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Posts posted by sd

  1. so i ask you this- if it were a "disorder", does this disorder prevent them from being, loving and caring parents. what other disorders are going to be banned from parenting, MS, arthritis. in the 1st thread that i believe you started you said that you had gay/lesbian friends (my memory does fail), because they suffer from this disorder, can they not be good, caring friends, or is it only their parenting skills that are inhibited.

    i suppose my next question is this- do you believe that they would not be good parents because they are gay/lesbian, or is it because of the experiences that their children would be subjected to?

    in regards to the NY Times article, I neither said that it was written in support or opposition of my argument. what i did say was that, there were opinions and stories of people in that article that supported my argument. i would argue that if anything it was written objectively, following the pattern most NY Times articles do, attempting to showcase both sides in an objective manner.

  2. most opinions such as the ones that you have displayed, are ones associated w/ closed mindedness. the same kind of closedmindness that is the root of racial, ethnic or religious prejudice, or to involve a gender, the reason there was a need for a feminist movement that began in the early 20th century and still goes on today. DimaNYC your last post was quite well written, which i admit caught me by surprise. i would have a much easier time accepting your views if their was some sort of foundation for them, though i have never read any. however though you are undoubedly intelligent, your bias and the way apparently understood the last quote puzzles me.

    "Some gays worry that the report, in the latest issue of the American Sociological Review, will provide ammunition for opponents of adoption and foster-parenting by homosexuals."

    the reason that gays are concerned, is because there is a differentiation between the two groups (children of same sex couples and children of opposite sex couples) even though it clearly shows that the children (of same sex couple) are often better adjusted to society and its challenges. the concern stems from fear that individuals and groups will use this information out of context to prevent gays and lesbians from being allowed to raise children. similarly to the way you misunderstood and took the quote out of context, the concern is that others will as well. though seemingly educated you for some reason seem to lack the ability to think analytically and possibly independantly, or you may have chosen not to read the entire article and haphazardly saw this one quote and used it, thinking it would work to your benefit. the possibility of most concern however, is that you read the entire article, you understood it and decided to deny and simply not believe what it said.

  3. you better get your ass out and party. he'll get over it, if he wants to spend some qt w/ you he can go down and see you at the shore. school starts in a couple of weeks and you guys will have plenty of time together then. not to mention the fact that he should understand that you want to go out, especially if he can go in whenever he wants to.

    if you go to SF on Saturday, make sure your comfortable w/ your decision, that you aren't going to be worrying about being at SF and him being pissed at you at home.

    go out and have a great time, if hes cool he'll understand and you guys can hang on Saturday or when you get up on Sunday


    ps is there another reason why he wouldn't want you in the city?

  4. you really are fucking lacking in the knowledge department.

    there have been plenty of studies on children raised by same sex couples. during the 80's medical research pointed towards the belief that children of these same sex couples were in no way shape or form different from children of opposite sex couples, this is a well accepted opinion in the medical community. to further your education, about 2 weeks ago there was an article in the New York Times on the children of same sex couples, the article based on a study conducted by 2 psychologists over the the last decade+ indicates that children of same sex couples are actually more well adjusted, have a better understanding of their sexuality and their environment. they are stronger willed, have more well rounded personalities and are better able to deal with adversity than the children of opposite sex couples. this study has since been published in a prominent medical journal and i'm sure you could find it on the internet.

    i don't know what community/family/environment caused you to have such hateful and untolerant feelings. it would probably benefit you tremendously to get out, see the world you live in, read, get educated, meet some new people outside of your sphere of ignorance, not to mention you would probably feel better about your life. and yes DimaNYC, i am straight.

  5. they are at most a 5 minute cab ride away. the Hard Rock is near the Airport and the end of the strip where Mandalay, the Luxor and MGM are, most of the best clubs in those Casinos, other than C2K at the Venetian which is down the strip a bit. the PimpnHo is at Mandalay which you should go to. to give you a rough idea, to walk end to end on the strip would take 20-25 minutes, all the best hotels and casinos are in the first 10.

    have a great trip, Vegas is fantastic.

  6. is where its at. If your under 30 it is by far the best place to stay. They have a sick outdoor pool area, the best of any casino, its just tons of people partying outside in the sun, getting fucked up. If your not staying there and its a busy weekend they often won't let you in. Rooms are nice, its reasonable priced. Even though it is not on the strip its very accessible, with tons of shuttles and buses running back and forth and of course cabs.

