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Posts posted by gmoneyjive

  1. Originally posted by joeg

    yeah... pretty much self explanitory... maybe i'll answer after I get a few responses...

    90 civic w/ 190K miles... old peice of shit that always breaks down... wait, I hope that's not me... :(

    2200 watt stereo pumpin out house beats with bass that shakes shit 3 blocks over... more interesting, but still not me. So I guess to answer the question, no :)

    joeg - nice meetin ya @ arc

  2. snd... didn't know you posted on the philly board, never really check here... anyway nice talking to you on pm though...

    I had a blast saturday night, yeah it was hot & packed but I expected that, and by 6:30 or so it cleared out nicely. I think all the bad reviews from the ny board are from negative nancies ;) that are a little spoiled cuz they get to see DT & DH anytime and vinyl was never too packed...

    My review is on the ny board so I won't bother repeating it here...

    grapes were awesome, at the time I thought it was the best idea in the world :aright:

    I've been goin to ny every weekend - shit I gotta stop that it costs too much & the drive home afterward kills me... you guys gotta lemme know when something good goes on in philly so I can check out some of the clubs... :)

  3. These are some hilarious commercials... I love that database company one, thickheaded ("Well, Mr Dumbass, I've always liked this company. I really feel I can bring alot to broaden the horizons of Dumbass and Dumbass. I mean, come on, as you can see, I'm dumbass material all the way!..." "The name... is Dumass (pronounced do - maas)" lol.. ), the afflack goose, and some of the older VW ones like the one to the tune of "da da da" where they're driving around randomly picking up and dropping off a couch...

    But I think my favorite one right now is the coors one with the tune that goes like this...

    "I love football on t.v.

    Shots of Gina Lee

    Hanging with my friends

    And twins

    I love burritos at four a.m.

    Parties that never end

    Dogs that love cats

    And..and twins!!"

    because hey, I like coors... and twins ;)

  4. Originally posted by hoke

    Okay... obviously this follows straight on the heels of my review of DH vs. DT...

    I enjoy *occasionally* staying out until 7, 8, 9am, but it's not something I can do all that often... my body just doesn't withstand the pounding all that well...

    Are there any good clubs that are open "normal" hours, like until 5 or so, where there's a good vibe *before* 8am?

    Is anybody else into an "early" ( :rolleyes: ) party scene? :)

    I hear ya on this one man, I'd like to stay out later but gettin up at 6 am for work 5 days a week and having an hour & a half drive each way to the city makes it hard to stay out that late... I only made it till 9:15 @ arc but wanted to stay for the end. Also, if I had anything to do the next day its completely shot to hell after a long night out...

    Shit where I live anything after 2 when all the bars close is considered late.... I guess the "early" party scene would be before 12...

  5. Originally posted by xtcgspot

    im always the last one to reply to these review threads cuz i dont work on weekends, so therefore i am not online until monday.

    anyway...$40 to get in didnt bother me too much. DH was droppin some sick tracks when we first got there at like 2. i wish there was room to dance, but there was absolutely none. everyone kept askin me if i was alright, i guess cuz i was just standin there. but i really was..i just couldnt move. but i was havin a blast just listenin to the beats and takin it all in. i also couldnt breathe outta my friggin nose all nite though, which was botherin me. my allergies were actin up, prolly cuz i mowed my lawn that day and musta had grass and dirt up my nose. lol.

    after idk maybe 2 hours packed into the corner...i went to the chillout room. i stayed there for the rest of my nite just standin around. i left at 6. i had no desire to stay anymore.

    it wasnt the club, the ppl, the music, or anything else but myself. i just wasnt into it. i didnt wanna dance, i didnt really feel like hearin the music. idk... i just wanted to go home and sleep. i guess everyone has an off nite...and that was my off nite. i wasnt in the mood to go out, but i didnt wanna miss DT vs. DH. im glad i experienced a few hours of it, but that was enough for me. im gonna be takin a few weeks off i think to save money, etc.

    good seein everyone though of course. and good meetin a few new ppl like gmoneyjive, his friend, sexxyme (who lives up to the name) and i think that was it.

    good seein carl again too..its been a long time bro


    nice meetin ya man - sorry u didn't have a good time... maybe next time...

  6. Originally posted by roha3000

    Last night was one of my best clubbing nights ever. There are few that could even touch it. The first half of the night was really just a big sweatbox which helped in weeding out all the suckers who weren't there for the real deal. The afterhours sick ass beats of Danny Tegliano ;) .

