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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. i definatly agree with you laurie. Champps only downside on wed nights is they let so many horrible singers do karyokee. but there are some really cute chicks there too bad not really my type
  2. i drive a truck but need opinions i wanna lease or buy a car in like 2 months should i get a SC400 lexus an audi TT or a vette. I am leaning towards a vette but ill prbably buy a used jetta knowing me
  3. i use to do graphic arts is that what you do?? I use to run a press
  4. wow CP people at champps. I was there until like 10 but got tired and left. I feel like norm from cheers in that place. Nothing like the local bar
  5. hmmm dancen is a shotgirl at poor billys lol i am always in or around woodbridge, my cousin lives in fords and one of my closest friends lives in woodbridge
  6. Lets see i grew up in linden and then moved to rahway 1 house away from cranford, now ended up in Metuchen. My cousin owns a resturant in cranford center. Next stop Westfield
  7. ok i wanna job with clubangel shes like 4 blocks from factory i use t live right near where laurie is well right next to clark ( big deal huh) ok now we know where everyone works what do we all do ???
  8. Work in Edison for Wrigleys ( yeah i make chewing gum " cmere lil girl want some candy LOL" Hmm long ride 3 minutes if i catch the light.
  9. i wouldnt want to force you to go. however think of all the sniles and fun and drinks and the all around good time youll miss if you are not there. Think about reading the posts from " deko last night" and saying hmmm i wish i went. So you can decide to stand on the sidelines or you can go out and be part of the action.
  10. Matt is definatly chill know hm for like 25 yrs or so
  11. Anyone going this week to deko. If you get there at 9 my friends band is shooting a video for their new album (they were the 2 playing the precussion ) So get there early be in the video. Maybe you ll be on MTV. Hmmm perns stardo and siciliagirl on MTV. Might be too much for the young audience to handle LOL
  12. if it helps my cousins wife had a miscarriage. she was preg again 2 months later. so fast some people wondered if my cousin was just playing a bad joke. now they ahve a healty son. I just feel bad an italian kid named Jacob
  13. sorry JP someone bet me alot of mony to ask you that and i needed money for shots lol
  14. I dont agree with abortion. if someone i was with had one while we were together she would never see me again. i however think that after the first if you dont want the second you should have to have your tubes tired. having a kid isnt always when its conveinent and just throw the others away
  15. a friend of mine told me about a time when he walked into the wrong bathroom at tunnel and a bunch of huge fags were uhhh pleaseing one another. one turned to him and kinda pointed it at him while the other semi blocked his way. he said he blasted through and never went in the bathrooms at tunnel again lol
  16. i had a huge transvestite dude hit on me @ palladium back in the day....i was so scared i was like 19....and the "IT" was like 6 ft 3 with boobs...and a mini skirt....uggggghhh....i was so sick after that.... __________________ Did IT at least shave the pits or legs. hahahahaha
  17. Originally posted by cigs OK, so we didn't have our shore house this week, so I decided to visit some college friends at their house in Dewey Beach, Delaware. I left Friday morning and after my 6 HOUR drive, I finally made it there. I went to happy hour....the place was packed....I thought to myself that this was going to be a great weekend....man was I wrong. We had to be out by 10pm, because the bars close at 1am....no, that is not a typo....1am. The bar we go to is packed wall-to-wall....and there IS NO AIR CONDITIONING. Everyone is in there just dripping in sweat. I figure I better do some shots to deal with this......Me: "Can I have a shot of Blackhaus" Bartender: "Blackhaus....never heard of it" WHATTTT?????????? The only shot they have that is similar is Jagr.....keep it! Sat afternoon there was a big party at my friends' condo complex...that was a good time! Sat. night we went to THE "club" in Dewey....again hot as balls in there....no AC....NO Blackhaus again....and one of the last song of the night at 12:45 am was Sandstorm.....the crowd seem to enjoy it though So, while I enjoyed hanging out with my friends, it made me appreciate the Jersey shore all that much more. So for all the complaining that we might do, I think we have it pretty good up here. Thanks for reading my novel! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You got me beat i thought it was bad going to a heavy metal place ( couldnt belive guys still have long hair), blacking out in my street not once but twice and ending up witha concussion. id take that all over againbefore i went to a place that didnt have blackhaus and thought sandstorm was new music
  18. my monday fu goes to JP for leaving pizza in our friend exchange office for 5 days and i have to sit and wait for the exterminator to get rid of the roaches. I swear jp and my roommate must be related. this guy goes away for the weekend and says help my self to the chicken in the fridge. its been there a week and isnt cooked. can you say eboli
  19. Well everything happens for a reason. at least thats what they say but 3 yrs ago my bro in law passed from cancer. I wanna know what the reason was. why did he die and why did i sit in a room while he was saying he was only 24 yrs old and wants a family and isnt ready to die. Think sometimes life is just cruel. JP feel bad for ya bro hard to have to deal with something like that around you
  20. i am d/l it off of kazaa easy way to get it then burn it to a cd
  21. not me no matter how tired i am around 10 pm i wake up. last week @deko " im going home at 11 maybe 1130" i think i left 10 minutes before they closed or damn near close to it.
  22. I can agree on that matter that friends do suck. As i got older my friends got married or whatever and its almost impossible to go out sometimes. I have to be dragged to where they all go or sometimes find someone willing to go to a club. My friends actually live for the tiki bar whats up with that. maybe i need to get married. hmmmm ceremony on the stage at SF reception on the 4th floor ??? Jp u and i should hook up more often to go out. At least we know neither of us will wanna go to tiki bar. Although sometimes tiki and jenks as far as women is like fishing in a barrel at dinner time lol Deko this thurs ???
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