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Posts posted by gmoneyjive

  1. So what's the deal with meeting up - like I said, I wouldn't mind meeting some of the new people I don't know on here... we always used to meet at the back bar at a couple of planned times on the hour, I never remembered them so I just went back there every hour to take a break, cool off, get drinks & see who's there - so that's prolly what I'll do this time...

    But there's mention of 1 am by the men's room, I doubt I'll be there by then but if I am I'll try to make that I guess...

  2. Originally posted by housedog

    Heineken :aright:

    Anyone who like Guniess, have you ever did a car bomb?

    werd... best shot in the fuckin world

    For me:

    Yuengling Lager

    Guiness (Murphy's & Yuengling Porter close to the same)

    New Castle



    Almost any German Hefeweizen I've tried

    Whoever said Fat Tire - I was just out in Boulder & tried it for the first time... def the best local beer out there

  3. Originally posted by Codica3

    Why hello there! How the hell have you been?! :D

    Hey cody - been pretty damn good since I graduated, and best of all now I'm a jersey boy! :D Well maybe it's not great, but sure as hell better than PA. Trying to slowly work my way back into the scene. How bout yourself? You won't be gracing us with your presence tomorrow?

  4. Originally posted by 3rdflfactoria

    How happy are you that you are out of the boonies? :D

    Refer to this messageboard for help with guestlists. Couple $'s saved here and there will help you out. :)

    I'm real fuckin happy to be outta PA (although I miss college life). But I'm sure the beach & clubs will make up for it. Anyone gotta guestlist for merge tom night? I've seen bugout quite a few times, always a sick fuckin DJ.


    I'm doin ridiculously well right now... I'm surprised I can even type :D

  5. I just moved here from PA, and I've never been to the shore clubs cuz I've heard people talk a lotta shit about them, but now that I live 20 mins from seaside I wanna check em out for myself. Only problem is, I don't know where they are (clubs like merge, tempts, XS), and what nights to go where - anyone wanna help me out?

  6. Originally posted by hotcheme

    hey joe....

    E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!!!!!

    YEAH BABY!! I'm assuming you'll be at the game saturday night too... we gotta tailgate together ;)

    As much as I hate the Giants as an Eagles fan, I do feel bad that they lost a chance at the game due to a bad call. But, they wouldn't have had the ball on the 2 (or 10) even with a pass interference call, there was another ineligible man downfield so there woulda been offsetting penalties and they would have another shot at a 41 yard try... with the Giants long snapper and kicker that's no guarantee by any means. And, I can't feel too bad because they blew a 24 point lead to put themselves in that situation anyway...

  7. Originally posted by Pyro264

    Im listening to Armins gatecrasher NEC Nov 16th set .WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    ATTN: If you are trying to get people to come out with you who have never heard Armin (since hes never been to NY) Get this set and everything will work for you :D

    werd... good fuckin set. of course, I was gonna be there anyway ;)

  8. Great fuckin night - went at it completely sober this time, and had 10 times more fun than my really wasted night at roxy. Good to see all the cp heads I hadn't seen in a coupla months.

    Wasn't the best pvd set I'd ever heard, but a pretty damn good one - I too noticed a lull somewhere between 12 and 1, but the sickness he laid down right at 1:00 and onward made up for it. It was a bit crowded in the middle of the night, but not as bad as I remember the twilo days... after 1:00 Jay and I and a bunch of other peeps found some room to bounce around up front and that last hour+ made my night. Really good music - btw does anyone who knows their pvd shit wanna post some kinda track listing - there's quite a few I wanna know and I'm sure others do too, including one I was told but either forgot or can't find (something like 'nothing but you'... eh, I don't really remember).

    Met danwilson & brooklynkid, prolly woulda met a few more but I've been outta the loop for a while now so I wasn't quite sure if I'd met certain ppl or not. Unbelievable vibe in that place, I agree very twilo-esque - mainly due to it being on a monday and only the pvd/music lovers out, not the normal clubbing crowd.

    Thanks to everyone for a great night out - especially pvd for a) letting us hear him for $10, and B) raising over $13 thousand (I think) for the victim's families of sept. 11 :aright:

  9. Originally posted by hitokiri24

    YO son where u been ain t see ur ass in a min WTF !!! now u wan a job?!?!?! mad greedy yo jk i dunno what to tell u tho i can tell u is good luck on huntin for a job its hard tho believe me best of luck :hat:

    Wut up bro!! yeah I haven't been out recently because my internship ended at the end of the summer, and no internship = no money, no money = not being able to come to nyc & go clubbing.... :( I do want to come in about once a month tho (although I'd like to come in a lot more often than that)... I'm thinking about making a possible return for picotto, and then maybe a tiesto, pvd or cox... ;) I can't do them all, but I wanna try to hit up at least 2 of them. I'm not being entirely selfish by not coming out for a while and then posting about help finding a job - I'm only doing this so I can find a job and then come out all the time. :D

    Originally posted by dr0ne

    hate to break this to you but ECE jobs in nyc (manhattan) are just about non-existent. the only things you can hope to find is software engineering, working for mostly financial firms. all other stuff is in either jersey, long island, or upstate ny.

    i see a job or two for actual ECE stuff in nyc pop up, maybe 2 jobs or month something like that....but it's ALWAYS for intermediate/senior level positions, with at least 3 years experience....no one's looking for fresh out of college kids. keep looking, but you're more likely to find something through recruiting at your school or through your alumni network.....not from job websites.

    werd... you're not breaking it to me - I've long heard that there are very few ECE jobs in nyc. :( But I've realized that I want to (and will) live there next year no matter what the employment situation is. I could easily take an ECE job with Honeywell (who I just interned with) and live in East Bumblefuck, PA... but I'd much rather make a career comprimise and live where I want to live. So as you said, I guess I'm mainly looking for software jobs (even IT if I have to, although I don't like IT at all). Since I posted that first post, I've found a ton of job websites (i.e. dice, monster, careerbuilder, ajb, engineerjobs, computerjobs, etc...), but I'm still looking for colleges that might have job fairs with employers looking for engineers, and I'm looking for some kind of list of the biggest employers in nyc (which would most likely have software jobs).

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