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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. What part of Linden are you originally from. I grew up in sunnyside. Is it me or are summers at the jersey shore the best yet as far as clubbing the fall aka factory season is the best time of year.
  2. Worst DJ in Jersey has to be whoever spins Sat ngihts at Poor Billy's but i dont know if i consider poor billys a club or him a DJ
  3. I guess 3rd floor is for the Club Planet crowd huh?? Too bad there are no more couches there. Guess thats why most of the night i do the fourth floor in factory. Need somewhere to sit and chill.
  4. i dont thgink ill be in my underwear. where would i put my water im not holding it all night. hmmm undes with pockets ???
  5. Anyone going to the underwear party at factory next weekend
  6. Sitting on the beach socailizing with beautiful women and having a drink while catching some serious ray. OR simply ripping it up on a 4 wheeler, cruising across the bay with the throttle all the way down and the stereo all the way up.
  7. i see 29 and 30 and all. where are these women when i go out to clubs ???
  8. I think i have naomi beat. Im 32
  9. Would anyone be interested in awesome CD's from underground DJ's from NYC LA and miami??? I am starting a site in hopes fpoor nothing more than to help them further their careers and also ring good music to people who love trance and house.
  10. its nice to make chewing gum. I work for wrigleys and we have off fridy. if you guys ate more gum we would have to work friday lol
  11. although its cheaper than a gogo bar
  12. radio kills the factory songs ....................
  13. a friend of mines father was watching a show and it said NJ is the only place in the world where they charge you to get on a beach. might be wrong but im sure its close. what bullshit, $6.50 to lay in the sand for a few hours
  14. mezza italiano i mezza german io parlo un pochi italiano italian women are the best but a lil greek in there isnt bad either lol
  15. well i will say this in life alot of people listen but its weather or not you hear someone. as far as bed, well that has nothing to do with being nice or not. Its about loyalty and mutual respect.
  16. first of all what makes me a nice guy is that i dont refer to women as bitches broads or chicks. Second its better to have one good woman than 25 women who mean nothing. if they can make gravy even better lol
  17. not all nice guys are stalkers. Why do i want to out energy into someone who i am not with instead of someone i am with. plus our past shows our future sometimes
  18. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball. I was always taught to watch the first curve so next time you see where it breaks. people say maybe it will work out when you are going through a bad time. life always works out its just not always how we think it should but in the end its for the best.
  19. yeah happened to me a few yrs ago. but it the end its definatly best. no more fat lazy chick who hates trance. "THERE ARE ONLY TWO TYPES OF PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD ....... THOSE THAT ARE ITALIAN AND THOSE THAT WISH THEY WERE..."
  20. As far as being interested in someone and them not wanting you. its alot worse when you waste 10 yrs and get married so they jump in the sack with a friend of yours.. As far as meeting women, never a problem. Just seems like the right ones are always with assholes , the rest arent something you would want.
  21. why is it nice guys finish last. Seems like every weekend you always see women out with all these jerks but when a nice guy comes along they give him a rub off.
  22. Anyone been to factory lately on a saturday night and how is it during the summer. I dont wanna go to SF and think i should have gone to the shore. Yet it seems all the water at the shore is in the ocean LOL
  23. IM from the NYC area. I was at WMC 2002 and it was bangin. Just curious do people in clubs in miami Roll or is it all alcohol. Also are the clubs open until like noon time on sundays like they are in NYC. I know sometimes the wrong people look at these sites so im not asking for specific places. Just wanna know what the scene is like before i further consider selling my house and moving there. Thanx "THE HUMAN BODY IS THE ONLY MACHINE THAT THE HARDER YOU WORK IT THE STRONGER IT GETS...... NOT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL"
  24. its going to be a nice weekend. decided to take vacation fri night im headed south for 9 days. Cant wait
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