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Posts posted by gmoneyjive

  1. ah, gotcha... but I do think they mean no cell phones...


    I think they mean no cell phones... what my question is, is do they mean no talking on a cell on the dancefloor, or no cells in the club at all?

    I'd post the flyer, but dunno how... still workin on it

  2. the flyer says: "NO TEXT/TELEPHONES ON THE DANCEFLOOR! JUST SHUT UP AND DANCE!" - which I agree with, why would anyone try to talk on a phone over the music anyway... but does this mean that you can't carry the cell in your pocket in case you need it leaving the club (or wanna call someone in the chillroom or exit area)?? I guess we'll find out... I doubt they're gonna turn someone away for having a cell on the first weekend of this rule, make them go back to their car then to the back of the line...

  3. Originally posted by xtcgspot

    i was thinkin the same thing. im already down. me and my boy are bringin a 30-pack and gettin shitty in the parking lot. who's gonna meet up with us and get shitty too?

    I was gonna say something about this earlier cuz my boy and I are bring a coupla cases of lager and gettin real shitty before hand, but didn't want to cuz there seems to be so many "proud to party sober" people on cp... well glad you're not all like that!! :D Looks like I'll hafta take off from work even earlier now... damn this is gonna be a blast

  4. Fuck!!

    *bangs head against desk repeatedly for missing this*

    Someone please slap me silly next time I say I'm skipping out on this guy... I was soooo tired after fri night (didn't get home till noon, slept till 10) and didn't feel like driving another 3 hours... but after reading this thread...

    *continues to bang head repeatedly against desk*

    I must say that I was slightly bored with him for his first set for DT v. DH... but it sounds like he really laid it down this time... oh well, looks like I'll have to wait another month... :(

    jay - yeah get yer own damn photons - you already owe me a set of batteries for mine cuz u use them more than I do ;)

    j/k bro

  5. Originally posted by codica3

    Well I can't listen to music while I'm at work because our computers need special sound cards which I don't have.. but I could never go a whole day without listening to music.. the place where music is definitely essential is in my muthafuckin' car!!

    I can't listen to music @ work either... gotta listen for ppl walking by the cubicle so I can alt+tab away from cp real quick ;) I used to love my 2 hrs of driving everyday to & from work, blasting all my favorite tracks...

  6. When I had mine out the pain was pretty bad... didn't feel like doin anything for a while... but then again I didn't get good pain killers either. I don't see why drinking would be bad for your mouth... generally anything with alcohol in it is a sterilizer and won't promote infections (beer does have bacteria, but nothing that should affect an open cut). Hope this doesn't affect your ability to bounce around on wednesday :)

  7. Originally posted by djjonstephen

    Pats have the same team as last year minus Bryan Cox.....nothing can stop them.

    lol that's pushin it just a little bit, eh? I am somewhat of a pats fan, used to be a lot more before they endlessly tortured me for the 17 years I lived up there... that kinda stomped on my loyalty (especially the fuckin bears in '85)... but I wouldn't say they're so dominant nothing can stop them lol :)

    ...and now for my team...


    No stoppin D Mac this year...

    Last night I took a quick ride over the mountain... caught a glimpse of a few rookies/walk-ons... the veterans get to camp @ Lehigh today :D Gonna go get me some autographs, and do some serious training camp tailgating on saturday!!! wooooo hooooo

    I know there's at least one other eagles fanatic on here... give a shoutout, why don't cha...

  8. I've gone there 3 out of the last 4 fridays and think its great. The crowd is fine, and even though some of the vinyl veterans say its changed from a coupla years ago, its still the best vibe I've seen anywhere in the city... the only time I've heard legitimate complaints was when it was ridiculously packed, like for DT v. DH. But as for the last few fridays, there has been plenty of room, friendly people smiling & talking to you, and hardly anyone bumping into you without saying sorry (there was even some RIDICULOUS eye candy that walked in early sat morning... focuspuller can attest to that, but that's besides the point). As far as the music goes, DT may be beyond his prime (I dunno cuz I didn't see him in his prime)... but he still throws down sets as good as any other nyc resident IMO, and keeps it fun with his comments & bouncing around all over the booth. No cell phones? I've had mine with me the last two weeks and no one's said anything to me so I dunno what you guys are talking about.

  9. as some of you know, I just bought a car last weekend... (still a peice of shit, but better than my old peice of shit).... as you may also know I'm huge into car stereo and HAD a ridiculous system in my old car... well I get back from work today, happy as hell looking forward to tonight, and I go over to my old car to switch the stereo in to my "new" car.... and as I roll up my jaw drops and heart skips several beats... drivers door partially opened, trunk opened with a mess of wires hanging down over the bumper, keeping it open... and I know immediately that everything is gone........


    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    I swear if I ever find the fucker who did this I'm gonna beat him to a bloody fuckin pulp... and prolly go to jail for murder for the rest of my life...

    The stuff retailed at about $2460, I paid about $1050 for it... still pisses me the fuck off... I'm a broke ass college kid and can't afford this shit....


    besides beating someone to death, anyone know of a good way to blow off some steam so that I might somehow be able to salvage tonight??

  10. altho it may look like I lurked for 9 months or so... I actually signed up last august, but then over the school year I didn't have time for cp or $$ for clubbin... then I checked back here in may when I started the internship... knew I loved nyc & wanted to meet some ppl... saw some posts about the meetup @ calle nueve & posted once or twice... then when I was there a few ppl told me I'd better introduce myself & start posting or else... ;) ...and its been all downhill wasting time & post whoring from there :D

  11. Originally posted by djqwest

    For The Love Of God!... doesn't anybody actually drink liquor here? I mean fuck...Red Bull This, Red Bull That. Give me 10 tin and tonics....and shit, I'll show ya what gets me goin.

    YESSS!!! (sometimes it seems like no one else does) gets me goin just fine... but if u want some ephedrine just take stackers... they'll def get u goin & u don't have to drink anything...

    yeah red bull does absolutely nothing to me... had 5 of them during DT v. DH and didn't feel a thing...

  12. yeah I know this thread was started as a complete joke.. but ummm... I'm kinda in a bad situation... my friend who is only kinda into this music just called me up & said "holy shit dude, amber is gonna be @ world!!" I said "ummm... yeah I heard... don't really wanna go tho... amber's kinda(!!) old & commercial..." Well anyway he informed me that a big group of our friends are gonna be there... I really don't wanna go for amber but since its with a bunch of friends.... my question is, will this even be tolerable? Never been to world... haven't heard good stuff about it... I liked some of amber's stuff back in the day, but not most of it, and can't say I've listened to any of it by choice in the last coupla years... advice needed...

  13. Originally posted by codica3

    To sentence #1 -- OUCH. :blown:

    To sentence #2 -- STFU I'm not a drunk, there is a difference between and alcoholic and a drunk.

    ummm... I could be wrong, but doesn't the argument usually go the other way? i.e. "you fucking alcoholic". "I'm not an alcoholic, alcoholics go to meetings... I'm a drunk". Well at least that's the way it goes with me anyway... btw you have definitely met your competition, ppl on here just don't know me that well yet ;)

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