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Everything posted by live1

  1. Has anyone heard of this? You take your middle name and the street name where you grew up and put them together and that's your porn name. I'd be Anne Peachwood. Pretty fitting, huh?
  2. live1

    question for the guys

    This is interesting. I was under the impression that all men loved tits more.
  3. Girl, any orgasm is a good one, regardless of if it came from Jeopardy or Ghostbusters or whatever - how can we judge anyone for what they experienced in GRADESCHOOL? It's ALL JUST DANDY AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED.
  4. live1

    Okay boys. . .

    We have the full run down on how a pussy needs to be treated in order to obtain maximum pleasure - so now the question is what kind of special treatment do you enjoy on your manliness??? What makes you want to come undone when getting a blow job? I've got a healthy bag of tricks, but I'm always looking for more. (and sorry if this has been asked before, we can never know enough sexual info)
  5. OOOOOOHHHH MAMA!! I love that scruffy-long-haired-med. build- kinda guy. Wonder what they look like in their skivvies??
  6. JEOPARDY, eh? What was goin' on during jeopardy? That's halarous. listening to all of these stories is making me remember my earliest memory of being seriously turned on. It was by the movie GHOSTBUSTERS!! There was a scene where Dan Akroyd's jeans came un-zipped by the forces of these ghosts and it was a close-up (so the buldge was prevalent and beautiful, despite the fact that it was Dan Akroyd!!), and although it was all of a 3 second shot, I managed to replay it over and over and pause it and play with myself. And I still can't look at Dan Akroyd without getting embarassed about it. LOL. Still wondering about Jeopardy though
  7. Yeah, well there WAS way too much drama on that board. People were so elitist and it was getting really annoying. No one could take a joke. And now there's all of these "secret" boards going on and it makes me wanna puke. I feel like I'm back in high school.
  8. That's too bad. Cod fish oil? Why not strawberries or peach cobbler? One time I was going out with this guy who had the most annoying orgasms. He would come and his whole body would go into convulsions, and not like the cute ones where you enjoy watching him skyrocket - I'm talking CONVULSIONS - entire body involved. And he would make noises and thrash about for like 5 minutes OR MORE!! And this isn't the progression TOWARDS the orgasm, this is AFTER he actually came. It was rediculous. I thought he was making it up. No one reacts to orgasms that heavily for an entire 5 minutes after the climax. He was way too dramatic about it - to the point where I didn't want him to come! It was too bad, because the rest of the sex was great. I don't know, I guess he was just overly dramatic. But it turned me off to him BIG TIME
  9. There isn't anything wrong with classical music. I find it very soothing and beautiful. In fact, I feel like the electronic music genre can be closely linked to the classical. It's got a lot of the same elements. Hey, and theres nothing wrong with getting old either!!
  10. Sorry guys if this is old news, but I've been away from the boards for a few days - just wondering if the rumors about S&D at Roxy have panned out or not.
  11. So I've come to the realization that the sex board is the friendliest damn board around. No one fights (except in a playful, might-end-in-sex kida way). Everyone is supportive, no one is elitist, everyone is cheerful and great. I'm sick of all the punk-ass snobbery that goes on on other boards. Agreed? So I wanna say thanks to all of you friendly horny folks down here. I don't post all that much, but you can rest assured I'm here and gettin' off all the time on this crazy board. Peace, love, tongue and all. . .
  12. Now come on people. . . how can I possibly decide which I like better? That's like asking me if I like puppy dogs or ice cream better. I love doing both equally. But I hate it when a man doesn't know how to recieve, I hate a guy to be too anxious or handsy when I'm doin' my work. I like him to relax, ease into the fact that he's got me happily giving pleasure to him for as long as he wants. I wanna hear all of his noises and know that he loves to recieve whatever it is I"m giving. But I also want him not to be TOO greedy and to give me a little nice-ness as well. Oh. . . I don't have to. I can have it all!!! he he he "]http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/smilies/cwm12.gif' alt='cwm12.gif'>
  13. live1

    I'm pissed.........