    At around 5 or 6 the club became very comfortable. Plenty of room to move around and it cooled off quite a bit. They definitely need to be a little more generous with the Nitrous because it was fucking hot all night and they only blasted it a few times and at inopportune moments. I think the light guy who handles that needs some practice with it.

    Nitrous? shit if it was nitrous that woulda been fun as hell, everyone laughing their ass off... of course, if ppl passed out that wouldn't have been cool, and the echoing woulda gotten old after a while... lol

    For real what is that stuff - I've heard other people call it dry ice (CO2) but I don't even know if that's what it is... anyway they definitely do need to use it more often. Only place I'd seen it before was twilo and it was awesome... glad they put it in when they remodeled.

  7. Ok so I'm still a newb and I'm prolly gonna get shit on for sayin this but I feel it needs to be said...

    Bottom line is that clubs always have been, and always will be about making money... if clubs always lost money there wouldn't be any clubs... even in the old days of vinyl & twilo where it seemed it was all about making the party better & not the money - they still had to make money or they wouldn't have lasted.

    The problem last night was one of supply and demand, way too much demand for not enough supply of space (sorry for stating the obvious). So when Arc started to get packed they had a few choices... they could stop letting people in (in which case those of you who came after it got full woulda had to wait a long time to get in), or they could jack up the price so a lotta ppl would not go in.... or even worse they could keep letting everyone in at $30 and it woulda been even more ridiculously crowded.

    So the question is, would you rather have waited forever to get in, pay $20 more, or had it even more packed? I'd go with paying more. You could also have gotten there early or late when it was $30 if you really didn't want to pay more.

    Now put yourself in the owner's shoes... by jacking up the price u make more money for yourself and lessen the overcrowding problem at the same time - its the only logical thing to do.

    I just find it funny that people on this thread are bitching about the money, and people on the other thread are bitching about the overcrowding... do you realize that if you make one of these problems better the other one automatically gets worse?

    I guess the real problem here is that Arc has been "discovered" by the masses... I don't know, but I'm guessing that 2 years ago they coulda pulled off DT v. DH without it getting too overcrowded and without charging $50. And once again being "discovered" is what the owners/promoters want (who here doesn't want to make more $$?)

    Personally, I thought last night was fuckin awesome, and worth $50 if not more...

    Just my 2 cents

    *prepares for possible verbal lashing from cp veterans*

  8. First time I've ever been sober in a club (usually drunk off my ass or rolling or a combo, this time only a coupla drinks & some adderall) - and I have to say it was one of the best nights I've ever had. The music got me as high as I wanted to be.

    It was packed and hot as hell, but I fully expected that (honestly, who didn't?) so it didn't really bother me. The vibe was great, so many friendly people, so much energy. There were a few rude assholes, but its impossible not to have a few with that many people - overall the atmosphere was great.

    It really opened up between 6 & 7 so I could really get down and dance my ass off. Then DT dropped a track with some seriously mind-fucking bass... sounded sick on the phazon, the rafters were vibrating so fuckin bad I thought something was about to fall from the ceiling lol... awesome.

    Can't say I've ever had grapes in a club before, but they sure did taste good ;)

    Atomicapples get yer own goddamn water bottle!! lol :)

    I wanted to close it out soooo bad, but by 9:15 I was drained from all the heat & bouncing around to some sick music all night... my legs just died. I guess 4 or 5 red bulls didn't cut it, next time I'll try stackers or something... also I had to leave something in me for the hour and a half drive back to PA.

    Great time partyin with you all, nice meeting a bunch of new faces.

  9. seems like there's quite a few suggested meetup times (4, whenever u get there, 4 & 7, 2 & 5, midnight, 6:30 or 7) - so I'm not sure exactly when u guys are gonna meetup, but I'll check the chill room when I get there (1-ish), then maybe at 2 and 4... I'll be the dude in the orange visor (not too many ppl wear orange visors lol) - so say what's up if u see me. Lookin forward to partyin with all of you who I met at calle nueve, and those I haven't met yet :)

    headin to the city now to meet up with some friends & pre-party so I won't be able to check cp to see exactly when u guys are meeting if u come up with an *official* time...

    wooooooo hooooooo can't fuckin' wait!!!

  10. I think early is the key again.

    Maybe a midnight meetup in back room?

    Cause later on you wont be able to move from point A to point B.

    I'm gonna be there early, at midnight if that's when the doors open. Last week I got there at 2 and it was already packed to the walls... :blank:

    hellz yeah imma be there imma try to close it out whos wit me?!?!!

    ...but yeah I'm gonna close it out too :D

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