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Everything posted by brooklynkid

  1. objectively speaking, of course... revenues may dip in the very short term, but after the initial crankyness wears off, that won't happen in the big picture. People aren't going to stop going out. In 1995 restaurant owners were scared shitless that the new law would put them out of business. We saw that wasn't the case at all. People still want to eat at restaurants. In the end, the vast majority of the voting public (if you don't vote, you don't count) has embraced the law. All of the kids stomping their feet saying "fuck bloomberg" and "fuck pataki" and "i'll keep doing whatever I want"...they are insignificant to politicians and are just a minute slice of the 17 million people we have in NY state, of which 80% are non-smokers. As for a future elected official elliminating the ban, there isn't a chance that would pass through various city councils and the state senate. Smokers, for lack of a better term, are treated as lepers by the media, so anyone using that as a selling point in a bid for election would be laughed right off the podium. And as for Mayor Mike, well...he didn't make billions by making unwise business decisions. He was elected because of his business background, to *begin* to get us out of a fiscal crisis worse than NYC has seen in decades. His primary objective, unfortunately, is not improving your nightlife.
  2. don't forget Pataki. Statewide law goes into effect June 1. It doesn't seem like the type of law that would be reversed. It would be like lowering emissions standards on cars or reallowing smoking on airplanes. People thought the restaurant smoking ban of 1995 would be reversed and that never did.
  3. well, last night was certainly...interesting... thanks to all of you CP heads who came out to support. Seriously, because you were pretty much the only ones there! Unfortunately the promotion team did a less (much less) than stellar job getting heads in there. I heard some of you got charged a high cover fee too. Also, the sound system was poor, and I didn't even have a monitor (i swear i can mix well!)...so all in all... ehhh... needless to say, it's unlikely that I'll return there unless some necessary improvements are made. but thanks for coming and making it fun for me! but these things happen. and kris, thanks for "closing it out" with me.
  4. c'mon...if you were the leader of the world's #1 city you'd think you were the king too! (ahem, Rudy!) and uhhh, providing help for people interested in quitting is hardly extreme. i think in Canada they call it health care.
  5. it's pretty much the same except that there will be no provisions for enclosed smoking lounges. this means whoever built one is shit outta luck. not sure, but I think cigar bars might be out too? Also, there will be strict rules regarding how much outdoor patio space can be alotted to smokers (less than 25% or something?). Like protesting the war, this debate is now pretty much pointless. What's done is done and it's likely (and apparent) that the rest of the country will follow suit, esp with support of big cities like LA, NY, and Boston. Times change and so does the world.
  6. ditto. nothin better than coming home after a gig and diving right into bed without funkin up the entire house. Saleen: have you read today's Daily News? Bloomberg announced that not only will he run for re-election but he will win so NYers should get used to having him around. LOL Also, for those interested, the city is rolling out a plan to distribute free nicotine patches to those who want to quit. It's the third part of Mayor Mike's 5-step plan (the first being the tax increase, the second being the ban). No word on what the remaining two steps are. Hopefully some day someone will be smart enough to punish drivers who smoke with children in the car.
  7. DJ site: http://mikec.nu photoblog & fonts: http://brooklynkid.com resume & portfolio: http://michaelcosentino.info there's more in there somewhere...hmmm:D
  8. cool...so what about that "other" habit?
  9. people call me disgusting all the time! so player, i thought you were going to be out of town?
  10. yes!! i take back every bad thing i ever said about you!
  11. See it here: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=155201
  12. Yes I am spinning the first night of my official residency this Friday night at Chateau's new weekly party. Tribal, breaks, and all the other good stuff from 9:30pm till 4am. I have a couple more comp tix left so email me if you want in. Otherwise, it's $10 at the door. Chateau is at 133 7th Ave South between West 10th and Charles. The party is DOWNSTAIRS. Come support me! Hope to see you there:D
  13. IMO Slashdot does it right, with its rating and scoring of members...
  14. NO. Don't you know that "not being pierced" is the new "being pierced"? Same goes for tats...
  15. PHP is kind of like a mixture of Perl, Javascript, and ASP, and like JS and ASP it works primarily on the client side rather than on the server like Perl, JSP, C, etc. Very easy to learn, I highly recommend it.
  16. it's all about PHP, ActionScript, and Lingo. What can I say, I'm a multimedia guy:D
  17. maybe if you had a street-legal car (with a cat *ahem*) you wouldn't be polluting the air:D it's really more like prohibiting people from driving on the sidewalk.
  18. Guess they'll be confiscating cigs at the door along with your Juicy Fruit?
  19. what's this? joe, have you joined the growing legion of head shavers? I need to see this...
  20. You work and/or think?
  21. There's a place on Park Ave South just a couple of blocks above Union Square, on the northwest corner. They do excellent work.
  22. Subpar photoshop job
  23. Uhhh, if you haven't been living under a rock you would know that NYC smoking laws go into effect on April 1.
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