  7. if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at, i have no problem laughing at myself and enjoy a good rousting because of who and what i am.

    with that thought in mind, it pisses me off when i laugh at a non PC joke and people give me dirty looks. especially when i know that those "PC" people are the biggest bigots out there.

    i'm not prejudiced by any means, but i like to laugh and if it happens to be at someone or some group, its not that i look down on them or dislike anything about that group, it is nothing more than it being funny.

    if the groups that waste all their time, money and energy on bitching about the Taco Bell ad campaign (and other such instances as were early alluded to by Mugz) concentrated on teaching our children tolerance, patience and how to celebrate our diversity instead of using it as another wall to differentiate between groups, America would be a better place.

  8. This year I'm thinking of heading to Europe, Minisitry of Sound (I think, could be Gatecrasher) throw a 10 day party in the mountains towards the end of the season. I couldn't think of anything better than skiing all day and listening to some of the best DJ's Europe has to offer every night.

    Whistler is the place to be in North America, like Momadance though I would suggest going in March, the weather and snow are much better and more predictable than January.

  9. i used to really like this show, they had some real people, that showed emotions based on worth while real events. this cast, specifically Coral and Nicole need to get over the petty bull shit and be the people they claim to be. i suppose the one good thing that may come out of this is that they realize what bitches and how hypocritical they can be and learn from it, for their own good, ending that "holier than thou" shit.

  10. andre-

    i don't even remember where we went out. we were in a bar downtown, met some people and they took us out to some clubs. my recommendation is to do the same, everyone is really friendly and will at a minimum point you in the right direction.


    Whistler/Blackcomb is by far the best ski town/mountain in North America. Banff though prestigious gets colder than a witches tit, and does not have the night life or the skiing that Whistler does. Whistler/Blackcomb is insane, huge parks, over 5,000 skiable, lift accessesable acres and more backcountry than you know what to do with. it has everything you would want to ski. the village is amazing, tons of bars, great apres, and fun clubs. the locals are all cool as shit, party like rock stars and rippin' skiers/snowboarders. not to mention the US$ goes pretty far up there. i think you get what i'm hinting at.

  11. don't even waste your money in strip clubs. just go out.

    the girls in Vancouver are amazing, its Canada's SoCal, except that the girls are all naturally beautiful, unpretentious, really cool and know how to party. i head out to BC to ski every year and the girls we meet are always unbelieveable.

    have a great time, Vancouver is an amazing city.


  12. i have the Nokia 8610 (i think thats the model #, its the really little one). i'm happy with the phone, its got great reception and the platform it operates on is really easy to use. it has lots of options in regards to ring tones, phone #'s, email addresses, calendar, storage and vibrate option just to name a few. the only problem i have w/ the phone is the numbers are really small, this took a little while to get used to, i shouldn't complain though, because i refuse to get a big phone, the smaller the better. i had a Star Tac before and i'm much happier with the Nokia, especially in regards to reception. the Star Tac does really well in drop tests, where as i don't think the Nokia does, a friend of mine broke the screen on his this weekend, though we do think it was while wrestling (drunk of course) on AC's boardwalk, so this may not be such a good gage.

    in regards to service, i use AT&T Digital One Rate, i have 1100 minutes a month and it costs $119. this is more expensive than most plans, but i can call from anywhere in the 50 states to anywhere in the 50 states any time for the same rate, no hidden charges what so ever. i get charged one flat rate of $.20 a minute if i go over my minutes which i rarely ever do. the reason i do this is i travel a lot and have friends clumped in LA and NYC and then in a few other places around the country that i talk to regularly. we've all found that this is the the best plan for our needs. this plan also includes call waiting, caller ID, 3 way calling and text messaging which almost all plans now incorporate.

    1100 minutes may sound like a lot, but if your going to be using your cell phone as your main # it works out to a little more than a half hour a day. most cellular companies round their minutes up to the next minute, so if you use your phone for 1 minute and 1 second you get charged for 2 minutes.

    hope that helps.

  13. think about this, of all the income in New York City's 5 boroughs, 2% of the people, create and and take home 70% of the revenue. 98% of the people split the remaining 30% of earned income. how much money do you make, and where do you think you fit into this equation.

    i would believe that there is a similar pattern in New Jersey, if you drive around in Bergen or Morris Counties or down in Princeton, just to name a few areas, the homes and the cars sitting in the driveways are incredible. however if you venture into Hudson County or into Newark, parts of the Oranges, or some other areas, people are piled up on top of each other and certainly do not lead the same lives with the same opportunities in regards to school or local government systems.

    in America today there is an ever growing disparity between the middle and upper classes. do you think this is a problem?

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