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Everything posted by klohe

  1. u may want to try out on the Island too....
  2. cept I'm a girlie.....but I like to play during dull work hours
  3. klohe


    por que dg???? Kishes to feel betta!!!
  4. last night....the foreplay was very interesting.
  5. :D :D I'm a believer.......... I met my ex @ Twilo a couple years ago. I had been checking him out and even went over to make my move when I was hit with a wave of pill peak so I headed to the br to calm down a bit. On the way back I ran into a pyscho ex so I ran in a rollin mess to look for my best guy friend for some support and body gaurdin...I finally find him talkin to my hunny!!! COINCIDENCE??? Anyway, we totally hit it off and dated on and off for a couple years...Anytime we broke up, for whatever the mutiple reasons...whenever we got back together it was as if our love had grown stronger. Even though we're not together at this point...I'm confident that it will all work out for the best..."If it is meant to be, than it'll happen..."
  6. but only if they gave me a hottie...y r male porn stars so fugly?
  7. ummm.....I'm not too sure of my limit, It varies depending on the pill....sometimes 2.5 is enough...but there have been times when I've been stupid and taken up to 6...I'm a lil girl (5'1", 105 lbs) but for some reason I have a higher tolerance than guys twice my size...guess I've been a crackhead for too long!
  8. klohe

    Deep throat

    AYYYY!!!! I'll have to try that next time....
  9. I just got out of an on again off again relationship of a couple of years...and I know what ur going through....yes it is possible to fall in love again, but u must know that the reasons they love u again may not be the same as the 1st. I'm sry that u were in an accident, but it seems to me that ur girlie took that as a wake up call not to lose u. She may come around, but then again she may not. But I tried for a year to overcome the feeling that I wasn't loved and when he was in love again, it wasn't the same. Some ppl just can't get over grudges....keep on smilin man...that's all I can say...hope it helps.
  10. Is it bc my ass in so nice???
  11. I've tried that a few times, but the last guy I dated wouldn't let me bc he was a stupid ass and tore that when he was younger...said it was too sensitive.
  12. I have a trick where I use a couple of fingers on one hand to hold it at the base...use the other jand to jerk and twist a lil, and use my mouth to suck and massage the head....always seems to work
  13. u know axel...my back has been hurtin me....a few men have tried but none have suceeded in takin away my pain...r u any good???
  14. Hard choice buddy...there will def be plenty of heads @ both... I'm guessin more @ Sasha & Diggers though...so if u want to base it on the crowd, I'd say go see Danny. If you wanna go by the $, the S&D are sellin only advanced tix @$50 each......???? So again Danny will prolly be cheaper. I personally will be seeing Richie Hawtin...sry man, I tried to help.
  15. but there are times when I've wanted to.....
  16. klohe

    Deep throat

    I like to deep throat.....shows him some skillz not evey girl has.
  17. klohe

    how do u deal....

    GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
  18. klohe


    Artec Material washes out easily, and artec is made for colored hair.
  19. yeah...the more u talk...the more ppl will remember u...
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