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Posts posted by gmoneyjive

  1. thnx for bringing me back to my senses... 10 yrs of wanting a car then I think of other cars just cuz of people telling me it is impossible to find, and they actually started to make another car I would consider buying (the z)... anyway, it's supra or bust! :)

    its been a while since I've been on there, but from what I remember supraforums.com and also mkiv.com were both excellent sources of information, looks like I've got a lotta researching to do once I get some time

    I'll definitely be getting a 6 speed, preferably t tops... some things I need to find out are did they only make 2 styles (t tops & hard top?), and do I need to find a TT - can I get a NA since I plan on upgrading to turbos anyway? Or are there problems with the engine setup that make this too much of a pain, or is it a weaker engine design than the TT? I'll likely find this stuff out once I get some time - in the mean time, if there's anyone on here that knows a lot about supras, feel free to educate me :D

  2. I've basically narrowed my car choices down to these two...

    I've wanted a supra since I first saw one in '93, and nothings really changed about that (except the fact that I can afford one soon) in the past 10 years... there seems to be a ton of aftermarket shit for them and virtually endless possibilities cuz its been out so long, BUT reliability could be a problem, and finding a good one at a good price is a full time job in itself...

    the z on the other hand, reliability & availability are obviously not a problem... but there's not much out for them yet (I've only seen 1 turbo kit), altho I'm sure that'll change given time.

    Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Stupid random comments that have nothing to do with this? :)

  3. Originally posted by teklord310

    I was a bit drunk at first but sobered up by the end of the night.

    SBDee was TRASHHEEDD!! Along with Karch(15 shots before entry will do that to a man) & GmoneyJive.

    Good seeing Zeeker again too. Xtcgspot was pretty fucked too, wink wink. Shouts to the rest of the crew, u know who u are.

    Yeah I had a nice little buzz goin

    According to some tools on this board, that would mean I only went to get fucked up & didn't know anything about the music :rolleyes:

  4. Nice seein ya again too ;)

    Thanks for the free drinks!! :D

    Sorry we didn't stay long, we already had plans to go to merge and stopping by groove lounge was a last second thing... it's only a couple minutes from my house, so I'm sure I'll be there quite a bit this fall when things pick up

  5. tired of all this **OFFICIAL** bullshit, so here goes...

    great fuckin time... opening dj's & vicious were sick

    coupla highlights...

    when mad myles played adrenaline himself...

    during silence when roxy seemed to explode....

    and my favorite....

    kiss (airscape)... sounded soooooo good on the phazon... hadn't heard that shit in a while

    can't type any more.... need sleep

  6. actually I don't think I'm gonna do it anymore after a leg workout... it made for weak cardio

    at first I was afraid to go deep (more than 90 degrees or so) cuz of slight pain in my knee tendon, but I did it one time and it didn't hurt when I go deep, so I do that now. I've heard of people building muscle too fast & tearing tendons, and since I already have a tendon problem I don't wanna do this... I'm assuming if I do higher rep/lower weight squats that over time the tendon will become stronger & I won't do damage to it... is that correct?

  7. I also need to hold onto the railing on the stairs at my gym for fear of falling after a leg workout, I think that's pretty standard... I did the cardio 4 hrs after the workout, so I guess my legs had recovered a bit

  8. Originally posted by elitesnautica

    If you actually did what I consider a leg workout. You would not be able to walk after the workout, much less do cardio.


    True... I'm not a bodybuilder, nor do I claim to be one, nor do I want monstrous legs. On top of that I can't do real heavy weight on squats for fear of tearing a tendon in my knee that I tore 3 years ago & never quite healed properly... so at any rate, I still do a lil cardio after my workouts

    btw... what the hell is the deal with the "target heart rate", and if it is such bs, why does everyone talk about it?

  9. Will doing cardio negate the effects of doing a leg workout? i.e. I just did a low rep quad workout today, but then ended up biking for half an hour (extremely high rep, low weight workout). Will that hinder muscle building?

    2nd - During cardio, is not hitting your 70 - 80 percent target heart rate that important? I got bored as hell with running, so lately I've been biking, but I've noticed it's hard to keep in the target range while biking, I usually end up more like 60 - 65 percent of max heart rate. I've heard that under 70% of your max heart rate is no longer aerobic. I don't wanna do too much aerobics anyway cuz I don't wanna lower my metabolism, but I like to do some anyway.

    3rd - Right now I'm cutting fat (lost 25 lbs so far) and eating around 1800 cals/day (200 g's protein, little over 200 g's of carbs, very little fat). I've been working out to avoid losing muscle along with the fat. I'm assuming I will make little or no muscle gains during this... will I lose any? I haven't noticed much muscle change so far except after the first few weeks I could see better definition, but I have no way of really telling if I have gained or lost muscle (cuz simply losing fat will also improve defintion). Anyway, I'm just worried that even tho I'm working out I still may be losing muscle... lemme know whatcha think, thnx.

  10. Originally posted by t0nythelover

    i wanna go so bad but shits been kinda hectic for me...

    and i havent been to a club or done anything but work all summer...


    wheres quoth at...i wonder if hes goin...


    come out bro, it'll be a good time... and it does seem to be shaping up to be a reunion from last year lol

  11. actually I can get to bbs.clubplanet.com, but every time I click on a section (new york, music, etc.) it blocks it... I can actually view the threads that are listed under "hot topics" on www.clubplanet.com, but that's not gonna do...

    my immediate supervisors don't give a crap, it's cuz it's a department of defense network they're all tight about security & shit.... I might try it by the ip address, but I prolly shouldn't fuck around with it anyway...

    oh well... :(

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