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Posts posted by gmoneyjive

  1. I'm starting my job search now for when I graduate in may so I can make sure I get out of this godforsaken state of pennsylvania. I'm looking for any computer or electrical engineering work - I would prefer to work in nyc, but I would accept work in the surrounding areas if I can't find anything there. My school's career services & job fair has plenty of jobs, but most of them are in PA/NJ/MD so I need to look elsewhere. Any suggestions? What about job fairs at nyc universities that have a decent engineering program so they attract employers looking for engineers (I don't know which schools do)... or a list of the biggest employers in nyc (which would probably have software & IT jobs)... or job websites such as monster.com - I don't really know of any besides that.

    Any help is appreciated - thnx in advance.

  2. Originally posted by £ddie

    Highlights of the morning.

    *That Kid Chris - Come Together

    *Echomen - Substance

    *Austin Leeds - Salvation (Luke Fair Remix)

    *Franklin Fuentes - Gay or Straight

    *Loads of tech.

    *Vivacious's performance.

    *Watching Jon Stephen show up. :laugh:

    Great set except at the end I was bored to tears with the garbage he played.

    Nice meeting Steve, Dmitry, and Graydon.

    nice meeting u too man, also nice meeting nycchic24 and Pat who I apparently met last spring at exit but didn't remember for some strange reason... :D good night overall, but by 10 or so I was too damn dead to go on so I left.... when walking out I saw a guy face down on the cement, wonder if that was the guy who they called the ambulance for... almost fell asleep several times on the drive home but made it back around noon.

  3. I know there's a few tech/video ppl on here so I guess this is worth a try...

    I'm trying to get what's on my computer screen to a projector for as cheap as possible (college kid budget here)... I know it can be done with expensive projector equipment but that's not an option...

    I can get a real cheap video/tv card for my computer, but I don't know anything about projectors... what type of inputs would they take (rca, co-ax, digital), and what type of projector would I need?? I started looking on ebay, but have no idea what type or what to look for so I figured I'd ask here first...

    The end goal is to get a winamp plugin on a large screen (read: my pull down shade)...

    any and all help is appreciated!!

  4. Definitely a good night... my night started off real early when I arrived in DC @ 5pm... hit up the 'brick to sample as many of their 1200+ beers as I could... at some point we stumbled out of there and hit up another bar (madhatter's maybe??) and continued the drinking binge... had such a great time I completely lost track of time... first time I looked at my watch it was already past 11... and I had completely missed ed's pre-party (sorry!!). Well somehow I managed to find a cab over to buzz or nation (whichever is the name) and got in easily even though I could not have been standing straight. I found hotcheme, joeg, hoke, wideskies & the rest of the ny crew and wandered between the 2 rooms - at one point I had to break away from melissa cuz I heard my tune rank1 - awakening come on lol... I must say I'm very impressed with the place, better than I expected. As a venue it seems as good as exit or factory, as good as anything in nyc (note: I said venue people, not music, vibe or management so lets not start the exit hating on this thread :) ) In fact the place even looked like exit with the long rectangular main floor, balconies on each side, lights that come down, and the outdoor patio.

    Went to the meetup and met a bunch of the DC ppl... too many to remember if I had been sober, waaaaaay too many to remember as drunk as I was... I would start naming people but I'd feel like an ass forgetting some of you - so I'll just say it was great meeting all of you! ;)

    Zabiela came on with a rockin' set, sasha was also sick himself - I must admit I was a bit worried with quite a few bad reviews of his new cd out there, but IMO he was ridiculous. Don't know why he came on so late though... but it's all good.

    Just a few bones to pick... why was the water so damn warm?? It's obviously a ploy to get you to buy more bottled water, but come on now, exit doesn't even do that (I can just see marvisi taking notes right now...) Don't tell me it just comes out that way because it doesn't... it's either purposely mixed with warm water or held in a tank so its room temperature. Also, why did they close down the outdoor section and balconies so early? I guess I can partially understand that because people started leaving around 4:30... (I don't understand that because it was for sasha, but even the ny ppl left pretty early - what's up with that anyway :confused: )... but it's still not cool being forced to leave the outside & balcony sections... oh well. I hung around for another hour or so after the ny crowd left... but got bored being alone and took off a little after 6, made the long ass drive back home and finally got to sleep around 9:30 or so... good night overall.

  5. Originally posted by tinybutterfli

    I don't have an extra one. But Jenn can still get 'em at Ticketmaster (an outlet or online...) If she does it online, she can pick it up at Will Call....

    just an idea..

    wed night I got to the TM outlet too late & last night I found out that this outlet doesn't serve DC (only ny, nj, pa & md - wtf :confused: ) so I had to go to ticketmaster online and hafta pick them up at will call... where's this gonna be at, and if I just have to get in line, do I get in line for ppl with tickets or the regular line since I don't already have my ticket?

  6. Originally posted by djjonstephen

    Anyone ever hear of "Boot and Rally"?

    Holy Fucking Shit!!! ...and I thought we were the only drunks pathetic enough to do that... :aright: lol, I've done it & seen it done many a time...

    Originally posted by perns2002

    We got our favorite local bar/club hang out, to set a table up for us on Thursday's............ Great game another good one is ASSHOLE.......................

    I've heard that there are bars with this, but never been to one... I need to find one, it sounds interesting cuz they are two completely different scenes put together....

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