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Everything posted by klohe

  1. are you referring to the banged up 15 year old being molested by a ghetto dealer???
  2. that stuff was def a keeper upper!!! Head is okay thanx to 2 Aleve...had to take Ephedrines to wake up this morning...and LOTS of coffee so far...we'll see how the day goes.
  3. I wasn't complaining....I found some shyt that I haven't been able to get in a while...hence the
  4. he had his shirt off @ one point too...guess he was trying to fit in! :laugh:
  5. JP is due props cuz he spins long ass sets...I would too with the right amount of "uppers", gotta give love to DT...just cuz he's always been my fav dating back to Tunnel Dayz (no plays to their crowd as much as him)...Francois K was a good comedown DJ, Junior is amazing when he's not being a lil bitch (which is more times than not), Morillo rocks his subliminal sessions, I was never impressed with JV @ Roxy, The Low End Specialists are nice along with Rich Woods, Victor Calderone always impressed me...dating back to the 1st time I saw him @ Roxy in '97, Howells used move me...but lately his sets sound repetitive to me, nyc needs more international play...(wait, that's what Twilo was for )
  6. well, I was fully clothed...but the place was packed
  7. where the hell is Paris!!!! We need that bitch to enforce some door policy....they let anybody (and their grandpa) in it seems...hopefully it's just bc it's summer
  8. HEY!!! I found your shoe last night @ SF!!!!! :laugh:
  9. anyone ever hear of this???
  10. nice to finally meet ya this morning
  11. I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed next week...WOOOHOOO!!!
  12. it's amazing the amout of shyt floating around in that place...I was offered 7 different kinds of goodies...2 of which have been rare to come by the past year
  13. it gets so nasty hot in that place, that the humudity from all the sweat clings to the dancefloor making it crazy slippery...I saw some ppl bust their asses this morning...I stuck to dancing in the outskirts on the rugs.
  14. it's a corny teen movie...
  15. My 24 year old sister and her fiance who is 35 told me before they are going tonight to see it! :laugh:
  16. Factory and Sander SHYT, I won't be able to do both, I have to work early Monday morning, I need lotsa time to recoup
  17. I've been destupified to where I could actually function in public places with a lil sniffy of the yay after too much k...still f*cked up, but with a clearer head and control over your limbs
  18. exactly...his shyt is played!!!!!!!!
  19. ~ Drama @ Limelight, gay pride weekend '99...some guy was dancing next to me on stage and falls on my foot and goes into convulsions...10 minutes later he ODs...right by my foot. ~ 59th & Lex, rush hour...naked cracked out black woman on the street beggin for $ while sitting in her urine/shyt/vomit ~Kurfew @ Tunnel '98...on line in the bathroom, get hit on by butch dyke to be saved by some guy who the next minute ties a turnicate (sp?) on his arm and shoots up. ~Tunnel, same year...see some poor lil girl passed out being molested by 5 nasty guys. ~Twilo, PVD July '00...in need of some air, so I open a door that I thought lead to the street, actually lead to the security room..there was a guy face down in a pool of vomit and blood with his pants down around his ankles...walk out 3 hours later and the ambulence is there to take the med student who ODed away.
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