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Everything posted by deeprock

  1. Hey Thanks, even though I haven't met many peoplefrom this board, you guys all mean a lot to me as cheesy as it sounds--definitely help brighten my day. I hope to meet you all soon. :D
  2. It's just like the WWF. They leave you hanging until the last 5 minutes. McMahon is no dummy, it keeps the ratings up.
  3. I have no problem with gay people. I've had several friends over the past few years that were gay. What's the big deal?
  4. Am I the only one watching for Trish Stratus?
  5. Remember you are not alone. Most people had a break up or heart ache at some point in their life. You might feel like the world has ended. You may cry a lot and feel sad. On the bright side, time heals. As each day passes, you will feel more like yourself. You will not forget the past, but you can look forward to your future.
  6. I think the real news is that the plane flew right over an airforce base and they couldn't respond in time to intercept it. Potentially some nut could load up a Cessna with C-4 or some other powerful explosive and ram it into a target causing massive damage. The kid was only up in the air a few minutes before he crashed, which made it really difficult to stop him--scary.
  7. Stick with debit cards. Bad credit will kill you when you wanna make some large purchase that you'll have to finance. It's gonna be much much harder to file for bankruptcy soon, so bankruptcy is not gonna be an option the way it used to be.
  8. Sometimes after I come out of SF, I feel like I should spend the entire next day in the shower, but hey I keep going back. It can't be beat for afterhours, and it's a fun crowd once you get to know people.
  9. I'm also into hiphop like Nas, DMX, rock/alternative like Creed, love Goldfinger; and ska like Less Than Jake. I dunno, I go through phases. I can't seem to get that Nickelback song out of my head recently. The one that goes something like: . . . This is how you remind me, of what I really am This is how you remind me, of what I really am Its not like you, to say sorry, I was waitin on a different story This time Im, mistaken, For handin you a heart worth breakin I been wrong! I been down! To the bottom of every bottom These five words in my head, scream "are we havin fun yet?". . .
  10. I used to watch these guys in *small* venues before they went commercial and before anyone knew who the hell they were. Glad to see they're still level headed, down to earth, producing quality music and still funny as hell.
  11. Nails on the back . . . YES!!!
  12. If you go to clubs frequently, you should definitely use them. Two things you don't want to play with are your vision and your hearing, and that ringing in your ear is terrible for you. The $2 or $3 you pay for plugs is well worth it in the long run.
  13. I stayed in; grandmother was ill and I had eye problems, which thankfully are not serious. Disappointed, but not sweating it. There will be many more new years.
  14. I have no snooze button. Howard Stern, Robin Quivers and Baba Booey get me right up in the morning.
  15. Yeah, it's usually works, but be careful if you are on portions on Interstate 95 (Mostly the South). They have these horizontal lines on the highway and they sometimes use spotter helicopter to measure your speed by the amount of time it took you to travel from one line to another (usually you're talking about a distance of one or two miles. Radar/Laser can't help you there. Spotter helicopter is just another tool they have in their arsenal. It happened to me.
  16. When I lived in Miami, they used to allow us to take safe driving classes to reduce license points. Is that not an option here in NY?
  17. I agree with everyone on this thread. Plus, I Bonds are paying squat right now in terms of interest rate.
  18. Download, download, download while you can. It's only a matter of time before the RIAA gets an injunction against Audiogalaxy. They happen to have filed their case against Audiogalaxy in the same court that ultimately shut down Napster. I'm sure other wannabes will pop up, but they can't replace Audiogalaxy or Napster.
  19. Thank for all your input people. I'll take all these comments into consideration.
  20. I think this is a "You know who you are post." No elaboration necessary.
  21. I told my cousins the same thing when they came up from Florida and I took them to Factory. Trust me, in the end, they were more than happy I fooled them.
  22. Don't know what college you go to, but college was the best time of my life. If college sucks for you, it's all down hill from there.
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