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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by somebitch

  1. lol. i have aol too and i cant stand it. i got a violation for saying butthead once, which isnt even a curse. i only use aol for email, i dont want to tell all my friends to start emailing some other address, i guess im just lazy. my account is about to be terminated, someone had the password and was talking shit to people, i wasnt even awake when it happened. i asked aol to remove the violation but they said they cant. ugh, i hate them.
  2. damn, sucks that you didnt have a good time. i definitely dont think it was worth 40$ but on the other hand, i was with good company and had an unbelievable night. i need to get some sleep lol. night
  3. i love josh wink. too bad i have to work friday
  4. i had a great time. i wish the party went on till later... just when i was feeling really good, the music stopped. that place was insane. the dnb room was like 7 flights of stairs away from the main room. i walked there once then i just didnt want to do it again. derrick may was amazing, as expected. i felt funny being one of the only people at stereotopia with a wristband for drinks. so many young kids. did anyone else hit the limelight after?? limelight was a great time too. did anyone see me????
  5. lol i dont understand where we are meeting. i looked at the map and i dont know. im gonna be fucked up later on, there is no way i will find you people. im wearing big blue draw string jeans, a black tank top and red sneakers. im kara btw. find me.
  6. you would probably like centrofly. http://www.centro-fly.com/
  7. make something with 1. tin foil 2. a piece of fruit (apples work good) 3. soda can those are the easiest to make and use the most common resources.
  8. im definitely going to stereotopia on saturday night. we should organize a meet up.. i dont know what hammerstein is like so i have no suggestions on where.
  9. i dont think hair color really matters. it's about individuals, someone can look ideal no matter which hair color they have. its nice to see that so many people like brunettes though. it seems more common for for people to desire blondes. i personally have dark brown hair/hazel eyes, they are a brown/yellow/green color. :horns:
  10. yeah, i agree. carl cox is definitely a favorite too.
  11. hawtin, surgeon, garnier.... just to name a few
  12. i love mary bobins too i remember watching it while eating pot cookies and laughing my ass off.
  13. evan? is this you? do you mean fiend? my god..
  14. jesus christ evan. you act like youre doing the world a favor by posting this trash over and over again... do you even come on on this board for anything other than promoting your cheesy site? and if your site was so great would you constantly have to remind us how many hits it gets? youre pathetic. all i can do is laugh :laugh: :rolleyes:
  15. i think im going. i dont understand why it says tickets are 25 and 30$ but when you go to the ticket web site they are 35$... i want the 25$ ticket! VIP tickets are a joke, who the fuck would pay 75$ to go to a party. i doubt i will go if i have to pay more than 30$, i think it is ridiulous to pay 20!
  16. soundfactory sux really bad. i was there this weekend and i was wishing i was somewhere else. the crowd was totally cheesy. what do i know anyway, i just wanted to see my new avatar really.
  17. HAHAHAH. that's awesome!! im really happy for you. :horns:
  18. i was there. i thought it really sucked. what a waste of money
  19. im pissed because i missed the meet up
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