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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by trojanman

  1. "My fellow Americans. There are those who would like for us to stay focused on the bad things ... on the negative. They'll talk about the hundreds of young Americans dead and wounded in Iraq. They'll say I mislead the country about weapons of mass destruction. "These naysayers will tell you the economy is bad just because we have a massive budget deficit and because American jobs are disappearing overseas faster than ever. "Well, I believe in looking forward to a positive future for this country and I'm here with some good news that all Americans can be happy about. I just saved a bunch of money on car insurance by speaking to Geico. "Good night, and God Bless America."
  2. i got that email like last year sometime and its been in my fav folder all this time and i was goin thru it and found it again ...i love it ..its funny as FocK!
  3. http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail45.html dunno if this has been posted b4 but enjoy
  4. i say get all those people who are in jail that have sentences of life in jail or on death row..... all those rapists, murderers and crazy motherfuckers. give them a bunch of weapons and release them in iraq. get all those ese's from east LA. and them crips and bloods and theyll go do sum crazy shit over in iraq. let them start at the perimeter and work themselves in. iraq will be a parking lot. hows that for an idea
  5. ok i know this track is like 2 years old but damn i know out of all the dj's on cp ..one of ya'll gotta know this track!!
  6. copy and paste what im trying to post the clip ..but it wont allow an mp3 file and the zip is too big...and when i finally got it down small enough.....it stays in progress im like wtf!!!
  7. bumpity bump bump bump
  8. whats this in progress crap??
  9. y isnt it showing up errrrrr
  10. heres the clip http://www.hyype.tranzision.com/trojan/id.mp3
  11. baby anne sucks ass....her first couple of cd's are good though if u want florida oldskool type breaks ...check out ashrock spacemen throw an awesome show hmmm i might just go to this
  12. trojanman


    roll it up, light it up , smoke it up....inhale....exhale!!!
  13. download it...if its crap ..u didnt waste ur money..if u like it and wanna contribute to the industry then buy it
  14. trojanman

    who needs playboy?

    new jerk off material
  15. yea its pretty kool ..the bad thing is that its tiny...its a one car garage transformed into a mini club. the system is rigged with an 1980 german amp that my uncle brought back from germany while he was in the army ....my dad rigged christmas lights to go along with the music..we had a disco ball and one day i found it on the floor..so we bought a new one but its one of the ones that has a shitload of colors....after hurricane andrew we jacked a traffic light and had in there at one point...its really cheesy..were thinking of modifying it later this year
  16. 30 mins then armins - communication comes on ..i was like huh ...i thought it was a major trainwreck till i looked at the winamp banner thingy and it was something else
  17. they need to play better than they did saturday
  18. sum people are just jealous of the land.....i have well my parents have their own lil mini land but with a cuban flavor to it. lol
  19. they aired this shit like 5 times everyday in the morning for like 2 months...marrriiiiiconssssoooon!!!! yo no eh dicho ni cojoooooones!!!
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