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Everything posted by fossor

  1. 1. Its illegal because gov policy makes everything ilegal if it is an intoxicant with little other use. 2. Your medical claims about e are based on a few small scale studies, hardly proving anything. 3. People are using e when it is illegal. 4. How is E a myth?
  2. Clearly the dosage of E would require a different regulation than that of alchohol and ciggerettes, so they are hardly a good example. Don't give me a lecture about looking at sides of an issue, when the only side you are looking at is that drugs are bad for you so they should be illegal. YOu need ot look at other factors most of which I have all ready mentioed and you have convienently not noticed. just don't say "you need to look at all the angles" and then feed me an argument out of an after school special
  3. fossor


    Its a chemical that is found in cough medicine. Its a dissociative. IT can have some pretty messy side effects and some bad combinations with other stuff.
  4. Heres my highly technical simulation of what it would look like if the crab could indeed press teh keys. ppplllllkkkkmmjjhbbvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgggcgffffdfd
  5. Ah you seem to have missed the word REGULATION.
  6. And whats to stop him from doing it now? People act as if no one does drugs when they are illegal.
  7. What you discribe is not addiction like nicotine, its a different kind. Your are also overdoing the e depression thing, it is hardly that bad. 1. Thats not exactly been proven. 2. Soft is a judgement call. And no, e doesn't kill, stuff sold as e kills. And the best way to stop that is regulation. 3. People are people. And after all that, can you answer me the question of why we should put people in prison for hurting themselves?
  8. Generally its true, people who have problems with Prem Ejaculation are told to do it.
  9. Listen to yourself. -I don't want E to be legal so kids won't use it. -I see kids using it. If they are already doing it, what do you think is gonna happen. Clearly making it illegal hasn't stopped kids from doing E. Don't you think there might be a better solution out there.
  10. 13 year olds are dropping pills right now, its alot easier to keep drugs out of the hands of children when you can control the suppliers.
  11. First off, E is niether addictive nor deadly. But to answer your point. Drugs may kill, but they don't kill other people. They kill the person who uses them. Why are we jailing people for hurting themselves, what good does that do. And as far as the drug trade. There is not a person in this country who can't get drugs when they want them. All legalization does is put sick people in prison and give a multibillion dollar industry to criminals.
  12. Drug use of any kind should be a public health issue, not a criminal issue. Criminalization creates a gigantic illegal industry and makes crimnals out of regular americans for a completely private action. Make drugs legal, take the money we spend fighting the "war on drugs" and use it for regulation and education.
  13. Yes thats why there are so many e caused deaths... oh wait there aren't. Weed fucks up your head more than tabacco. The level to which it gets you high is not proportional to the physical risk. Drug use is a matter of personal liberty. And hilary clinton is not supporting this to become big brother. Shes doing it because people think its good and it gets her votes. Don't blame washington, blaim every misinformed votor.
  14. I haven't been to exit, but these subliminal msgs you are posting about reek of urban legend stuff. THey sorta make sense but when you really think about it they don't. As far as only people rolling seeing something, that makes it much more likely it is a product of the imagination than it is too fast for non rollers to see. And unless you, while rolling, can read rapid fire morse code from a blinking light, then that can't really be taken seriously, if you can than I apologize, but it sounds alot like someone said "I wonder if thats morse code for something" and a little paranoid game of telephone turned it into what you heard. As far as clubs and drugs though, I agree.
  15. 88 - Playboy LOL, I wish.
  16. http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/amphetamines/amphetamines.shtml I haven't done it myself yet, but I have some and will be trying it out when I find an appropriate time.
  17. Kevin 19 Fordham University - Rose Hill(Bronx) Pretty much totally new to the scene, but very curious. I am a computer guy so this is my way of finding out whats up.
  18. Me too, I haven't been doing it as long, but thats the plan. You appreciate it alot more.
  19. Sometimes when I breathe, It makes me cough... so by your logic I should stop breathing?
  20. I had a really bad depression after my first ever roll. Ended up messing up a real important relationship. Now I know better than to make decisions after rolls. Just tell yourself that its chemicals. When you can think of it this way you can sorta seperate yourself from the depression.
  21. I made this descion not too long ago myself. The best advice is to get informed and be real with yourself about the risks.
  22. Or maybe mainstream music has always and will always evolve and thus will always be chasing down some form of alternative music. Rock and Roll was once underground too. Just becuase it took them longer to find it and they will never be on the forefront of it doesn't make a persons appreciation for a music any cheaper.
  23. Yah Connecticut is quite the place eh? I am off to Fordham University for my sophmore year. I am only just getting into the music and scene. So I figured these boards would be a good place to figure out what the heck was going on.
  24. As far as bars that serve minors, in general they aren't secrets or hard to find. There are so many of them and the cops crack down on them at different times for different reasons. But they definately don't need these boards to find them.
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