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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. i am actually going to go to deko this week. I spoke to my friend who DJs there until 11 and i got on th list plus perns twisted my arm a bit so ill go. I swear i got to be nuts. only person who gets messed up sat blacks out sunday and goes out thursday oh yeah beware of orange VIP's
  2. Well to top off my weekend, i got my truck towed home it arrived here at 1 am sunday. Thank god for good friends although he charged me 100 bucks which isnt bad. Then to top it off i didnt realize i had been up for almost 45 hrs straight and not eaten. So while standing in the middle f the street talking to my friend tommy at 1m i blacked ut 2 time and woke up on the blacktop whatta weekend... think im taking a break
  3. Last night welltoday was one screwed up night. I went to packees because someone I knew is in a band that played there. 2am I arrived at SF was pretty cool. I left at 9 am. From ( am to 11 30 I tried to get my truck to start to no avail. So i took a train home and now am going right back in a half hour with tools and my roommate. If we still cant get it started I have to come all the way back to jersey and go to my friends tow shop and get him so we can go tow it back and figure out whats wrong with it. Whatta night huh
  4. I think any place can make it if they get a good DJ and find people to pull a good crowd. No matter where you go if you have a great time youll want to go back. This place amnesia when it was open had a great promo. If you got an invite you could get there before 11 and there was no cover and dollar everything until 11. they were packing it in and then stopped and the crowd left. but they had a shitty DJ too.
  5. Well queen bitch i can agree lying about things is a bit childish. I see no purpose in lying when you know the truith will come out. Although I will admit i have lied on here. I am not really a frog. Hope no one gets upset at that. Im glad I am not a frog I dont think they would let me in Tempts For Denny's B day Bash. Although as off the hook as it may be nothing will be better than Denny @ clevlander for the WMC this past march. Denny blasting out love at first sight scumfrog mix, when it just came out, tons of factory people outside and it just starting to get dusk. Perfect setting
  6. I dont understand why people try to make themselves look better. be yourself if someone doesnt like you for who you are that is not your problem its thiers.
  7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by queenbitch I am quite proud I don't need Daddy or anyone else to buy me anything!!! I support myself. I guess that is why you are so immature, you don't know what being an adult is!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uh I know what being an adult is, well at least i get reminded monthly by my mortgage company. I support myself too. Just because someones parents are in position to buy you a car or whatever doesnt make you childish.
  8. heres mine 32 5' 8 i smoked parliaments until wed now i dont smoke. 70 bucks a week too much fav drink @ SF = water most other places absolute and cranberry Drive a pick up and getting porsche after new year
  9. hmmm Replacement Playa's a good name for the business. Anyone that has to go somewhere and wants to get out of it let me or JP know. ITs 49.95 an hour and drinks arent included. Me if i was in your shoes JP id come down with a cold real fast that weekend LOL
  10. I have a solution to your problem....I have posted this on another thread, But i believe there should be an exchange a friend program....Whether it be bc of Age, partying style, marriage, kids it happens to all groups...I suggest that different groups of friends exchange into different groups on certain evenings...For instance, I have been locked into going to the TIKI-Bar on Aug 3rd, I will exchange into someone else group who is going to tempts but has some friends in their group who want to do something more chill...The other groups friends can and take my place at FUCKING TIKIBAR with my friends....Then we are all happy I still need iron the details on the program, but I think this could be a money maker...Like a student exchange program Sounds like a good idea. some of my married friends swear by that place i just swear when they drag me there. Eithe ran exchange a friend or you can do rent a replacement and send them as you to wherever your friends go
  11. i am sueing the person who invented the night club because if it wasnt for him i would have 10's of thousands of dollars more in the bank. hmmm 200 bucks a week for about 16 yrs on and off. I should have been a rich loser. Kinda like bill gates. Screw that id miss the music and uhhh the women too
  12. I saw that simpsons that would be me teaching honest people to do things wrong. But im not really a frog so dont lick me. yet if i uhhhh nevermind
  13. Well it is fun to go out. As you get older it gets harder. My pop is like 50 something and hangs at joeys and saci sometimes with all his old goomba buddies. Although its hard when all your friends start getting married and dont like going out anymore. I can remember walking in studio 54 and the guys at the door knowing me by name. now if i go out once a month its alot because people cant find babysitters and what not. besides at my age u know how hard it is to find someone who loves the music as much as i do. alot of my friends have started to listen to rock and roll and i just cant deal with that too much. I acually just learned who creed and nickleback are like a week ago.
