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Everything posted by deeprock

  1. Was it the one at Wetlands? If so, I was there Best show I ever saw was the Agnostic Front reunion, oh and any Earth Crisis show--say what you will about their politics, but those guys were siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick:grin:
  2. deeprock

    Off Topic: NYE

    Was thinking about SF, but not sure now.
  3. I got a big phat cell phone bill from Verizon.
  4. Yeah, I thought we were talking about the REAL hardcore.
  5. None. I met some1 at SF for a couple of seconds, but I don't know if that counts.
  6. Rejection is a feeling much worse than the feeling of regret. The best way to overcome the fear of rejection is to develop a crippling fear of regret.---it's the 'I-wish-I-had' syndrome. Make as many mistakes as you can possibly afford to. Just don't make the same mistake twice. It's the attitue I try to take not just with women, but with everything in life. Follow this mantra and your road in life will be paved with gold.
  7. You mean hardcore as in 25 ta Life, Sick of it All, Madball, Agnostic Front? Or club hardcore?
  8. There's a program call mp3trim, which you can download here: http://www.logiccell.com/~mp3trim/ It let's you even fade out the mp3 at the end so it doesn't end abruptly.
  10. What about by subway? I guess Steve will let us know.
  11. I refer you to this thread: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=72753
  12. Remember Trancend, the only bad publicity is no publicity.
  13. There's a program called DART CD-Recorder 4.1 that let's you do it and removes the clicks and pops. I've never used it, I'm just aware that it exists. I think you can download a trial version from their website, do a search for it on google. You can probably find a crack for the program by doing a search at http://astalavista.box.sk
  14. He sort of answers your question right here: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=584466#post584466
  15. Listen I'm not a hater, if you've got it flaunt it I say, but that was tooooooooo funny, and there was no intention to have it be funny. One of the funniest posts I've read on this board. Remember kids, "J-E-L-E-O-U-S"
  16. Do you mean like sleep paralysis? I get these episodes once a month or so where my body goes to sleep, but I'm mentally awake, and I can't move my body, and I start to have vivid dreams, the type of dreams that blow hallucinogenic trips out of the water--sensory overload. It's pretty cool, once you get used to it, but scary at first cuz you have no control over your muscles for a short period of time and the dreams are soooooo real. Doctor told me it's not dangerous and that a small percentage of the population experience this. Does anyone else experience this?
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