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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. Hey i just found out who creed was like 2 or 3 weeks ago LOL
  2. yeah but the nice guys still get shitted on As far as partying too much or the "D" word well if they meet the right person and wont give up those things its time for rehab. Now its how to find a NICE girl
  3. ice to hear that i guess im jst an idiot i dont even mind buying shots or drinks whatever its just the whole shit that goes on while women "work the room" guess im just a sucker butid rather spend all my cash on one person than a lil bit on lots of people
  4. wait a minute somethng is wrong here. doesnt everyone like "club crap" i seriously have a hard time believing people dont like it
  5. HMMM ok next time ill buy " hey bartender a soco and lime for me and the beautiful ladie next to me"
  6. most of the time it basically goes the last DJ gets to play the hottest sogs everyone before him steps back a bit. However when i was at WMC scribs denny and ojeda were all spinning the same day at clevlander. Each of them played some of the same songs and no one cared people knew the deal. wanted to hear them and knew they were all top DJ's so they would hear on the top shit and it was siiiiiickk
  7. Dont know if you met perns but she is awesome , one of hte nicest and coolest people i ever met. P ill call you in like 5 minutes see what we can do
  8. wow no FU from me my day seems lik a blast now. Perns if you get stuck gimmie a buzz ill help ya out. I feel bad for you but smile we all luv ya
  9. i use to be like that. my friends use to say if they couldnt find me just wait 5 minutes on the 3rd floor because ill be coming around for another lap any minute. lately i just chill, dont think its old age think it might be poor quality lol
  10. ok i take that back i have like 440 posts. i had like 12 a month or so ago. hmmm i think im an addict or just bored.
  11. hmmm if i find a nice person to go with maybe ill go ** showing some leg** lol
  12. ill be 50 by the time i get there reading a post " this 50 yr old guy was @ factory tongiht" while JP jr, was spinning lol
  13. hmmm where exactly is the dance floor in factory. get banger up feel like someone wearing cement shoes cant dance so dont bother going there
  14. jsut got to do it. go with a friend go alone always someone to talk to. i dont cvare how many haters there are out there. all the factory heads have a good time. thats what clubbing is about sicccccck music and having fun. if it wasnt fun we'd be home sleeping.
  15. damn it wish i could have started playing ball next week not this weel wuld have loved to been there
  16. most of it is all over miami kinda in the clubs and stuff. but during the day sobe abd clevlander is where it is at. walking around sobe is kinda like a flea market of music. every hotel has some sort of party going on. get alot of flyers to see where who you want to see is playing
  17. WMC is easy. All day clevlander and at ngiht take a cab or something to where you are going. i went for 4 days last year. got off the plane 6am after 3 hrs of sleep on plane. went 4 days and finally got to sleep mon might at 7 pm on the plane home. I am hoping to spin somewhere some good NY style beats i will make a post of it when i know for sure 2 nj dj's and a fla DJ might be awesome can use alot of support from home
  18. how would i get the scene back. step 1 junior out at exit Danny T in. Never been to arc but hear the crowd is great. good infusion in a bigger space. limelight will be open again in sept good , make it something like limelight of old. someone please give me 750 k so i can buy the tunnel twilo is suppose to be the crowbar soon. hope it happens and the twilo heads return. well to bring back exit i think they have to a) do somethng off the wall. lots of theme parties. maybe some free admission or 10 dollar admission before 1 am or something just my opinion
  19. i can remember a time sitting on the stage and the air came on it was like 6 am and not too crowded yet. i had a short sleeve shirt on and wasnt too banged up not to notice. It seemed like the air hit and all of my friends and i jumped up and were like ok we are out of here right now but sometimes it is hot as hell too I sometimes prefer the 4 th floor then 3rd never the dance floor
  20. Well it sounds like Exit had a good night. Unfortunatly it has a really bad rap. Too bad it is a great space and set up for a club. Back when it first opened at Exit it was awesome, Denny Tsettos and Eddie Baez ripped it up. The place was sick then, too bad when they left the crowd did too. If Exit made a strong come back it would seriously help the NY scene which is in dire need. I think they need to work o their Sat night party maybe do like Twilo did and get Sasha and Diggweed monthly and some other top DJ's who can pull a crowd. I saw a post before saying how Junior wanted to leave and go to Arc.. Maybe a rumor maybe not. Personally i think him and Danny T should just switch places. I think DT could fill the space with a better crowd and put more heads in there. Exit definatly has one of the best set ups for a club around. Its amazing looking over the balcony all banged up and the dance floor was full and just see people moving. The vibe back then was so amazing. wasnt asian wasnt guido wasnt raver or anything it was just people having a good time.
  21. I read alot about how the NY scene is done. I think it is kinda true. Well not done but sure on life support, mostly to Guilani. How does NY get its scene back ??? nothing was like back in the days of limelight and tunnel with the club kids and the whole senario. does it come back or is this just the way it is now.
  22. how was factory today i cant imagine just how sick it was
  23. i agree its funny to see them look for sympathy when they tell us working stiffs how its hard to live on 8 million a year. if i was making that Id walk up to tempts week in and week out and tell them no one pays a cover tongiht its on me. asnd have plenty left for the rest of my life
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