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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. well if you dont like the cold it could be worse. my parents live in PA and have over 1 foot of snow. My brother lives inErie Pa and has tons more than a foot. Erica you could only be classified as an idiot if you argue with an idiot aka caleb:laugh:
  2. if you are wit someone and only giving 100% its not enough. That means each of you is only giving 50%. A good relationship takes 200% so you each give 100%
  3. :aright: I kinda learned that if your with someone special it doesnt matter where you are as long as that persons there. If you think its right and it doesnt work out then at least you got to see somethings that you do want and know if its meant to be its meant to be.
  4. its not weather there are good or bad people out there. its weather they are right for you and after that if you are right for them. If it was that easy to find the right person you aouldn't value them as much. Sometimes after seeing whats out there when you find the right person all the others is part of what makes that person so special:D
  5. shooters is in union. righ across frm the flagship " the wiz'
  6. ok there mr online tuff guy. but then again i guess there are alot of us 30 somthings on here so i guess we are all losers.you're my hero. :laugh:
  7. no FUs today. got woken up but what sounded like an angels voice and set the tone for the day........ possible FU go to doctor today and he says i strill cant go to work
  8. amen to that NYE felt like it lasted about 5 minutes. I barely remember shit. just some of the important stuff and funny stuff
  9. im staying in until sunday night. go to r bar for a while thats it. I had a good time new years eve/day. Relax fri night. Sat spend the way i have been for the past month ot 2 and just chill. Sun Bring on Tooch
  10. :laugh: ooooooooooook there mr online tuffguy
  11. you should have just got up shot him and went back to bed LOL
  12. my friggin jaw is killing me i bit my tongue 2 times too.
  13. today not too bad yesterday a mess. although my jaw is killing me and at east im not seeing peoles faces in blue tribal paint anymore LOL
  14. i made it much longer than i intended on. i think i should have gone to sleep hours before i took my nap. like 10 or 11 am would have been nice
  15. except for the nap on the ride hme from metro and the 2 1/2 hr nap when i got home i got to sleep 11 30 last night.
  16. i dont know how you were still dancin at like 10 in the morning.
  17. joe i think the only place no one had fun was on the ride home. sorry for the sleeping music lol
  18. Metro afterhours was cool. music was good remember a few people i saw that was it. mostly its a blank
  19. i do admit that but im def going to paradox. this is a weekly story. every week all week we are going somewhere and 5 mins before we go out everyone wants to go somewhere different first it was bunka. metro was only an afterhours. then no one wanted bunka except me. So it was platinum and everyone was for it except all of a sudden my friends wife says shes not going to a club because of smoke( shes pregnant) ok so good excuse. So now they are having a party. So some of my other friends want to go somewhere with a band. hey 80 bucks 9 hr open bar ok im in personally toss up between plat and bunka. bunka my kinda scene. plat naked chicks all night lol both only 15 mins from my house paradox 5 mins until 3 hrts ago al i wanted to do was go to bed
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