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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. I was listening to the radio and they were saying it was wall to wall insabne that you couldnt move?? maybe im glad i didnt go I was thinking tempts should take over the resturant on the corner and make a door way going through. make that area kinda like a lounge with couches and stuff to sit on.
  2. uhhh i use to see a lil tv screen pop up in the corner of my eye showing mickey mouse for a second
  3. i went to factory with a chick i left with someone different and she left with another chick. was sitting in factory and some girl comes up and says someone took her seat so she had to sit in my lap. the rest of that is a secret lol
  4. What is the weirdest thing that happened to you in a club Girl walks up to me in Steam in Sobe tells me put out your hand, so i do, she turns it over, opens a jar and says " i always find the bumps" walks off into the crowd and never saw her again. ( well at least thats the weirdest non rated R thing lol)
  5. That was bad rain last night. was coming home from a friends while it was raining and the sky lit up for what seemed like 10 straight minutes. All I heard was fire engines and all i could think was with my luck and all this lightning i am almost certain my house got hit. but it didnt.
  6. I agree with JP ( knew there was something i liked about ya kid) I am not ready to grow up. I think clubbing is 2 things. moderation and what you go for. Alot of my friends dont go anymore. Half because for years they went to get drunk and hook up. Now married or getting married they arent hooking up. the other half spent a couple solid years going to tunnel or limelight every fri and sat night. So I think they burned out. Most of them couldnt be dragged to a club now. Me i dont go out everywekend, dont really look to hook up, just look for awesome music and a good vibe. So over a decade later I still look foward to going clubbing. Maybe its just in my blood. Went to deko thurs and didnt get a chance to sleep before going to work, was full of energy all day. Went to bed last night at 10 ish got a good nights sleep and had no energy all day.
  7. The all time best club i have ever been to is STUDIO 54. Nothing beat walking past the line of people and up to the velvet rope and inside. little louie vega was spinning in the booth located on a platform right over the dance floor. he played this music that eventually was called house music. It wwas insane. Well i once told someone clubs are a moment in time. Alot of clubs had or still have their moment. so here are some of my other favorite moments Rain sobe.( can thank esteban for that one kind opened my eyes to new music) underground nyc tunnel nyc emerald city nyc 1018 nyc now roxy webster hall when it first opened palladium nyc roseland when it was a club
  8. The Hottest best and above all club I have ever been to is definatly 54. Nothing beat it ever. It was the beggining of everything and was just as wild and crazy if not more than anything today. Nothing beat little louie vega spinning house music when it first came out and people partying until the summer. Nothing was better than seeing a line down the block and walking up to the velvet rope and right past the crowd and into the club. other than that favorites are rain in sobe for a relaxing evening underground in union sq (gine) emrald city (gone) 1018 was cool back in the day now its roxy exit when denny was there SF now always and forever tunnel def. changed the scene and brought back some of the good old vibes twilo palladium webster hall when it first opened and was underground believe it or not Roseland when it was a club junkyard in staten island (gone too) metropolis in montreal
  9. Wander hmmm my tounge uh nevermind lol
  10. i forgot i met siciliagirl too. well didnt forget hewr just her name on here. Shes a lil cutie and said i had nice eyes but she was probably hammered
  11. HMMM there is no way ibelieve Stardo has a child. My friend Sals wife had a babay my cousin had a baby and my sis in law had a baby. There were all bangin before that. Well I cant imagine how hot she looked before she had a baby. I cant believe I have a ton of energy, i didnt even go to sleep yet. Went home and did some stuff then right to wrk. I had a great time meeting all of yo7u. Im quite sure ill be there next week to see some friends again. At least I can rest up this weeknd, no clubbing at all just cleaning the house and doin laundry. Oh the joys of home ownership. I wish i could once again just hear my mom bitchin about me only taking out the garbage that was so much less than doin it all Well hope to see you all again
  12. Never een there before but it was good. Got to see some old friends and saw some CP people. Esteban was spinning some cool shit and always nice to see matty Hmm who did i see. Perns of coarse, stardo( def hottie lol ) JP my business partner, Latinaz i think perns has to help me out on the rest. Well hope to see you all there again. Was weird hearing the freestyle and old house. Kinda brought me back to wearing cavariccis and IOU shirts cruising in my trans am ok think i should try to sleep work starts in like 2 hrs. someone told me i was getting too old for this. i think they were wrong but then again my alarm didnt go off in the AM yet.
  13. When Denny was at Exit it was off the hook, and since it has sucked ass. I do remember walking out of Exit getting changed and going to queens for a Mets game. I remember many nights well mornings walking out of exit weel after 7 or 8 am . No one can walk in of the street so to speak and just spin until whenever. So many whos better than who just enjoy the damn music and have fun
  14. I have met , went to and uhhhh with alot of beautiful women @ SF. the 5 i was hanging with on sat night were gorgeous. I think there are beautiful people in every club just think they should fire the photographer Tonight = early early night at deko im out by 11 not drinking either
  15. There is no way Denny could keep it packed like that on his birthday. Only beciase to spin there for just one night i dont think many in the NY area could. I do think Denny is a bit better than JP i think JP has too many nights when he just isnt feeling it. Now Denny as a resident on the other hand might be a different story. I would love to see him spin there all night and no one know it wasn't JP and see what the reviews would be. Factory is factory because of the people
  16. fav shots of summer hmmm cuervo body shots depends on the girl.
  17. cover at deko ??? what cover whew thank God for private guest lists
  18. No comment because we are not the only ones who read these message boards.
  19. im going to deko thursday. hmmm Orange VIP's no comment
  20. Who's older hmmmm I know I have Denny by about 18 months or so
  21. I think my vote goes with Denny. I am biased because i know him but here are my reasons. First how many of these DJ's kept a crowd of maybe 1000 going every friday night for years at abyss. Denny was one of the first DJ's to successfully cross the hudson and light up a crowd in the city. I do recall Denny packing over 5000 people in Exit week in and week out and the crowd was insane. Then he left. Where oh where has Exit gone. Even junior didnt bring it back. Then he moved on to world, never been but heard it was pretty good there too. I did happen to see Denny at Steam in Miami and also with Ojeda and scribs at clevlander in Miami @ WMC 2002. I guess I missed Rydell and Kirk Lopez and all those guys sets in South Beach anyone know where they were playing that week. So yeah I vote for Denny not for what he does at tempts but for what he has been able to do in most places he has gone. I think places that he spins at and go bust are better than some of the places these guys call home. I was in SoBe and heard so many other DJ's that didnt even know him say how great his programming is. His 2 CD's he has out where pretty good too, how are the other guys compilations going ???
  22. No tempts here this weekend too bad i got to miss Dennys b day but just not up to it from last weekend. still kinda out of it and woosy
  23. Any idea where they came up with the name JETS ??? J ust E nd T he S eason
  24. didnt you remember i hired that loser who said his only friend was his mom. he said he didnt have a problem spending thurs fri and sat nights in the office. not a blackout like i didnt remember the night, blackout as in fell unconscience to the ground in the middle of my street 2 times and had to be carried in my house
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