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Posts posted by gmoneyjive

  1. Originally posted by roninmess

    digweed, graydon and melissa:)



    Now is that a great pic or what?!?! :tongue: Thanx bro, and thnx for help with the sig... The rest of the pics are real good too (although not as good as this one ;) )... wish we coulda got some closeups with Carl mutha fuckin' Cox... what is there not to like about a huge black dude with an english accent bouncin all over the place and spinnin craaaaaazy ass shit... my fav fuckin dj right now... :D Good Shit!!!

  2. Originally posted by tamara4321

    Yesterday started out like a dream Tiesto is my favorite Dj in the world and to be 5 ft. away from him and having him look at me and appreciate it was probably the best moment of my life. Anyway like Ronin was saying I was one of the "rolling my face off" girls but the sad truth is I wasn't even. The meds who at the time I had no idea what they were told us Tiesto wanted to meet us and to come back stage with them. Being the innocent fools we are we believed him. So they totally interogated us and took us to the hospital, they ran tests on us and found nothing in our system. What a fucking waste! by the time we got out of there the concert was over. and we'd been fucked up the ass with a $800 er bill.

    at least tiesto loved it.

    thanks for a great day pnc assholes.

    WOW - are you fucking serious??? Forget challenging that bill - sue the shit out of them. But I'm wondering - how did they "make" you go to the hospital?? If it had been me I would have refused (even if I was rolling) - unless of course they arrest you, then you have no choice... so question is, did they officially arrest you (i.e. read you miranda rights and tell you what you were charged with)?? If not there's no way they can force you to go to the hospital... its a free country here... did they somehow convince you that you had to go?? If you consented to going without being forced(arrested) to then I guess its on you... something smells fishy here...

  3. I'm a beer man all the way... yuengling's been my favorite ever since I started school here.. but I also like guiness, killians, honey brown & corona (as long as limes are available)... and of course the beer I've drank more than any other in my lifetime... good 'ole beast (milwaukee's best for those who don't know)... but you said other than beer... hmmm... I guess grain (everclear) cuz you can mix it with just about anything & it tastes good... doesn't have all the other shit in it like the vodkas, rums, whiskies etc.... plus one flask is good enough to get even the biggest drunks feelin giddy cuz its pure alcohol (almost)... :aright:

  4. Originally posted by echostar

    i was fine.....nothing bad happened, and i feel top notch today :aright:

    I was referring to melissa quoting you and saying you outdid yourself (I thought you were fine)... unfortunately the network here is really fucked up and it seriously took 20 minutes to get that to post... so someone caught it first... :tongue:

  5. Originally posted by xtcgspot

    i think tiesto totally fuckin rocked it. tiesto was my favorite of the day...im a sucka for trance. wut was that song he played right after sound of goodbye? it was sick.

    Agreed... I dunno what these other ppl are talking about *cough*melissadoesn'tknowwhatshe'stalkingabout*cough* but I guess everyone has their own opinions... ;)

  6. Originally posted by echostar

    i just realized i spent $230 last night

    did one of you guys rob me or something??

    :confused: :confused: :confused:

    I wouldn't exactly say robbed... but my dancing was interrupted more than expected.... :D oh yeah, and stop outdoing yourself man, its just not healthy :)

  7. Originally posted by echostar

    lol how was that funny, i was fuckin hungry!

    we were all goin nuts to carl cox, dancin our asses off and at most drinking a little water... then you roll up with a huge ass tray of chicken fingers, fries & cheese... hilariously out of place... :) tasted pretty good tho... in spite of the fact I was dehydrated...

  8. WOW... that's all I can say... and OW...

    Got there around 2, met up with a bunch of cp peeps & threw back a bunch of brews... tailgating was nice... there seemed something different between tailgates there and every other tailgate I've ever been to for rock concerts, sporting events etc. Every other car pumping out my kinda music, that's it.... seemed a lil outta place, but refreshing nonetheless.

    Hit up the tent around 4 (air conditioning was better than expected, niiiiiiice), listened to a little dnb for about 15 mins... then the man himself stepped up to the tables and took us all for a ride... started out taking it easy on us then ripped it apart - ridiculous set IMO. Struggled through the masses afterward to get an autograph, took a picture of tiesto and robin (which I'm sure we'll see in his sig real soon ;) ) but couldn't manage to get a picture myself... just too many people. Then digweed came on... I must say I was skeptical when I read before that he played a lot better without sasha... but its def true, played better (and harder) than I've heard before - good stuff. Did manage to get a picture with him tho :D so I might just finally have some sig material lol, as long as I can find out who's camera that was...

