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Everything posted by klohe

  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! :laugh:
  2. memories of mine....... :D :D
  3. she's nasty....but i don't think too many guys would mind her suckin them off!
  4. ummm....yes u can. But make sure it's not too dopey of a pill...combining uppers and downers is not always a good thing. Depending on where u r on ur roll...determines the effects that the coke will have. My suggestion to u, is to start bumpin when ur comin down...try to enjoy the highs at their different times...don't overload it all at once.
  5. ur too much of a cutie for me!!! LOL
  6. :laugh: :laugh: Sry, that's just wrong...
  7. klohe

    how do u deal....

    with a bad fuck???? Ok...I know there has been a point in all our freaky lives when u finally get to that moment when u have him/her tangled in the sheets and they were absolutely clueless!!!!! How did u deal??? I basically just stop all action...keep him still and just ride him my way till I cum...
  8. find u while u were pleasing urself???? :eek:
  9. AHHH...when i chew gum my jaw is soooo sore the next day...but it's a helluva lot better than having my mouth all gnawed off....try some sucking candy or a lollipop...eliminate the jaw clenching.
  10. ummm.....not too big into trees...but I'll tell u how I kiss guys. Most of the guys I have kissed always tell me that I kiss like no one they have ever had before...I have decent sized lips so I like to take that into my advantage and I sorta suckle on their lips along with lil tongue traces here and there...I'm not one to ram my tongue down ur throat, but some play is in order and with that I sort of massage his with mine....huh...hard to explain without a demonstration...but that's all I can say really...
  11. I agree to cut them out if your life.....out of sight out of mind. I know it hurts to not be near them, but it only hurts like 1000x more to see their face and not be able to hold them...trust me, I'm going through the same thing...I saw him out the other night and actually left the place bc the pain was too much to deal with.
  12. klohe

    Suck Shirts...

    no...but I know a few places downtown where u can get anything u want printed on a t-shirt, long sleeved, or baseball t for like $10-$15! Not a bad deal and u can get just about anything sucks!
  13. I'm pretty sure I will be going to Hawtin....I dunno if I wanna deal with the mass heads @ Sasha & Diggers....
  14. klohe

    cum story

    Now u know what us girls feel like to get jizz on the face!
  15. I've gotten the same night sickness, nm the morning after!!! They don't agree with me either...
  16. klohe

    True Love?

    yes......but plz don't take advantage like I did and lose it!
  17. umm...they never fuck up my stomache....what r u taking them with???
  18. klohe

    Do Clothes...

    Clothes make the man in my opinion....a decent guy that is well dressed is much more of a turn on than a hottie bummin it.
  19. I don't about other women...but I can lie rather convincingly...I have the whole look em in the eye with a straight face technique down. Most of the time they are small white lies for their own good, or lies to my boss y I'm late all the time.
  20. klohe

    First Loves

    We actually just boke up, and we're in the non talking stage to make things a lil easier....yes I still love him, and I know that I always will for all the memories that I have and all the wonderful feelings that he has given me.
  21. too many...I lost count somewhere past 25
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