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Posts posted by gmoneyjive

  1. I have similar thoughts often - just not to that extent... I wish someone would hit my car causing cosmetic damage, but not enough to make it undrivable. Ever since someone rear-ended me 5 years ago and I got a check for 2 grand even though the damage didn't look that bad and in no way affected the car's driving, I've been waiting for this to happen again. Since my car was a big peice of shit I didn't care what it looked like, I took the insurance check and bought a computer and used the rest towards college tuition. Even though there are plenty of stupid drivers out there and I seem to be on the road a lot everyday, it has yet to happen again.

    Back when I was in the army, there was this short one-way coming into the parking lot next to our barracks that was quite inconvenient and a lot of people just said fuck it and went the wrong way... this would happen a lot on friday & saturday nights, and I'm sure quite a few of these people were drinking (the average GI is not the smartest person in the world). After seeing this for a while, I had the idea to wait just around the corner, and when someone came the wrong way to turn in, and get in a relatively slow collision (even if the other car stopped and you hit him, they would be screwed because they were going the wrong way, and probably a 50% chance that they had too much to drink on a weekend night)... yeah its a fucked up thought, but woulda had a nice payout if the guy was drunk & you came up with some sorta fake injury. But neither I nor anyone else had the balls (stupidity?) to try this due to the possibilty of severly injuring yourself and it being on purpose, so it never panned out.

  2. this belongs on the substance board but... every time a good pill comes out someone somewhere makes a fake one to look just like it cuz they know its gonna sell good due to reputation & its cheaper for them to make in the first place... this is why there's always a different pill goin around, never the same old one... btw FFs I saw were ridiculous... HPs were pretty good but I'm sure there's plenty of fake ones by now...

  3. Originally posted by PFloyd40


    damn i hate coming out of clubs in the winter.. hahahaha

    coming out in the summer is great b/c the club is mad hot, but outside its not as bad... the best is coming outside to a beautiful sunny mornign/afternoon :)

    I actually don't like it when its sunny coming out of a club... my eyes are used to the dark club, and when I walk out the door its bright as hell so I'm squinting real bad - can barely see. I much prefer a nice cool, overcast day... easier transition ;)

    As far as a season - they all have their pros & cons so I dunno - I enjoy clubbing at anytime of the year...

  4. Originally posted by lasix

    anyone who knows me, knows that I am far from ignorant. what you wrote about your friend did not say anything about him being a dj for 4 years and listening to trance for years.. MOST people who are into trance only for the breakdowns are usually the ones who ARE close-minded... I used to think that's all there was ..till i discovered TECHNO! to me, all those breakdowns kill the momentum.. do you really need a 90-second breakdown in every track?!? if thats what gets your friend off, so be it..

    hmmm... guess I was a little harsh last night... was fuckin hammered (don't remember posting this :rolleyes: - see the thread about my fear of posting shit when fucked up) and bitter cuz some stupid fuck picked a fight with me right b4 I came home.... anyway sorry bout that. I'm just tired of seeing people on here criticize and put down others musical tastes, time to realize that everyone has their own opinion... personally I listen to everything from hard shit to softer trance to techno, house, breaks, and even some cheese (there I said it - I like cheese!!!)... but I still respect his opinion and listening tastes. Oh well... guess I brought my anger from the dumbass who tried to fight me to the boards... (note to self - install breathalyzer disabling device on computer so it can't be used when drunk)

  5. Originally posted by lasix

    i remember those days of innocence and ignorance...

    what the fuck are you talking about?? This guy has been djing for over 4 years now (and has been listening to the music for a lot longer than that) and has his own specific taste... granted, I think he's too picky in his musical tastes compared to mine, but that's just my opinion... he's entitled to his own opinion.... he's been listening to this music since the mid 90's and he just likes trance with some slow points & buildups in between the crazy shit (i.e. tiesto) instead of the harder set that digweed played. To say that his tastes are due to "innocence and ignorance..." is showing that you are quite ignorant yourself... when are you fuckin people gonna realize that everyone has their own tastes, and just because someone has different tastes than your own doesn't mean that they are "innocent and ignorant"???

  6. Originally posted by hotcheme

    i would've liked to hear some breaks.... but i was very happy with digweed's set regardless.

    I didn't mean breaks as in breakbeats... just pauses in the beat... damn you're tryin hard for club god aren't cha ;)

  7. Originally posted by hotcheme

    you didn't tell me he didn't like digweed! that made me cry.... his set on weds changed my life.

    yeah I dunno why he's so damn picky... said it was too hard, not enough breaks & buildups just straight beats... whatever I liked him anyway. lol... yeah draper wasn't exactly an option ;)

  8. One of my few clubbin buddies from back here wants to hit up a club with me in nyc one of these weekends... only problem is, he's really picky about the type of music - doesn't like house at all, pretty much only listens to trance and then only certain types of trance. In fact he didn't even like digweed @ area2 - loved tiesto tho... anyway, what clubs consistently only play trance on a fri or sat? Or do I pretty much have to check out the different trance djs that come through from time to time to find out? Any help is appreciated... damn picky people...

  9. Originally posted by tamara4321

    The meds made it seem like if we didnt go in the ambulance that they were going to send the cops to arrest us.

    No offense... I still feel bad for you two... but if indeed you were sober (which I have a REALLY hard time believing after seeing you, and it looks like I'm not alone on this one), why would you go in an ambulance for fear of being arrested??? Arrested for what? And even if you're not being truthful and you were pretty fucked up... still, what are they gonna arrest you for? Public rolling? Most cops know the deal about arresting ppl without cause... they know they can get in a lot of shit for it... so they usually only do it for ppl who are really drunk. While I still feel bad for what happened to you... there seems to be a little gullibility on your part... I can't see why anyone would just let this happen. Anyway good luck - sue the shit outta them if u can ;)

  10. yeah this is the first friday in quite a while that I don't already know what I'm doin... was gonna hit up roxy for vicious then arc afterhours as usual... but stuff changed so I dunno if anything is worth me driving in for. Haven't been to PS1 yet - I'm always up for something new - what type of music & artists are gonna be there? Its prolly on here somewhere, but I'm lazy today & hoping someone will answer ;)

  11. yeah I can't really go on the sex board either @ work :( Every other link to a pic that I click on results in a red screen screaming "ACCESS DENIED. THE WEBSITE YOU HAVE ATTEMPTED TO ACCESS HAS BEEN DETERMINED INAPPROPRIATE MATERIAL FOR THE HONEYWELL WORKPLACE. PLEASE SEE YOUR ADMINISTRATOR IF YOU FEEL YOU NEED ACCESS TO THIS SITE. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN LOGGED." - and I'm not trying to get fired from an internship ;) Maybe in three weeks on my last day here I'll hit it up big time...

  12. I used to get an anxious feeling (not a sick feeling) b4 going into the club... but it had nothing to do with pills or rolling cuz I didn't do that for a long ass time. I think it was cuz I enjoyed it so much, but only got to do it every 2 or 3 months... possibly had something to do with intimidation goin to a big ass club in nyc being from a small town, dunno. After goin crazy and clubbing a coupla times a week all summer... that feeling is long gone, kinda miss it actually... it seemed like goin to a club was something special back then. Wish I could feel that way again about it, but I don't think I'm willing to take a coupla months off... ;)

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