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Posts posted by sd

  1. i was sitting around talking about this late one night this summer, with another guy and 2 girls, one of which i was seeing at the time. when first asked i was unsure i thought about 10 maybe 11, then i stopped and counted, 15. i couldn't believe i'd slept with that many people, pretty scary. when the girls gave out there numbers 10 and 11 (girl i was seeing) i was surprised and to be honest a little unsure how i felt about it. i've thought about it quite a bit since then and have been at times perplexed by this subject.

    i eventually came to the decision that i would want to know about my lovers past. i always believed in open relationships where you know everything about the other, i don't want to have false pretenses about who and what i think of the person i'm with. i've always been this way(sometimes my openness can be a detriment). i decided that trust was the most important thing to me, as long i knew that person was faithful to me, loved me i would be ok with their past. now i suppose we'll just have to wait and see how that works in real life.

    it goes without saying that they be STD free. i've been tested and will continue to be. though frightening, i don't think its to much to ask of the person your going to be in a relationship with.

    on a side note, i suppose you can't expect guys to have had sex with 40-50 girls and not expect that some girls will be in the same boat.

  2. Originally posted by trancend

    yeah me and my ex (as of yesterday) are still friends

    what happened? it seemed like things were cool from what i've read on the board.

    sorry to hear, hope your doing all right. let us know if you want someone to talk to, all of CP is here for ya.

  3. Originally posted by apotheosis

    I agree, and I have, but I think he sees what I've accomplished and wants that too.

    at the same time, at some point you have to let people make their own decisions and learn on their own. just be there to help them get back up when they need the help, thats often all you can really do.

  4. i've stayed really close with all of my ex's (3) except for one. we didn't just go from being in a relationship to being friends, it just developed over time. as shuga said you need time to reestablish yourself as an individual and more importantly sort through the feelings and emotions that you're experiencing.

    similarly to flying-high, i believe that these are people that you have shared apart of your life with. they're also people that you obviously had a strong bond with, and that you had a lot in common with.

    in my life they have become in pillars of stability, people that know me very well, that can ground me and that i can turn to for advice and help and provide moral support when i need it. they in turn get the same from me when they need someone to turn to.

    sometimes i'll talk to one of them a few times a week and then we won't talk again for a few weeks. whats great about it, is that there are no expectations or needs. i also made a point to never get back together with any of them, once it was over, it was over. that made it a lot easier.

  5. maybe you should have told your friend read some of the negative side effects of drug use, depression, insomnia, cravings, uncontrollable mood swings.

    whenever i introduce someone to substances, i've explained the bad with the good. i abused for a while and it took a while to recover, i don't hesitate to discuss that side of it as well.

    the key, as has been said so many times to using, is moderation. it is better for you (using less), each time is then so much better and powerful, you get hit so much harder and you recover faster, making for a more enjoyable experience.

  6. Originally posted by somebitch

    what book??? lol

    i call someone back if they call me but i dont go out of my way to chase after them. if someone chooses not to call me then i let them go, if im not worth their time they arent worth mine.

    im actually in this situation right now:

    ive been seeing this guy for a while and hes been playing games the whole time, ie. not calling. it makes me so frustrated that i really dont care if he calls me at all. so now i just dont call him and he calls me. its funny how if i call him he doesnt have time but if i dont call he will call me repeatedly. games really suck. once you start playing them you cant stop. i wasnt playing in the begining but now ive been sucked in. i cant continute to be real when this guy doesnt know what real is.

    why cant i find a guy i can call whenever i feel like calling? just to say hi?? i dont want a relationship, i just want something real, why does everything have to be so difficult?

    hehe, back to work... :confused::biggun:

    this is a perfect example of exactly what i was talking about, and is essentially what the authors of the book "The Game" promote, what fucks.

    if i like a girl i'll call her, whenever I want and as often as i want. if it doesn't work out, we don't hit it off then we both know right away, it eliminates, hurt feelings, wasted time and energy, and the bull shit of playing games, which i don't have the time or the patience for.

    if we get along then great, if we hook up great, if we just end up being friends great, at least we always know where we stand in the relationship.

    btw, ladies i think its flattering for a girl to call. as long as you have something to say there's no reason why you shouldn't. if you don't have something to say to each other, its probably because you don't share anything in common and shouldn't be wasting your time.

