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Posts posted by gmoneyjive

  1. Originally posted by xtcgspot

    so i had a minor heart attack apparently. nothing that threatened my life, but i could have a partially blocked artery which may need surgery in the future. i stayed in the hopsital over nite, went thru alot of tests today, just got released. dr. told me to take it easy for a while. no partying, drinking, excitement for me. gonna take it easy for a month or more. :(

    damn man that's pretty serious - I take back what I said about roxy on friday... take it easy & get better soon...

  2. I'm going to court tonight to try to get out of this ticket... I have a few things going my way since the cop screwed up in multiple ways - the ticket says I was traveling "16 MPH in a 45 MPH zone" (he should have written 61)... its has the wrong date on it (in fact I was @ work on the date and time on the ticket, and have 3 letters of proof from my boss & coworkers in case it becomes an issue), "Radar" is not checked as equipment used on the ticket even though that's what he used, my address is slightly wrong, etc...

    The ticket is for $98 and 4 points on my license... (assuming it transfers over to PA, which some ppl told me it wouldn't, but the court claimed it would)... if possible I'm gonna try to make a deal with the prosecutor to plead guilty to a lesser charge, prolly paying the same amount but with either 2 or 0 points (hoping for 0 since the ticket is so screwed up). I don't really mind paying whatever, but points on the license really suck. If that's not possible then I'm just gonna fight it, will have to question & discredit the cop...

    Any suggestions/past experiences/helpful websites?? Any help will be appreciated...

  3. Originally posted by magilicuti

    this guy is dying of pain and this guy is still promoting his shit :rolleyes:

    Ever hear of a joke? I think gary knows me well enough to know that I was kidding... :rolleyes: And by the way what exactly is "my shit"... roxy? drugs? I think not...

  4. Originally posted by quoth

    yea nice meeting ya as well...fuckin some very good points u have made...i mean i already have thought many times about joining the air force but eh...idk....but tomm im gonna see a rep at my local comm college to see what is my best approach for my situation...but thanx for the input.

    yeah I didn't mean to sound like I was suggesting some sort of military option - I really hope you can find a way without going that route. For me it was a good (and certainly very maturing) experience, but nothing I would want to do for a career... and I wish I coulda done the college thing with out it... I would already be out in the working world right now if that had been the case...

  5. Your Personal Day of Death is...

    Monday, December 16, 2052

    Seconds left to live...


    ummm... is it just me or is this kinda freaky seeing when we're gonna die (even though its not real, its a pretty damn good estimate)... damn I think I'm gonna party hard this weekend even if its not in my budget...

  6. I gotta go tommorrow night for a speeding ticket... the cop fucked up the ticket in 2 different ways tho - it says I was "traveling 16 MPH in a 45 MPH zone" (didn't know that was illegal :) ), and it also has the wrong date on it (I was at work on the day that's written down, so I have an alibi if needed)... think I'll be able to get out of this one?

  7. whaddup man - btw nice meetin u last friday @ luna...

    lotta good input from other ppl here but I think I may be able to add a little more... first I'll tell u the situation I was in after graduating HS...

    I graduated HS in '96 (holy shit its been 6 years!!) and wanted badly to go to college... unfortuantely I had a bad relationship w/ parents and no money of my own... I tried like hell to get financial aid, but this whole dependant/independent thing kept getting in the way. Every school I know of uses the FAFSA (community colleges could be different, dunno)... and there are only a few ways to claim independence - this is straight from the FAFSA website:

    You are an independent student if at least one of the following applies to you:

    For the 2002-2003 school year, you were born before January 1, 1979; for the 2001-2002 school year, you were born before January 1, 1978;

    You are married

    You are enrolled in a graduate or professional educational program (beyond a bachelor's degree)

    You have legal dependents other than a spouse;

    You are an orphan or ward of the court (or were a ward of the court until age 18);or

    You are a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces ("veteran" includes a student who attended a U.S. military academy who was released under a condition other than dishonorable)

    Now for me none of those applied, and the only way I could get to college was through the military or wait till I was 24 (I wasn't about to get married or have kids). So, I joined the army, got out in '99 & started school... I'm not sure if this whole notarized letter about paying rent to parents will work - I know that it didn't work at any of the schools I applied to - but then again the schools you're looking at could be different... talking to the FA office is the only way to find out I guess...

    But yeah like a few other ppl were sayin... it is really important to find something you like - why go thru the next 40 years of your life hating your job when you could be loving (or at least liking) it? IMO starting at a community college is fine - go there for 2 years, then 2 more years at a university - your future employer is only gonna see the diploma from the university, so why not start out some place cheaper & easier? Plus most states have programs that offer a lotta financial assistance to those going from a community college to a university (provided u work hard & get good grades).

    If you do manage to claim independence, you can go just about anywhere even if you don't have a lot of $$ - just to throw some numbers around Lehigh now costs about 35 K a year, yet I manage to go here making less than 10 K a year working summers & part-time... I will have about 45 K of student loans when I'm done, but as jon said I'm not worried about it as I'll prolly make more than that my first year working... also all loans are deffered until 6 months after graduation...

    Anyway, just my input - good luck man...

  8. Originally posted by joeg

    80/month for unlimited incoming, unlimited text, free night/weekends, aim, 300 minutes (not that you'll ever touch them with free everything)...

    AIM?? I got my phone in may and they weren't offering that... damn....

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