tells a story, the key is having a cool professor to teach it to you. I totally agree if the professor sucks the class will to.

  4. yeah that cartoon is the shit. i started watching it in the late 80's when i lived in France, they have so many awesome Japanese cartoons there, with amazing fight scenes. when i moved back here i was so disappointed that they didn't have it, finally about 3 years ago they got it. yeah, i'm in my 20's and i love cartoons.

  5. Originally posted by tilly

    Now my situation seems like a joke next to this morning's activites...I can't even breathe...It feels fucked up to be out of town and not know if some of my friends are alive and not be able to contact anyone!!!!!!

    no shit.

    i thought about how insignificant all of daily actions are, you know getting kicked out of bars, shopping in supermarkets where there is so much choice in regards to food you have no idea what to buy, going to watch stupid movies like Bubble Boy (not to mention producing them). my first thought was how shallow these things were in relation to what happened today.

    then as i thought about it more i got more and more frustated and angry at the situation, that there are people out there that are so fucked up that they resort to violence to try and solve problems, liked thats ever worked. i'm angry at the fact that there are people that work in the towers may never be able to enjoy the insignificant occurences of everyday life, such as going to bars and getting wasted, or reading, or fucking around with your friends (or more significant like, children, weddings, b-days, and graduations). THATS, NOT FAIR. we should live in a world that is so safe that the seemingly insignificant things are significant.

  6. it sucks that you got kicked out, being fairly well versed at getting kicked out of bars/clubs/drinking establishments, i would tend to say that it had less to do with your state than with your gender. assuming (i could be wrong) of course that you are a woman and this bar caters predominantly to gay males. someone in a position of authority other than the door people could have decided that you shouldn't be there and your drunken state gave them the excuse they needed. or they could be really anal. either way its fuct.

    regardless, great job on getting hammered on a Monday night.

  7. Originally posted by sassa

    wow, i really want to meet you one day dude, that post kicked ass.

    i'd love to take credit for that post, but i can't. one of my best friends emailed it to me, then i saw this thread and had to paste it in. after my friend Brian sent this to me I went and saw it that night, it probably wouldn't have been very funny except that all i could think of is Brian, sitting through the movie absolutely irate as each seen unfolded, having the whole thing narrated to him by this kid (lotta of problems) he's been trying to help out. glad you thought it was funny, you should see some of the other shit (this one was pretty mello) that he writes, its fucking unbelieveable.

    where abouts in SoCal do you live. i used to live in Manhattan Beach, i still have a ton of friends living in the South Bay.

  8. i mean i can't imagine sitting at work and not having the internet to keep me entertained all day long. the shit they give me to do, never takes more than a few hours, which leaves tons of down time, i mean what did people do in the 80's. they must have been bored out of their fuckin' skulls.

    today, i've been kept busy by the following:

    - rachel1997 put up some sweet porn

    - various posts on the New York board

    - the game where you Kill the Bitch from the weakest link (that was at least 13-14 minutes of fun)

    - emailing my friends, catching up on what they're all did last night and ate for breakfast

    - IMing (mostly made up talking shit to my friends)

    - researching my next vacation

    thank god for the internet

  9. yes this does have Wednesday written all over it. The way she's holding her legs, and the position of the penis at the entrance to that love hole, spell W-E-D-N-E-S-D-A-Y.

    Once again Rachel, I must thank you for helping the afternoon go by without so much as even a moment of boredom.

    Originally posted by rachel1997

    I can't belive my eyes:


    What a great pic! ;)

  10. Hey Tastyt, sorry to hear that your having a hard time. We've all been through times that are emotionally difficult, times when your not sure what to do. From reading prior posts of yours I know that you and your b/f have been working through various issues. It sounds like in addition to these issues you guys have been complicating your relationship by involving another person, something that can and often will complicate even the healthiest relationship.

    At the end of my last serious relationship I stepped away from it confused and hurt and completely unsure what to do. At that time a really good friend of mine gave me the best advice I'd ever been given, to simply stay uninvolved, to take time for myself to sort out all the issues that had been created as a result of this relationhsip, to decide what I wanted and needed to take from this relationhsip and what I needed to let go of and simply to heal.

    In the past I had confused the end of the relationship with another person or even worse had been unable to make a clean break from the person with whom I was trying to end the relationship. This only made it that more difficult to sort out all the internal problems I was dealing with. I'm watching one of my friends go through this kind of situation right now, he loves this girl so much yet she hurts him so badly, after he broke up with her, she realized her loss and has campaigned for him back and he just gave in. I know that she'll be back to her old shenanigans before to long and he'll have to go through the same thing again. Because he didn't walk away and give himself the time he needed to find himself again and rebuild.

    Give yourself the time you deserve to discover what you need and want and to rediscover yourself as a person who is emotionally free and independant from others, only then will you know what is best for you.

    Good luck,


  11. last night was great, both Pappa and Burridge tore it up. the last haf hour was off the hook.

    bkissa and nyc420, looked for you guys but didn't see you, i actually asked a couple of guys in black shirts and shorts and sneakers if they were nyc420 and they just looked at me like i was on crack (haha), so i gave up.

    nubreedfan, was a pleasure, thanks for the introductions, it was nice meeting all of you. missed you at the end, but i got my tickets for Sander next week, so i'll see you all there.

    have a great weekend.

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