  7. the rules are a bunch of BS. all they create is game playing, i saw the 2 chics that wrote that book on Good Morning America once, what a couple of idiots. they promote creating a relationship by presenting yourself as something you are not. that shit works for people with low self confidence, who simply want a relationship regardless of how meaningful it is.

    like lollib says, if you want to call go ahead call, take the initiative. the most important thing in creating a relationship is being yourself, The Game creates fake preconceptions of who you are and that only leads to disappointment.

  8. i checked out your website. you have some indepth party info listed there, only problem is that its old. you planning on updating it for the rest of the fall.

    are some of those pics from Rubber's website or Rubber parties, they have west coast theme to them and seem pretty familiar, not to mention that OC Trippin is mentioned on one of the pics.

  9. though i voted pro-choice. i would want to have the baby, i have the ability and means to raise a child and see no reason why shouldn't.

    it is of course not that simple, what would she want, where would she stand, where is she in her life. maybe she can't deal with the emotional and physical strains that accompany pregnancy. it would really depend on the situation, though i would want the child.

    i voted pro-choice because i believe in the right to choose and that we cannot make decisions for other people without fully understanding them and their situations. America is built on the right to choose and i stand behind that belief completely.

  10. if the girl likes ass play she will love it. you don't even really need to penetrate, as i would eat my ex out, she would be fingering herself and i'd use the virbrator on her ass and pussy. when she was about to come she'd want it against her ass. she loved it.

    its actually good for guys too, when she would blow me she would rub it from my balls to my ass.

  11. Originally posted by xxlea

    This is the funniest thing I've read today. You know every girl on the board is going home tonight, squat over a mirror to measure her PPP!!! LOL

    I remember my ex got all concerned about her vagina and weather or not it was pretty/cute. That night I go over to her place and her roommate opens the door. She's in her room, legs spread as far apart as they could go sitting in front of the mirror, examining herself from all the possible angles. She had had her roommate helping her out before I got there.

    Knowing this xxlea, I don't doubt that all the CP girls will be at home doing just that.

  12. clubkat - More=Less is valid for both girls and guys.

    lollib - Exaggerated!!! If anything I thought it was understated. HAHAHA

    The More=Less theorem was the result of the frustration of the difficulty in finding that person that is right for me. The difficulty of finding someone has been discussed on numerous occasions right here on the CP boards. The premise of the whole thing, is I'm not going to get involved in a relationship where I am going to give of myself for a relationship that will not work and a relationship I won't be completely commited to, I believe I'm better off abstaining from women.

    The truth of the matter, as I alluded to before, is that I can't wait to meet and fall completely in LOVE with the woman I am going to share the rest of my life with, the woman who is going to give birth to and raise my children with me. The woman I'm going to share the experience of life with, the exhilerations, the sadness, the joy and strain. The woman who will be my best friend and confidant, who can lean on me when she needs love and nurturing and care, who I can turn to when I have doubts and concerns. I can't wait for all of these things, I see my parents who have this kind of relationship and I can't help but be amazed and envious, and just hope that I can be that lucky. lollib, your right , you have no control over you fall in love with, or when or how it will happen, and I'm glad I don't, it'll be amazing when it does.

    Until then, I'll follow tastyt's advice and go out and get a vacuum cleaner. I am also looking into the viability of Road Trip method, stimulation via colon.

  13. i don't think I'd like a fat pussy as in a literally large pussy, a lot of folds would be a turn off, though I've never seen one, and to be honest i've never met a pussy i didn't like.

    i think one of the most important things in pussy presentation is, as has often been discussed here, grooming.

    in regards to the actual pysiological makeup of the pussy. i like one with well defined lips, that hides the clit a little bit. i like this because you can push through the lips to get to the swollen clit, lips are also nice to kiss. i also like a little bit of volume so that i can suck it into my mouth and massage it with my tongue once its in there (my experience has been that chics dig this, so boys/girls don't hesitate to try it).

    from a purely aesthetic point of view i like to see a pussy that looks healthy with some curves, preferably not flat and boring.

  14. Originally posted by tastyt

    Good luck finding her- in the meantime may I suggest stocking up on plenty of lube...

    tasty, I appreciate your concern. Luckily I have a significant amount of K-Y Jelly left over from my ex, who was really dry. Enough to insure that I have a never ending supply of lube.

