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Posts posted by gmoneyjive

  1. e... its the most common letter in the english language. It makes up 12.7% of all letters in any given group of words, granted the group of words is long enough to come up with a meaningful average (i.e. a book instead of a paragraph). <~~~ learned that in cryptography. Yeah I know I'm a dork. :aright:

  2. ...the driver of the car coming in the opposite direction that flashed me (lights, not boobs ;) ). So I slowed down... and sure enough, about 100 feet later there was a cop perfectly hidden that woulda nailed me for at least 20 over... gotta love it when other drivers are lookin out for ya... :clap2:

  3. Originally posted by teklord310

    Indeed, i've got to take it again either next semester or the following semester. We'll see what happens. The comp sci dept at my school is all high tech, they run a code checker on all our programs and see if two students used similar code. Changing the variables doesn't work :( Gluck man!

    yeah they use code comparing programs here to... so u gotta go beyond just variables... but you can do it if you change a lotta other stuff too... I've come to the conclusion that copying code and changing it takes about as long as writing it yourself, but you don't have to think ;)

  4. tried it for the first time last weekend... a lil harder than I thought, but really fun. the first beatmatch that I held for a while was quite a rush... lookin into gettin some cheap turntables & a mixer but dunno how soon I can do that... :(

  5. I have OS coming up this fall... its definitely gonna be my hardest and most hated class in college - I hate coding in the first place. :knife: I'm seriously considering paying someone to write the 4 programs for me (I can handle the tests) :grenade:

  6. Why not? If everyone didn't fly then that would only be giving in to terrorists who take pride in inciting fear and paranoia in Americans...

    Anyone know if they have sky marshals on all the planes yet? I know they were going to, but never heard if they accomplished this...

  7. Originally posted by xtcgspot

    damn yo, read my original post. i didnt write all that. embodiedhate changed my fuckin post when he quoted it.

    I know I know... I just thought it was funny what he added to it...

    bro if u look at the first post of this thread, my ORIGINAL post, its still the same.

    so this must be another one of embodiedhate's alter ego's huh?

    how can it be another one of embodiedhate's alter ego's if embodiedhate is an alter ego himself??


  8. Originally posted by xtcgspot

    i think the first time i can remember gettin drunk was freshman year of high school, so i was like 14 n sh1t. i had a "feltching party" the last day of school. like 10 of my friends came over after school with like 40 hamsters and we drank and smoked until we were numb. Then my friend said 'whoa, watch this' and he took the hamsters and started dumping them down the tub that we had snugly inserted into my dad's ass. we actually started during school, cause you know, principle jones is all into bad little cock sucking boys, and I was always the one to win the prize n sh1t because I could suck the best. LOL Me and my friends were such dirty dirty cocksockets in HS!! LOL .. drinking vodka out of a waterbottle at the lunch table. young and stupid kids. we got caught too by my folks at my house and i got in trouble for weeks for that shit cause my dad was angry wit me for not telling him about the satanic all-boy gangbang in the Gym with Coach Styles. WHOO does he have a big cock, makes me drool just thinking about it. I miss all that nasty cock action, it makes me sad.. when i lok back it now though it was hilarious

    :laugh2: damn man, lil too much info

    I was 13 when I started, stealing vodka from my dad and getting the local rednecks to buy us beer - actually that was about the average when everyone started drinking, maybe even a little late.. I know I was one of the last ones to start drinking in my grade :rolleyes: I also brought vodka to school, but it was usually in the form of jello as my desert after lunch, or we had one of those veryfine juice machines & mixed it with orange juice :D

  9. Originally posted by phatman

    ...i always gun it passed 18 wheelers for fear of being sideswiped...worse when you're doing it on the furthest left lane with a guard rail or wall next to you...

    ...ever since i started driving years ago, i have this fear that one day i'm going to be going too fast and run into traffic that is at a dead-stop - hitting a stopped vehicle and causing my death...this is probably due to the fact that i have laid some major rubber in the past by speeding and not paying attention to traffic...at one point, the sun blinded me from a cop in the middle of the intersection whilst i was speeding..i skidded about 30 feet and then gunned around him missing his vehicle by about 6 inches...fortunately no ticket or accident but you cant help but feel you dont have too many of those "close calls" left in you as the years go by...

    something very similar happened to me... back in my earlier (dumber) driving days I was going 90 on a highway in the pouring rain, and coming around a corner I realized that the 2 trucks blocking both lanes were at a dead stop... I hit the brakes (not too hard cuz I still had enough room) but they didn't work worth shit because it was wet out - older disc brakes that aren't anti-lock don't work well when wet, you have to pump them to dry them out - so I started pumping the breaks but realized there was no way I could stop. I switched to the other lane where the 2nd truck was further ahead, blew past the first truck at about 60 mph... then when I knew I couldn't stop for the 2nd truck I aimed for the approximately 5 or 6 foot gap between the 2nd truck & middle median, all while pumping the brakes... miraculously I only scratched the mirrors on both sides (at separate times, the gap was just a little wider than the car)... and didn't come to halt until about 100 feet after the truck. Scared the shit outta me cuz his bumper was as high as the middle of my windshield, so the car wouldn't have stopped until after it took my head off :worry: Since then I've gone a little slower in the rain...

  10. Originally posted by hoke

    Let's see... memorable quotes...


    Girl: "I'm rolling so hard. How old are you?"

    Me: "Twenty-three."

    Girl: "Cool... I'm twenty-one. Where do you live?"

    Me: "New York."

    Girl: "Cool... how old are you?"

    Me: "Um... twenty-three."

    Girl: "Where do you live?"


    lol... I had a very similar conversations saturday night...

    Her: "Hi. I'm Ashley, what's your name?"

    Me: "Graydon."

    Her: "Where do you go to school?"

    Me: "Here."

    Her: "What year are you?"

    Me: "Senior."

    Her: "Cool... by the way, my name's Ashley, what's your's?"


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