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Posts posted by gmoneyjive

  1. Originally posted by xtcgspot

    get used to it. all performances suck. perpetuous dreamer wasnt so bad. idk why she was singin Silence...yo, yer not sarah mcclaughlin! but the whole club was singin along to sound of goodbye..first time ive seen so many ppl singin along during a performance.

    werd... the song seems kinda old to me... and even when I really liked it, I thought the vocal chorus destroyed the song (avb's beats were awesome, and I didn't mind the rest of the vocals)... its just that my ears were in pain because it was too loud/distorted... oh well, lots for a newb to learn :)

  2. often times when calling myself an alcoholic I've been corrected... according to some ppl alcoholics go to meetings, so if u don't go to meetings you're a drunk... I really don't give a shit if its a label or not... I enjoy consuming large quantities of alcohol and I don't give a third of a shit what other 'critics' think of me - I just have shitloads of fun! :)

  3. good times, good times... but work fuckin blows today cuz of it... :(

    nice meetin mike bugout, kingartur, karch, and gary's friend (ed I think??) bugout thnx for the cd, it made the loooong ass drive back to pa a lot more fun :) good set too...

    perpetuous dreamer was the first live performance I've seen... and I thought it kinda sucked - she was singing into the mic way loud or was too close or something, sounded all distorted & shit...

  4. Originally posted by ghhhhhost

    i cant believe u motherfuckers thought i was Ferris Beuler!!....who in their right mind would rock a leopard print vest nowadays?? u guys r def. speshhhhhhhhhhL!!

    jon..u thought i was a lil raver kid? :laugh: ..u shoulda known better man...for the love of shit we missed each other @ Exit like 3 times...and ravers usually dont hit up exit

    hahhahaha sorry bro... actually I've never seen Ferris Beuler's Day Off and didn't know who it was (yeah I'm sheltered, I know). Anyway, so I started lookin at cp everyday in the beginning of the summer, and it seemed like u were the biggest post whore of all, and somehow it got stuck in my head that it was u in your sig :)

    so then I'm at the meetup at calle nueve and drunk scoob-e's introducing me to everyone, and I'm like who's this ghhhhhost guy I see posting all the damn time, he pointed u out and I said 'fuck u that's not ghhhhhost, doesn't look like him at all'... that's when I realized what a dumbass I was... lol

    as far as the leopard print vest goes... by the way some ppl post on here I thought I was gonna meet some really weird fuckers... turns out most everyone I've met so far is pretty normal :)

    ...and this was my 69th post... think I'm gonna have to take a break for a while...

  5. I'd love to see him @ arc, but I know I'd want to close it out then I'd die at work the next day... I'm def up for a road trip to nation tho... I'm already 1/3 of the way there compared to most of u guys... :)

  6. Yeah that should work, as long as its around the same temp as the fridge (and it should be)... when we make them at my frat we use about 1/4 grain alcohol (everclear) and 3/4 water... gives them a nice bite so u know you're not wasting your time gettin fucked up... doesn't matter when u mix in water & alky, it'll still solidify... ;)

    By the way, I was just looking at some old posts on the philly board and saw that u threw a party in allentown a while back?? Shit wish I woulda known, didn't know that anything good ever happened in allentown, and I live 5 minutes away in bethlehem... lemme know next time u throw a party there! :)

  7. Originally posted by codica3

    Cover will be no more than $20.. depends on how old you are (21+ gets in for cheaper) and whether you use a guestlist or not.

    It's 18+.. it closes @ 2am..

    codi - by the way nice meetin u at exshit last wed - any idea of what guestlist to use, my broke college-ass could always use a break on the cover...

  8. Originally posted by totallytrance

    AMEN!, all though my b/f is like that all the time, he says he doesn't trust the other guys but I tell him that he can trust me...he still gets really jealous for really dumb reasons...go figure

    Totally off subject, but I had to say it... I always have sigs turned off cuz ppl walk by my cubicle at work & I don't want them seeing much... I just turned them back on... and goddamn your sig is fuckin hilarious!! :) LMFAO!!! Damn I didn't know what I was missing with sigs turned off :D

    On a more serious note... yeah what everyone else said, your gf needs to be a little less insecure. It's fine to go out & meet other girls, as long as your goal is for friendship & not to fuck them ;) I understand that she may see this as a threatening situation, but as long as you're not truly looking for another gf then she needs to deal with it. As tastyt said, try to include her in these friendships IF she is willing. If you really are looking for someone else, or if she just can't deal with you having any girls as friends, then maybe it wasn't meant to be... just my opinion.

  9. Originally posted by mikespeese

    honestly, if you're used to going to NYC, you're going to be very dissappointed with philly. the biggest venues are probably egypt and shampoo but if you're looking for something as big as the clubs in new york you're not going to find it. as for the juiceballs, i tend to disagree. i think new york has 80 times more meatheads than philly. the music is a lot different too.

    ...well I guess I don't really care much about the size, its more about the music & vibe. As far as meatheads I don't mind them unless they're assholes (although there is a reason behind the stereotype)... keep in mind a lotta ppl besides meatheads can be assholes in a club. I am gonna end up checkin out philly at some point, I'm working 20 mins from there during the summer and live closer to philly than ny, not to mention the ridiculous prices of clubs in ny.

  10. Graydon


    Computer Engineer, Interning @ Honeywell in North Philly

    Senior at Lehigh U. (was in the army for 2 and a half years before college, but u can think I'm a dumbass if u want to ;) )

    Was Twilo, now vinyl/arc, still checking out new places... now that I got off the exit train that my friends had me on :D

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