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Posts posted by gmoneyjive

  1. question about this... a few weeks ago I was in vinyl & had a photon light (small bright light, people use them instead of glowsticks) taken from me as the bouncer said they weren't allowed... is that arc's policy (no glowsticks/photons allowed), or was the bouncer just being a dick? just wondering cuz a friend of mine who likes to use them will be tagging along this saturday

  2. I normally go to clubs in nyc, but I'm wondering about clubs in philly since its a little closer & less expensive...

    So far the only ones I've been too are maui and envy (taken by friends), but I know there must be better places in philly. For those of you that know clubs in nyc, I'm looking for the big places (like exit, sound factory & tunnel before it was shut down) to check out, but more importantly places like vinyl & twilo (RIP) that had great vibe and music.

    So far I've heard of shampoo, transit, egypt and a few others but have no idea what they're like - lemme know what you think! Thnx

  3. Hi everybody - great meeting you all at the meetup last night (dave, rachel1997, bigpoppanils, ghhhhhost, teklord310, scoobie, clubkat, djjonstephen, apotheosis, sexxybabyd, spragga25, djmoonshine, legend38, sorry I can't remember all of you). It was a good time, nice to meet a bunch of positive people.

    Well I had one helluva night. After the meetup, I got a ride & complimentary cd from apotheosis over to roxy. Apparently the door men thought I was a little too drunk, and told me to come back a little later. Well we waited a bit, and tried again - this time one guy said "hey, he's with the guy that tried to steal the tickets." Later I found out that the first time we tried to get in, one of the bouncers accused my friend olu (big black guy at the meetup) of stealing tickets - something my friend would never do (in fact I think he's uncapable of stealing anything). They turned us away for good, and I was pissed off, as I'd been looking forward to this for over a week. :( I kinda got a bad taste for roxy bouncers. Anyway, it was partially my fault for being a little too drunk, and after a while I took the opportunity to go over to vinyl for my first time (wanted to go to groovejet, but had no clue where it was).

    I had some more troubles as I got into vinyl, one of the bouncers took a photon light from me (had no idea they weren't allowed), but oh well. But after that it was all good, we tore up the dancefloor for over 7 hours, and DT was sick. Unfortunately my friend Olu was feeling bad, and (we thought) he left early. We left at 7:30 after looking everywhere for him and drove back to our apartment at Lehigh U. (Bethlehem, PA)... just as we got back, I got a call from Olu - he had just woke up in some hidden room in the club and was looking for us... lol. Well he ended up having to take a bus back - I feel bad for him as he lost his ID & cell phone but oh well.

    Well I know this all sounds bad, but overall I had a great night dancing my ass off at vinyl. It was great meeting all of you - sorry I didn't get to party with any of you at roxy or groovejet. I'll be back in 3-4 weeks (still trying to pick the event to come back for), and I hope to see all of you & actually party with you this time. :)

    Everyone say what's up to the newbie!


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