    At this point I still had a decent amount of energy, and thought I'd be able to make it easily to the end, a mere 2 hours away... but then Carl mutha fuckin' Cox came on and completely ripped me apart :eek: WOW - he had me dancing so fuckin hard I lost all feeling in my legs, actually felt some chest pains at one point :worry: but then realized it was only cuz my heart was above 180 bpm so I took it down a notch & got some water... absolutely unbelievable set... :aright:

    Afterwards, I walked over to the main area and attempted to enjoy moby for a few, but after those three it was impossible.... so I hobbled my way slowly back to the car and headed home. Great fuckin time - those of you that missed it def check it out fri - definitely worth it.

    One comment/suggestion (I'm not complaining, I think its humanly impossible to complain about such a great time.... wait... this is cp, nevermind) - their sound people should prolly give steve dash a call, the alarm is still goin off in my head.... :D Now its off to tend to the blisters, shinsplints and every other muscle in my body that's screaming at me....

  9. Originally posted by scoob-e

    glowsticks are not allowed in vinyl because when vinyl was shut down last summer, the city viewed glowsticks as a hint that drug use was being practiced in the club. DT wanted vinyl back open, so he complied with the city's request and banned glowsticks.

    Thought I'd quote that because apparently no one was paying any attention... besides a few posts this entire thread is too fuckin stupid to warrant any of my comments...

  10. Originally posted by gmccookny

    Damn, man... u gotta teach me those short-cuts one of these days :laugh:

    eh... I use alt+tab a lot to switch from one window to another one quickly (i.e. cp to vhdl editor when anyone important walks by my cube)... ctrl+enter is a good one when surfing, it adds the http://www. and .com to whatever you type in the address bar... (so type clubplanet, then press ctrl+enter so you don't have to type the rest - go ahead, try it now - its fun!! :P)... there's a bunch more but those are the ones I use the most...

  11. well now that robin & I have worked out our soberiety/drinking issues lol :D and cp is back from its 10 hour hiatus, lets get this thread back on track...

    anyone feelin a little amped up this mornin?? I know I am, can't fuckin wait... only about 26 more hours!!

    and news on the meetup/cell # ideas people mentioned before?

  12. Originally posted by roninmess

    "proud to party sober people?"

    if you need to have alcohol or drugs in your system to have a great time, then you are in this for the wrong reasons. Im not preaching sayin that I haven't popped a pill or don't drink, but thats fucked up. I am proud I can last through 16 hours of sound factory sober on no alcohol or drugs.

    I myself am bringing down a case or 2 LOL, but the statement bothered me.

    The only thing im concerned with is drinkin in teh heat. dont wanna fuckin pass out.

    you know I was gonna say alot about this on the thread about music/drugs a lil while ago... but didn't have the time then, nor do I now. But I'll say a little... first off, I don't need to have alcohol or drugs in my system to have a great time (I used to always get fucked up b4 goin to a club, but in the last coupla months have had great times, more often sober than not).

    As for the question of whether I'm in this for the music or the drugs... its obviously the music - otherwise I could sit here in good 'ole bethlehem PA and get rocked off my ass and have a great time... but instead I drive close to 200 miles round trip 2 or 3 times a week to experience the music in nyc...

    All that aside, I really do enjoy a good buzz (usually drinkin, every once in a while some different stuff)... and it I've caught a hint of cynicism from a few cp'ers from their posts (not you specifically) that seemed as though they looked down on anyone who gets drunk or high in a club.. that it should be a completely sober experience and that all is needed is the music... and that anyone who does get fucked up on occasion is to be looked down upon... and those statements bothered me. Well that's all fine and dandy if a person choses to be completely sober all the time and enjoy it purely for the music - more power to them. But to criticize (I'm not sure if there was direct criticism, but I certainly felt that was what was being hinted at) someone for catching a buzz at the same time as enjoying the music seems a bit snobbish to me...

    I might add that I'm not the only one who has noticed this... I've had this conversation with several cpers in that last few weeks who have thought the exact same thing, so I know its not just me...

    I myself am proud that I can be in a club and be sober... something I didn't learn until recently (guess I had a shyness problem with dancing or something...) BUT I still enjoy drinking... always have always will...

    That statement wasn't aimed at you, or other ppl who are always sober... like I said, more power to them. I just don't like being criticized (directly or indirectly) about drinking every now & then - seriously, what the fuck is the problem with that? The statement was aimed at those who look down at anyone who gets fucked up from time to time. No hard feelings to you personally.

    I guess "proud to party sober people" wasn't the correct term I was looking for... it prolly shoulda been "sober people who look down upon & criticize those who aren't sober when partying"... but that doesn't quite have as nice a ring to it ;)

    Well that ended up being long and OT for this thread...

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