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Everything posted by djmikebugout

  1. the point everyone is missing here is that NY needs its megaclubs--whether u like to go to em or not, whether u dislike what goes on in them or what music is played there or who attends them there are so many reasons why NY needs them. And i did say "NEEDS". Places like Arc and Centro are great and the whole underground vibe (or whats left of it) is also necessary. But along with that UG vibe u also need a place for the masses. A place that during a hit friday nite in the summer can hold 5000 people. A place that parties from Sat nite at Midnight till 1 or 2 am on a monday. and as for the argument that clubs will keep popping up, you couldnt be more wrong. The NY Club scene is kinda like the peer to peer downloading thing. It took the gov't a while to take down Napster, but they eventually did. Now they have been takin em down quicker and quicker (as we speak Kazaa is in Ct gettin beaten to death by the copyright act) - But do u get the logic. It took them a while to get Gatian and LL and the tunnel and Twilo. But they did. Then they made the cabaret laws even stronger. The drug laws have gotten stronger as well. So yes, to answer your question its possible that lil clubs here and there wll spring up. But i HIGHLY doubt that clubs such as Exit or SF will come along again so soon. How long have we been waiting for Crobar? If you were someone who didnt give 2 shits about the clubscene in NY and u said "I hope they stay closed" -- then whatever. But i still dont understand why anyone posting on this messageboard could wish for that:confused: Mike Bugout
  2. i agree but the end greeting that i hate is ONE im guessing short for "One Love" IIght yo i'll catch u later- one (click). On Im's i dont mind it its easier than "g2g ttyl" but in public or on the phone im always like, "One what" "one .......two.....testing......buelller?"
  3. she better make it down....same goes for u missy!!
  4. your sig rules. Dope track
  5. yeah doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Im there no doubt
  6. u loveeeeeeeeeee ur nonsense buster
  7. i hate to tell u calvin but he is correct. The version u have is a rip that has been REWORKED...see in the title of ur track how it sez REWORK....u dont have the track thats been blowin up space
  8. like....LOVE:D.....the belly makes the outfit. The only place it would look better is on my floor.
  9. add to that the January 2003 edition of FHM and youre golden. A1 and B1 are my favs
  11. omg that belly--and things i would do.
  12. i dont see how its wierd. People went bonkers when he broke out the original Dirty Cash at WMC last yr at Crobar...
  13. the sad part is zeek that u gotta actually explain that to some people... not good at all
  14. cynthia and judy top my list there were a bunch tho that i loved..deniz, sa-fire, vienna, a bunch who only had one or two songs but sick "cmon OS, let the rhythm hit em"
  15. well....the ct hearing was set to take place late afternoon today (i guess around 3-4-5pm) and there has been NOTHING on the news which is usually a good sign b/c if they did shut both clubs you know the news wudda been licking their chops to announce that shit-- but its still too early to tell....uggghh i hate this waiting
  16. Im sorry. I blame myself for not keepin this thread goin and updates but im gettin more excited as each day passes so let goooooo 33
  17. I know, I know...its probably last on your list of necessary things to do in miami (that list typically being, Party, Party, Party, Drink, Nap & Tan, Party, Eat) But for anyone from the area, can u maybe list some good places to grab some grub..Last yr i think i went to TGIFridays like 3 different days and ended up at pizzarias and that diner the others...This year I'd like to eat a lil bit better if possible...so maybe list some good Italian, Chinese, whatever else places in the area... preferably in SoBe thanks for the help-- Mike Bugout
  18. http://www.metromixradio.com/mmradio128.pls (high) check out the mixshow goin on right now till 7pm hit me up on AIM @ djmikebugout for requests and info Then head to platinum 2nite.... Mike Bugout
  19. http://www.metromixradio.com/mmradio128.pls (high) Spinning on Metro Mix my usual spot today from 4-7pm. Hit me up on aim for requests and whatever else djmikebugout@aol.com Playing at Platinum in New Brunswick tonight. Mike Bugout
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