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Everything posted by dudey

  1. If you're gonna be with a bunch of girls be sure to bring a big stick - The Loser Beat Stick. Or just goto your local Kmart and buy Juicehead B Gone spray. Have fun playing chaperone cuz you're gonna be dealing w/ alot with guys who have issues controlling their hormones. By the end of the night your arms are gonna be sore swinging that bat! Exit hasn't changed a bit.
  2. If it happens i think its gonna rawk. Satoshi and Pappa should be an interesting/awesome mix. I'm so there.
  3. sorry dude - dunno how reliable the source is. heard it from a friend who saw a link to the flyer on ez board. but for the date it says: " To be announced."
  4. I heard that they're gonna be at Vinyl sometime soon. Anyone know when?
  5. I'm 27 and the urge is still there to let loose where the majority of my friends are already tired by the time my night has just begun. You know what htough. If you are more into the music rather than the "scene" you'll probably stick around longer. For me, the music has always burned in my veins since the mid 80's with old skool techno. I don't care if i'm the only one jumping up and down in the "chill out" area, i go ballistic for good music. But doesn't look nearly as bad since i look half my age. It all has to end sometime. It probably will when i just don't have the energy anymore or when bigger responsibilities call - *gulp*. But you know what? If the music is in your veins - it'll ALWAYS be there. The urge just to get up and DANCE BABY!
  6. Dang, a lot of you guys are really young i hear ya. I was first introduced to electronica in the mid-late 80's with erasure, pet shop boys, new order etc. On ever single would be a remix - sometimes a sound thats more closely related to todays trance than what not. Finally in the late 80's , early 90's now household names like Junior Vasquez and David Morales began doing their own remixes of their songs on a regular basis. Ever since then - the entire scene just blew up. UTAH SAINTS baby! that was one hell of an album. w/Something good and I Want You .. and that Kinetic song or something .. track no. 8 i think. hehehe.
  7. speaking of brownies - try putting everclear in your browny mix. won't taste a thing and it'll fuck you up too! HAHAHAH
  8. hahah ..which ones are those the hungry mans? dude ..the fried chicken is good too ..the only i don't eat are the veggies. the turkey ones are good with the apple/cranberry dessert also. i gotta learn how to cook or something. i'm gonna die of malnutrition.
  9. I've never been there - yet i have a friends b-day coming up and we're thinking of goin there. Is plant always a live progressive house bar? or are some nights hip hop and other genres of music. I ask cuz i don't want to make the trek all the way over there and find out they are playing 80's music when we're in the mood for dark/dirty stuff. We plan on going either Friday or Saturday. cheers ppls.
  10. S&D - i'm unable to do anything but shake in the corner due to S&D withdrawl symptoms.
  11. Where do i live? Hmmm i don't quite "remember" anymore. hehehehe. But it used to be a place called Twilo something? Now I'm homeless.
  12. dang. if you have more sq feet to renovate with - shouldn't you make your dance floor BIGGER? not SMALLER? Plus as a whole, the crowd has too much of a "i'm the shit - move out of my way" attitude. That or "Me loser. You female. Me force dance with you." What the vibe turns into is a home for self-promoting ego maniacs or losers that are desperate for some form of attention from girls (esp on the asian side and yes I'm asian). Hmmm ..No Game for those guys. What happened to the music? the "love"? Isn't what all this is about? Exit has great potential - but there its all about attitude and not "Be Yourself" and party. Personally, if you're immature and want to look "cool" - fine goto Exit. If you just want a good time partying and dancing to crazy ass musik go elsewhere - even home is better. God i miss Twilo. TWILO FOREVER! Can't wait till Sasha and Diggers. Cheers guys.
  13. If you just wanna have an awesome time groovin to good music and a wonderful vibe - Vinyl is definitely the place to be. There its all about the music. No bells and whistles - nothing. The place is a dump - but its one hell of a party. Its not like some places which i'm not naming cuz i'm just gonna get flamed where there are juice heads or total losers walking around who don't give a rats ass about the music but are there only to find some chick to hook up with. They're kind of like gnats that won't go away. You swat em away once - they don't get the hint and they keep on coming back.
  14. whoah ..hey sonic - you know in that picture ..the asian guy all the way to the left. Do you know if he works for goldman sachs ..cuz he looks exactly like some guy that works on my floor.
  15. Get this ... Kermit the Frog: (Banjo) Blinka blinka blinka blinka blinka blink (Banjo) Blinka blinka blinka blinka blinka blink "Why are there so many? Songs about rainbows ..Whats on the other side..." ... "Some day we'll find it ..the rainbow connection ...." "the lovers, the dreamers, and me!" UGH!!! I'm humming it and my co-workers think i'm crazy. yeah .. market is a bit slow today so i have lots of free time cheers
  16. i'll be there that night. I'm not an Exit regular but i will be showin with my Exit groupie friends. Anyone know if they'll let me in with jeans and more importantly ... a cap? thanks peeps... cheers
  17. Just a shoutout to all you Rutgers suckas out there! I"m shittin. I am an alum ..graduated in 97 ..yep i'm mad old but i'm still alive and kickin. I'm there ...but in spirit
  18. yeah i've seen out of the "norm" shit happen to girls that are on supermans too.
  19. 27 working for Goldman Sachs - Fixed Income Trading walked around Vinyl last night and some dude said i looked 17. HAHAHAHA. Work hard party hard! Cheers mates!
  20. yos, you know that for every real "brand" ..there is gonna be a lot of imitation brands - once word gets out that they are somewhat decent. Supermans have a slight pinkish tinge to em. its not the smartest thing to buy em from some stranger in a club either. Cheers!
  21. i ended up meeting some cp people but i forgot who i talked to. for all those people who remember a lil asian guy wearing a red cap with a big ass grin on his face - raise yo hands!
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