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Everything posted by djmikebugout

  1. nice pic....u didnt know red shirts are in this fall? Fashion gurus I tell u.... Mike Bugout
  2. OUCHHH Lauren that hurts.... I know Matrix is not like nyc but dayyymmm aint gotta hurt a playa like that!!! Im definitely hyped to play in NJ--both times I played abyss I lovveedd the crowd...Can't wait for thursday...even Binoy coming thru ahhhhh shitttt Mike Bugout
  3. yes spikes i remember u...come thru thursday--- also Brian thanks for those PM's... I'll see u thursday Mike Bugout
  4. Thank YOU mr bumps... Great party u threw friday night--i know all the work u put into it and the place showed it-- the place itself was dressed up very nicely (and u cant mention DRESSED UP without mentioning those shot girls--or should i say, DRESSEF DOWN?? ) Sound system was BOOMING, I was very impressed with it. and of course the crowd and the vibe was perfect for JP to come in and rip it....you made his night much easier... keep up the good work Joe....soon enough Upstate will begin to understand what true house music and partying is all about--- Mike Bugout
  5. thanks for the love---if u cant find it just IM me i'll gladly send it to u-- Also Im playing Metro Lounge in NJ this Thursday (9/19) If anyone wants to the hear the live, real deal... Get at me for info-- Mike Bugout
  6. hey everyone-- just lettin u know I will be playing Metro this thursday (9/19) so Im hoping to see some CP representation down there. This begins my mini NJ tour.. (Im playing Euphoria 9/25 and Joey's 9/29) but this is the only 18+ spot. I hear nothin but good things about this party and after Higgins and Woo ripped it the last 2 weeks Im excited to follow them up... Hope to see some of u there... Mike Bugout
  7. heyyyyyyoooooo-- Just wanted to let everyone know I'll be playing at the Metro Lounge in NJ (exit 160 off the GSP) this thursday all nite. Its a great party packed every thursday with a great vibe. Justin Higgins played there 2 weeks ago and ripped it, and Danny Woo blew it up last week and I've heard nuthing but good things from people who went both weeks so i look forward to playing. Its also the only 18 to party venue Im doin the rest of this month. It only take me about an hour to get there from upper westchester to give u a time frame. Any other questions just drop me an IM or email......djmikebugout@aol.com Mike Bugout
  8. nice seeing u again---i'll try and get the cd to u this week...gimme a ring Mike Bugout
  9. no doubt a great party-- much luck in the future with this one Mike Bugout
  10. we have a personal foul, unnecessary desecration of the facial area, on the female. Thats the 15 yard variety. 2nd down. Mike Bugout
  11. bumpin it up for the peeps just gettin the mix.... hit me on AIM...."djmikebugout" or check soulseek for it Mike Bugout
  12. pretty much u had to be down with the party from its inception, most of the people who had them (note "replacement" cards) were at the roxy often at the beginning. Other cards went out thru promotions and other things. As for gettin a new card--I dunno if they will be giving them out to new peeps. Plus...regardless, they will not get u comp'd at events such as Tiesto, PVD, ectect....just for your info.... Mike Bugout
  13. deb how come u took the pics of me spinnin down? jus curious-- and the group shots are in my camera, which i hope Lucus has.. Mike Bugout
  14. yeah def not--its another JP track..older dub....i think--it matches her melody which makes it sound reeeeedic Mike Bugout
  15. nice pics debbie...hopefully robin recovered my camera...I left it in Lucus' car And once i figure out what the hell I am pointing at in every picture...I'll let u know... Mike Bugout
  16. i definitely had a great time Denny ripped shit despite some technical difficulties in that booth...dropped a nice mix of new stuff and some oldies (the witch doctor ehhhrehhhhhhhhhh) Nice seeing everyone--too bad I spin saturdays Upppppstate or else I would frequent this party a lot more. It was packed with beautiful women. This party looks like it should do well this fall-winter Mike Bugout
  17. definitely wished I stayed longer, but its all good. At least i got some energy for tonight left-- definitely nice meeting u...Next Sunday should be off the hook Mike Bugout
  18. definitely not surprised....Mike is sick... Mike Bugout
  19. yeah so peters is awesome.... a few trainwrecks here and there but dont we all....tech sets were nasty at times, Luz over a trance track is phat (sounds dumb but when he doesnt play any trance and then u hear a trance track its like whoaaa) Gay Straight had the local running away and crying & the SF heads goin crazy--Dark Beat was cool...No More Games takes the cake.... My first time REALLY hearing JP and i was def impressed. Legend, RoninIraess, Debbie, Paul, Lauren (cracktory) nice to meet u I never thought I'd have that a good of a muzik night north of westchester. Big Ups to Joey Bumps for puttin that together. The man is singlehandedly tryin to shove house muzik down these peeps throats up here and Im about to help u with that-- and Dan, in response to your question--JP was very good, very. I have no clue where i'd rate em tho. Get back to me after the S&M party next sunday and I'll let u know. Mike Bugout
  20. nice sig saleen I always wondered what the ladies did to that part of the jeans when it started becoming fashionable to cut that part off and show the hips--now we know! Mike Bugout
  21. anyone who didnt get or wants the set, I encoded it (finally!) so just IM me if u have a fast connection and I'll send it to u... the tracklist is somewhere a page or 2 back on this board-- Mike Bugout
  22. sorry to hear bro-- my prayers to you and your fam Mike Bugout
  23. definitely--place holds 3000 i think... Mike Bugout
  24. sounded sick on the phazon last friday..... Mike Bugout
  25. I will be there... as for JP's contract--the stipilation is 90 miles...guess how far monticello is from NYC? u guessed it--90.5 miles...theres actually a sign right before the club that says New York City - 90 it should be a good time---i better see u there Ms. Cracktory-- Mike Bugout
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