    I am also involved in the research and development of SEX Toy for men (potential names at this point are, "The Handless Wonder", "Wang Off" and "Licks Your Balls and Gets You OFF"), a SEX Toy that will get men off as well as a vibrator does a woman. Once I have completed this research and this SEX Toy is being manufactured I will be able to wait for the woman of my dreams to be created.

    Hopefully they get this stem cell research moving and can genetically engineer her soon so I don't have to wait to long.

  15. Originally posted by dgmodel

    Remember EVOL Snowboards??? they were a company that was around in the mid 90's... anyway. im looking for boards from them and i cant find shit for them anywhere ... can you help me b???

    I do actually. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure they were bought out by Ride which was then bought out by K2. The whole snowboarding industry consolidated in the mid 90's. I remember in about 1996 there were 350+ snowboard companies at the yearly trade show in Vegas. A year later there were less than 50. The growth that had been experienced in the Snowboard business leveled off and to continue to expand the next step was to buy out your competitiors. This was the reasoning behind the consolidation as well as the advantages of economies of scale. There were also a lot of really poorly run business's tthat failed.

    So to answer your question, I don't think your going to find another Evol. If a shop has a board even a year old it gets sold a 50% off, if its still around after 2 years they practically give it away as it has no retail value. Since Evol has been gone for a few years I wouldn't hold out waiting for one to show up. The flip side to this though is that the reason those year old boards are so cheap is that its obviously not the "new" thing and more importantly the improvements in design year to year are huge, boards hold better on ice, have better dampening ability and are lighter. So go out and get yourself a dope new ride, like a Burton BMC, or a Ride Timeless. Sorry to break the bad news to you, I'm sure you were emotionally attached to your board.

    Now back to the subject at hand. Ladies anyone out there meeting my criteria.

  16. Originally posted by stacychase

    WHEW! Poor women. She needs to be perfect!

    I've actually taken some of the criteria off already and God Damn It, I refuse to do that again.

  17. Originally posted by lollib

    I guess that is a way of looking at it. Although you just havent met the right girl yet to make you want to want to give up some time for yourself. If you did, then you wouldnt even have those thoughts running through your mind!!

    Your absolutely right, I haven't met the right girl yet, I don't doubt that when I do meet her I will be completely throw myself into our relationship, be in love and be excited for mushy time with her. I also wouldn't consider it "giving up time" I would want to spend my time with her, I would value every moment I had with her. All I'm saying is I'm not going to waste my time in a relationship thats not right for me. I have therefore included my description below of the perfect woman, if any of you women feel you meet the criteria specified, please PM me, otherwise don't bother wasting my time.

    Size 6, 36C's, athletic, fun, dirty in bed, who swears and talks shit, who's sarcastic, intelligent, loving, caring, understanding and helpful, who looks as good in a Vera Wang in Monte Carlo as in some Bonfire gear hiking in the Cascades, who travels and understands the world, who can party with the best of them yet also sit at dinner and discuss the finer points of various political enigmas or the advantages of free market societies, and makes tons of money for me to spend and lets me be Mr. Mom and let the kids cut school to go heli-skiing, who loves me and accepts me with all my faults.

  18. Originally posted by dgmodel

    I have a snowboarding question to ask if you do...

    Glad somebody appreciates my thought process.

    I actually ski, but I should be able to answer your question regardless, I've been working in and out of ski/snowboard shops for the 7-8 seasons. Let me know what it is.

  19. Originally posted by awkwardscience

    yea its true for the ones that chose to participate-

    but Tuesday? Its a nice gesture -sure. But we all

    know that Tues. are the slowest days of the week

    when it comes to tickets sales - plus usually tues

    are all bargain matinees - so its even cheaper

    almost sounds like a way to lure people in on a

    Tuesday - try to keep the trend going


    your right, Tuesday is a slow day, but the fact of the matter is that they are making an solid effort. they are donating 100% of ticket sales and 100% of concession sales from today. seems to me that any time you donate money, time and energy to a good cause you shouldn't be criticized, especially when they are going to operate at a loss today. the theater business operates on some of the smallest profit margins of any business out there.

    about 70 different chains across the country are participating in this, shouldn't be to hard to find one around you that you can go to.

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