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Everything posted by DETROIT

  1. For like the 5th time in this thread: DT SPINS ALL NIGHT THIS FRIDAY.........


    Its a pain killer....called OxyContin, similar (but not really) to Percocet....it is literally Synthetic, Lab made Heroin........Haven't Felt its Pure Effecs Yet
  3. The Flyer Says "DANIEL SPINS ALL NIGHT" Thinking about seeing him for the first time since Winter Music Confrerence in Miami.....


    Ok...... my only experience with Oxy, was when my friend gave me an OXY 10.....snorted it, and did not feel a thing.......I did not know at the time that OXY 10mg was the lowest dose made.......I heard that you need an OXY 50 or 60mg to feel it, and that 80mg was the largest pill/dose.......well, yesterday i was looking at the PDR (Physicians Desk Refrence) And I saw 3 things.....i was wondering if anyone has come across any of them, or tried them........ 1) OXY 160!!!!!!!! The Shit looked as big as a Fucking Horse Pill.....I thought 80 was the biggest Purdue Makes......This was blue, and oval, not round. 2) Liquid OXY.....Is this in hospitals only???....It was Liquid Oxy, taken orally with a dropper....Is it the same thing as the pill? 3)Fast Release 80 oxy....It comes in an orange Gel-Cap, and releases it all at once....the reason OXY Pills need to be crushed is because they are time delay......but this one gives it to you all at once, eliminating the need to crush it. I had no idea these three things existed, and was just wondering if anyone has tried any of them.....(not just oxy, but #1,2,or3)
  5. Spirit Airlines is having all seats free on Sept 11th, www.cnn.com or www.spiritair.com , would you fly?


    I spent almost one year working on the Thailand/Myanmar Border, and let me tell you.....this drug has been out of control over there for a long time......the shit is everywhere, and everyone seems to be mad hooked. When I went to the Koi Samui Raves in Thailand, I think I was given some, but i was told it was just speed.......I think it was yaba cause the shit kept me up for DAYS!!!....I mean, I have done plenty of Crystal in my life, and this shit makes crystal seem like fucking table salt....... Anyway, the story behind it is that the government of Myanmar (Burma), which borders Thailand is run by dictators. Myanmar is made up of a fucking trillion different ethnic factions all fighting for independence......One that happens to be allied with the government is the UWA.....They were the first to mass produce Yabba and now make BILLIONS of Yabba Tablets, and flood them into thailand, all with the Myanmar government getting a profit. Anyway.....the shit is hardcore harsh, and maaaaad addictive, but if you like speed then give it a try.....i can almost promise it will be here soon, just like everything else..........
  7. I know......shit FRANKIE BONES.......i havent seen him spin out in YEARS!!!!! Damn, they went out of their way for this one......
  8. XPRESS 2 ROCKED IT OUT! Sick set! Insane......Props to them.....all three were on 6 tables for 3 hours....insane music, sick vibe (best PS1 party i EVER went to), great crowd............Perfect Afternoon!!!!!!! I didnt meet any of u, but i was one of the stair dancers throwing TP into the crowd........... Peace to all who went...........and those who didnt, you gotta catch em next time they come to the city,,,,,,
  9. Thats why you keep calling back with *67
  10. HERE IS THE PERFECT CLIT http://www.consumptionjunction.com/feat/cc/detail.asp?ID=11149
  11. That is one of the most fucked up stories i have heard in a long time.....if everything you say is true, you should be able to challenge the bills in court.....Sorry that happened
  12. sorry for the repost, but you can read user reviews here http://www.djstore.co.uk/cgi-bin/browse-no-frames.pl?view=item&item=tecsl1210pr
  13. If you want stability and reliability, go with the Technics........everything else feels like rubber bands and paperclips compared to Technics.......CD's seem to be the way of the future, i prefer vinyl, but alot of big name DJ's spin off CD's ...... I hate to break it to everyone but : DANNY TENAGLIA spins most of his music off of CD's, so maybe a CDJ would be better for you
  14. Carmine street has Sonic Groove and Vinyl Mania, both small, but good. Breakbeat Science on Orchard Street is Good for Breaks. Throb on 14th has some good progressive as does Vinyl Market, Halcyon in Brooklyn has great house.....Virgin Megastore sells all the top 40 dance tracks Cheap, and if all else fails you can go to the Wal-Mart of Record Stores, Satellite, on the Bowery......Kims Video has good selection too. Beat Street in the Fulton Mall is the best record store in the world for Hip Hop
  15. They are both very good and expensive, and if you are a beginer to intermediate like me(which i am guessing you are , because you asked for advice) you will notice no difference in either of them
  16. word up http://worldoffx.com/profiles/index.php
  18. DOLF is THE MAN!!! (Never Mind that he is German) That movie got me pumped.......made me wanna work out ( i never did though) Rocky running through the snow, up the mountain, living in that cabin with no heat, no radio....... Man, and to realize there are people on this board who were BORN when it came out makes me feel OLD!
  19. ok:) , just remind me, cause i tend to forget things
  20. :nono:nah, gettin old fast.....
  21. _ _ Check Your Symptoms If you answer yes to any of the following questions, go to www.webmd.com for information about how soon to see a health professional. See conditions and diseases to review high-risk health conditions that may increase the seriousness of your anger or hostility. _ Yes / No Has anger led to or could it lead to violence or harm to you or someone else? _Yes/No Does anger or hostility interfere with your relationships with others? Note: * If you think that your anger or hostility is related to the use of alcohol or drugs, see the topic Alcohol and Drug Problems. * If your anger has lead to episodes of violent behavior, see the topic Violent Behavior. If a visit to a health professional is not needed immediately, see the Home Treatment section for self-care information.
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