  14. I am 32 and my b day is the same as laurie619 2/22/70 the day all great people are born on. good to see some people around my age on here I thought i was becoming too old for this board and the whole scene Life's short ......... spin hard
  15. well i wasnt even looking actually i only really looked at her a second time because my friend told me she almost broke her neck like 5 times looking when i walked past. Oh well I dont care I have tons of fun single too. Just sometimes nicer to have someone around. Perns u are the coolest person i met on CP
  16. ok if i sound harsh its mostly because im going on 27 straight hours without aa cigarete ughhhhhh.
  17. Well I am just sayig women are screwed up. It sure as hell is true that nice guys finish last. ITs kinda ok she has a cute face but would definatly be a 6 or 7 month project i the gym. She wast going to win any body fat contests. Well i think its much better off being the asshole i was at one time Its not like its hard to meet women its just the attitudes they get, maybe slick rick was right when he aid " treat em like a prositute"
  18. Women are all figin nuts, crazy psycho. There was this chick i bought her and 2 frieds a drink ike 6 weeks ago. She didnt even say thanks. So all of a sudden i notice her at my gym. For the next 4 or 5 weeks she is staring at me. A friend of mine told me when we are out she leans around people to look at me. So finally I went and spoke to her last week. She seemed cool and talked for like a half hour. Last ngiht i see her and just say hi when she walks by.Then i was walking around and stopped for about a minute to say hi. She had major attitudeso i walked away. When i was leaving they must have left a minute or so after me. They were next to me at a light. Her friend pointed at me and they took off through a red light. MEanwhile all night she was talking to this guy who was like 600 lbs wearing a plad shirt. I swear women zre soooo fucked up. net time when she walks by and i am standing there with a bucnh of cute chicks as i always end up ( too bad they are just frinds lol ) Ill just laugh in her face. Besides she looks like shes gonna end up huggggge when she gets older.
  19. Dont let the bouncers get on you. they doit because they think they ca get away with it. I remember when I was younger we got in a fight with a bouncer who had an attitude. Well there were alot of us and alot of them. No one really got hurt but after that they never bothered us again. Personally to me if i was in tempts and got in a fight and the bouncers didnt do anything. I certianly wouldn't go to the police station. I would grab a cell and surely that night there would be smoe problems in Temps. Yet I dont get in fights, and I like tempts so ill leave it alone.
  20. hmmm why do people do juice. well i am not lazy and im not doing it to meet the hot guidettes. if they want me they'll find me always have. However I am considering doing a cycle of deca. The only reason is i am 5'8 and 170 lbs i use to be almost 190 lbs. then had some personal probs and stopped lifting. I just want to get to where i was im not looking to be huge just in the shape i use to be in. As far as not being able to sit there with free weights, well i look foward everyday to throwing on my headphones with some bangin fist pumpin music and pushing my body to the limits. I don't really enjoy the punishment but like results. Its nice to have great genetics
  21. Probably not about the clubs its about agreat DJ's b day. I hope he has the best time i think everyone should buy him a shot. After all how many people bring their parents to hunka bvunka so he can ring in the new year with him. He is a really nice guy. Not to mention i dont know if anyone went to WMC in SoBe but I saw maybe 35 different DJ's spin down there and nothing at all rocked like Denny and Scribs at Clevlander. There was a crowd 8 dep into the street. Denny is definatly great at what he does, he knows how to program music to make a crowd go wild. I didnt think i could dance anymore i had no energy i was up 3 straight days and found a way to dance some more Tempts + the house that Denny built
  22. well im not responsible for much as soon as a bomb hits im gone barely see my friends all night. i am just the one who has the hook ups or these clowns wouldnt do anything or end up paying 20 bucks a pop I would never do that id go back to drinking first , ok maybe not but the limit is like 12 bucks and then ill say home
  23. Cool dennys b day i think i might go. As far as tempts vs merge hmm thats easy for who gets checkmate.merge before it was merge was bermuda club wasnt it, before that it was something else and even waaaay before that it was panache. 14 yrs ago when i was down there tempts was tempts
  24. well i have been known to walk into places with friends and make sure everyone has fun. I remember one night just giving away about 10 bombs because it was someones b day party. Figures i ended up leaving the hooch by the end of the night. some women are ungrateful
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