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of guys who can't own up to how they really feel and so they lie. The "I don't wanna be in a relationship" is a very common one. HOWEVER. . . sometimes you may not want to be in a "relationship", break it off b/c it's going in that direction - and then meet someone else and suddenly you wouldn't mind being in a relationship. When you meet the right person all the negative connotations of relationships sorta fall away. So maybe he wasn't lying. (or maybe he was, I dunno) But that doesn't mean you're anything LESS than her, it just means you two weren't a perfect match. But that's nothing against you. And xfactor was right, you wouldn't want him anyway if he was lying to you. TRUTH IS KEY cheer up though, it's a sunny day today
  14. I love to suprise a guy with a little tounge-to-penis routine. When he's not ready for it or when he's just goin' about his business. I love that smile I get when he realizes what's about to happen to him. mmmmmmm.
  15. I've always thought she's gorgeous. Something about her. I don't know. Something vulnerable yet strong and sexy.
  16. I remember I was about 13 or 14. I don't remember how I discovered it exactly - but I was alone and I was obviously masturbating, but I can remember the build up. I started to feel that rush inside of me that just kept building and building. I had no idea what was going on but I knew that it was natural and it was GGGOOOOOODDDDDDD. (That's good, not God. Or well maybe it was god, hmmm. . . ) Anyway, the climax about blew my mind into a million pieces and afterwards I just remember thinking - OH MY GAWD!! You mean to tell me that all I have to do is a little bit of this, and a little bit of that, and I can have that feeling ALL THE TIME, AS MUCH AS I WANT?????? So the rest is history, I've been addicted ever since. I don't understand it when people say they don't masturbate. I think they're lying.
  17. I feel so sorry for those women who don't experience orgasm on a regular basis. What's that about anyway? I'm consistently on the verge of orgasm. Someone I don't even know could come up from behind me and gently brush against my ass and there I am. . . having an orgasm. Lets have a moment of silence for all those women who don't know electric pleasure the way we do. . .
  18. Wow xfactor - I don't really know where Stacey is, but I'll sure as HELL have a little of that. . . . . .
  19. This is great. Thanks for the 411 - I've been looking for a night like this for a while now - although I can't go tonight, I'll be there in the future.
  20. I'm forever entertained by all the bickering that goes on about Twilo. I'd love to get everyone together in a big arena and watch evryone tear eachothers hair out over it. It would be worse than the gladiator days - oh my my - and I'd just sit on the sidelines and laugh and throw wads of left over scum that was found on the floors of Twilo on a really crowded night. . . just hurl it through the air to cause more drama.
  21. Anything that would otherwise be mundane. Going to the store and spending HOURS shuffling through the isles, cleaning the kitchen and becoming fascinated with how well I can arrange things, walking around - that's it, just walking around my neighborhood. It's amazing what I look over when I'm sober and not paying attention. I use to write, but then I realized how much I sucked when I was sober and thought I was brilliant.
  22. MMMMMM.. . this is all getting me worked up. My favorite place TO BE kissed is the nape of the neck - fuugetaboutit - it's all over after that. Stand behind me, push my hair to one side and start the soft kisses at my shoulder and move up to my hair line. OMG!! I also love to be kissed on the forehead or cheeks whenever it's just a little sumpin' sweet out in public. As far as where I like to kiss a man. . . anywhere he'll let me. Give me a nice strong but gentle hand to suck and kiss on and I'll be in heaven.
  23. Yes, it is true. Women are very powerful and need to embrace our feminine ways. The world would be a cold cold place without women. We nurture We're beautiful We're enticing We're intelligent We're strong (emotionally) We're warm We're all of these things rolled into one and if you truly recognize all of these inherent qualities in yourselves and tap into it then you have POWER!!! GIRL POWER TO ALL OF YOU!!!!
  24. live1


    BIGGEST TURN OFF: Someone who doesn't know how to listen. Conversation is an art - to know how to converse and actively listen to your partner with all your senses is WONDERFUL. Anything less is self involved and annoying.
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