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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by dudey

  1. hahaha - i thought i was the lone ranger on wall st that goes to clubs. Even the young 'uns ..the analysts don't really go. Let the invasion begin! That was actually a very disturbing thought.
  2. Its all about the music. I'm always going apeshit dancing my ass off and it never fails that someone asks me if i have anymore pills. I musta said this a hundred times. "Sorry i'm sober." If you go for the music, whether you go by yourself or with friends it makes no difference.
  3. I don't care who's spinning there. I"ll never go back. clear out the meatheads, the gansters, and add in some bonafide cool ass people who know music and i may. until they clean up their act - i'd rather stay home and clean my toilet on a friday night than go there.
  4. yeah i think i'd buy the gamecube just for metroid and the new mario
  5. maybe i should learn how to cook. the only thing i know how to make is every different kind of cereal guess thats why i end up eating out all the time.
  6. Is this straight from Made? cuz they will determine the dress code ..not Cipiriani's as its just a rental hall.
  7. c'mon man ..you can see DT at Vinyl every week. S&D is the first time in a while. How that justifies the 60 bucks i have no clue but it helps somewhat.
  8. Anyone have any clue as to what the dress code is? It should be controlled by Made ..not the actual venue right? .. since they are just renting out the space... jeans, a beat up t-shirt and a baseball cap would be nice.
  9. I'm drunk as fuck ..and i'm gonna go take a nap. I hope i wake up in time.
  10. i'd buy a couple personalized bombs ... write my own personal greeting message .. and send em off to bomb bin Laden.
  11. its definitely not mine. who'd want a piece of shit as a nick name.
  12. Romy, I'm an old fart by many of all of yas standards ..so i guess it can't hurt for the old man to share some of his wacked out wisdom. Majority of people out there (me included) wake up everyone morning and we think exactly as you stated: " Ugh another work day.". The trick is finding something that you don't hate ..but you can tolerate .. and maybe like to a certain extent. I guess my point is that a career isn't meant to be fun. A career is exactly that ..a career. Something that provides you with enough money to live off of. Before you're married, you have to pretty much rely on yourself to find a decent job. In my case, what i majored in in college pretty much dictated what i'd be doing now so it was fairly straight forward. But that's just where you start. In my case, i went from web programmer, took the GMATS, and now i'm playing a dual role overseeing Derivatives Trading and Web Development for Equities for an investment bank. In your case, you may start out as an ultrasound technician. After a few years experience, you may have an option of going back to school ..perhaps med school ..maybe nursing - whatever. But its a gradual process. Nothing is ever set in stone ..even when you get out of school. You're career as you call it is always dynamic thing - it always changes. If you start out at point A ..there are always promotions ..future education ...to get you to point B. Keep in mind that my vantage point is coming from a corperate america type personality ..so my main purpose out of a career is money first, satisfaction second. It depends on what you want out of a career. I have friends who went into the performing arts because that's what they loved. I have the ultimate respect for them because they followed their heart ..not their head - regardless of how they'd live ..what they'd want. They want to be around what they love. Very similar to all the aspiring DJ's out there. I have some other friends who don't give a rats ass about their job ..but it pays ok money ..but they use it to do the things they love ..like playwriting etc. Pssst ... easy way out - find the richest dood you can find heheheeh Just my 2 cents ..hope this helps. But if you asked me where iwas at age 21 - i'd say i was half heartedly thinking about my career but spending full time taking 2 story funnels of beer and getting trashed.
  13. i just posted a meetup thread ..
  14. Given that i've missed the last I don't know how many meetups and I've been wanting to meet you folks for a while now. I don't know many of you but I'm sure i've seen some of you around. Here it is: the Nov10@Vinyl meetup thread ..and the '***' make it official!!!!!!! Say.... 2am ... front right speaker (away from the bar)? Any better ideas? Can't miss me, short asian asian guy w/ a red "stanford" baseball cap. Hope to see ya'll there??!!!! :D
  15. i would but can't go. I can't work on 3 hrs of sleep.
  16. Damn that was harsh. What in the world prompted that? No one goes to clubs to find their soulmate? Its about the love for the music. Given by your attitude you've somehow gone through some revelation... especially given that you used to be a club goer yourself and now you're talking about 1)furthering your intellect? 2)finding someone special? 3)self confidence issues well maybe its you who've gone to clubs for the wrong reasons. Maybe the above really applies to you - something that you realized about yourself - just recently. We're all here - on this board for a single reason - and that's about our love for the music. ..be it wealthy or poor, black or white, stupid or intelligent. we don't judge - we just know that we all share something that's very important to us. I'm sure plenty of the older crowd on this board (me included) can bury you when it comes to the topics you've just mentioned....... bettering our selves in intellect, life achievement, money etc? So if all you have to say are derogatory comments than i advise you keep silent - cuz there aint nuthin but love on this board ...hehehehehe.
  17. i don't think Vinyl has reduced admissions
  18. yeah you see some jacked up shit at twilo.
  19. Hmm your post kinda confused me. From what i gather. 1) You didn't like Twilo ...(shame shame) 2) You didn't like the crowd Twilo catered to. 3) But You still like the DJ's that Twilo brought in. Soooo ... I'm just curious as to where you went to hear the good DJ's when Twilo was still around (i wouldn't nkow since i never went anywhere else).... since you didn't like it and can't stand the people? Because of drugs or how they dressed?Maybe you'd rather deal with muscle heads with over sized egos who force their way into a dance with you instead? or drugged out ppl who'll leave you alone. To each his own i guess. On a side note (totally unrelated), its not about looking pretty and its not about picking up people. You just show up in beat up jeans, a t-shirt and a baseball cap ... enjoy the music ..have a blast and party like a rock stah.
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