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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. Mine goes to the legendary DJ MArshall Fairbanks. He has 5 residencies but hes just banned from all of them
  2. Hmmff - I dont mean to stir the pot but this "30 year old slut" is my FAMILY so I feel the need to post this.... sorry. You liked her, no shame in admitting it cause there's proof of it. But I dont understand the level this escalated too - and for no reason at all!! If you guys want to continue this bashing of one another then I highly suggest you PM the FUCK out of eachother because I dont think anyone else wants to hear it. Your both throwing out such deep rooted personal shit on a message board - that is soooooooo uncalled for!! Issues like that should NOT be thrown out in the open just to get the upper hand in an ONLINE battle!!!! Guys - please just ignore one another from this point on
  3. First of all bitch the people i ever introduced someone to are all people i have known for well over 10 yrs of my life. People who are good close personal friends. The reason i havent been out on a saturday night is because i have been spending time with some of my friends i have known for years or someone i have just recently met who is well more worth my time than being around some fat ass like you. I have no reason to lie. All i know is the things you tell me. Funny thought i can imagine they are all lies too. Maybe you just have a problem with lying. Although im sure inside you know everything i have said to you is the truith. As a matter of fact Thursday night i was going to go to deko but didnt. Yet i did put a bunch of friends on Joes list. You cant name anyone on heres name because in fact they dont exist. The truith who gives a shit you are some 30 yr old piece of shit, hanging clothes in a clothes store whore. You got some sit ass job and a shit ass life. You only meet guys because you hang all over them. You just about jump in their pants. It took my friend about 5 seconds of seeing you before he asked me why i would be interested in some dishrag whore. My friend Mario didnt even know i knew who you were and just laughed as he said look at that chick she looks like a plumber with her belly hanging out when you were dancing on the platform in deko. if you are taking the pill good thing i guess thats because its as close as they can come to avoiding you from reproducing. To the hype. Who gives a shit what you say. as far as my ex with my best friend. sorry the guy she was with or is or whatever is just a guy who played on a softball team i played on. Besides i get the last laugh anyway hes a water delivery boy and now from what i hear shes unemployed. so how sould i feel bad. he did me a friggin favor. You look like such a faggot going out. everyone loves to laugh at your shirt and tie look. OK there poindexter. My friends wouldnt leave Deko one night until you got done dancing to bon jovi on the stage they were so enjoying laughing at your faggot ass. As far as TKA yeah i had hung out with them before. At the very first beatstock. A friend of mine named April was doing the show and got a few of us back stage. As far as getting someone in a club to spin. i got about 7 people in places to spin in the last few months. As a matter of fact me and my friends are going to see one of them tonight. As far as getting chris to spin somewhere. Well weatehr or not he did . He could have been spinning at 2 or 3 places right now. IN the end you are just some fuckin loser that got stuffed in lockers in high school by people like me and my friends. Im sure the chicks who hang with you just do so because they feel bad.
  4. sorry to disappoint everyone ill have to continue this later in the evening i have to go play with my invisible friends now. Maybe ill stop back after and add a little more spic to life. Im sure i got a couple more in the bag
  5. hey she wants to start shit and say shit to people thats fine w me. i like doing it on here. i mean no ones life is perfect so what. i just like the fact that she says alot of this he said she said bullshit about me but can never come out with a name. still really waiting for the " women i harassed list" or maybe she made it up with all the other shit she says. Comon Jen lets hear some thing to show you arent talking bullshit to everyone. Or are you just full of shit maybe thats why you are so fat youre full of shit
  6. please bitch. I didnt fuck you yeah thank God. After telling me how youve screwed like 20 something guy in your life and dont use birth control i value my life a little too much to wanna fuck someone like you. After all wasnt it a little odd when you were sitting here naked on my couch i didnt try to fuck you. im sure youll deny that. Sorry if i was too afraid of waking up and my dick falling off to worry about screwing you. I forgot though im a loser with no friends. I guess those were invisible people i was at joeys with the night i told you i was going with my friend Mark and a girl i knew from on here was going to meet me there and you said you werent going. then like an hour later you come up there with your friend caren. Everytime you came over by me it got my friend so pissed he almost went to say something but i had to make him calm down. It was only 4 days later your friend caren comes nd tells me you were so jealous huh. I mean someone who talks about people with no friends i have seen you with 2 chicks that arent from CP ever. as a matter of fact labor day weekend i can recall getting a chuckle when some of the girls in jessicas house were laughing at something you came flying in asking what what what and got pissed when they didnt tell you. So you can say what you want. i just love how you tell people on here im harassing all these different women and how this one is my best friend and i have no friends. Yet youll never come out with a name of anything. Still waiting to hear this list. Comon jen i know you got a set of balls lets hear it. As far as my friends kinda funny. I remember hunnie and Jp meeting my friend mark at deko. Remember Zee meeting him at joeys. Remember spygirl and xrapturex meeting my friend richie at deko. Remember xrapturex meeting my friend Mario at deko. I think perns met about 6 of my friends at platinum. Ever think maybe i just never introduced them to you. Ever think maybe i would be embarrassed to admit i knew you.
  7. First of all i didnt almost lose my house for bankruptcy you ass i told you simply i migjht not have a house. Maybe because it was at that time i was going to court for my divorce and there was a chance she would get it. you know women sometimes do get the house in court. Then again you are like 30 something and had to get an apartment because after working all these years you cant even afford a condo. Glad someone got you a computer for christmas We all know it would have been year before you can scrape together 3 or 4 hundred bucks Second i threw the bitch out because she was a lazy piece of shit and was fooling around with a friend. of coarse you think thats funny. wsnt it you who read me the sad song about how some guy you were dating from work use to fuck you and never called the next day and it bothered you. then when he dumped you you wrote him a sad song letter about all this shit on telling him you love him, how you wanna meet a guy who will one day marry you. Then all the while you were screwing bill from work you were still screwing your other boyfriend. As a matter of fact it was you who told me that once you thought you were pregnant and it could have been either of them. So yeah i can see why some piece of shit like you would see a chick cheating as funny. i just wonder does a whore know shes a whore and just deals with it. You are the one whos clueless. Bill from work wasnt dating you he was fucking you. Thats why he never called. Didnt you tell me how he had to transfer out of there to get away from you and how youat one point were getting your resume ready because you thought you might lose your job because of the whole thing. Even your own cousin put on a post how you sleep with "every tom dick and harry"
  8. thats about all you can come up with huh im suprised considering your slut ass has so much to say when no ones around. im still waiting to see the list of women i harassed on the board. this should be good. Almost as good as telling someone i dont even know that i say they are my best friend. Ill be back and see your reply in a few days when you go visit mommy cause your broke ass dont even have a computer. Lil hint you can get one now for like 400 bucks. maybe we can take up a collection for you. im sure i can write it off as a donation to the poor
  9. J ust E nd T he S eason :laugh:
  10. no im not unemployed. id love to know where all this ridiclious shit about me comes from although i have a good idea.
  11. Music and Industry CeePee's... Best Track of The Year - reina or safe from harm Worst Track of The Year Venues of The Year Platinum Fridays good party atmosphere Deko thurs or sat Best Party of The Year underwear party SF Best DJ of The Year Bugout and Tooch Worst DJ of The Year Marshall Fairbanks Best Promoter of The Year Got to give props to prime and crew took Platinum Fri's from nothing and built it to pack in the house for one of the best parties in the state. Also Davis G for keeping the crowd moving Bartenders of The Year - Female and Male Female - any of the ones at platinum Donna for winning the modeling contract. shes just that hot. Erin and Maria. well you just got to go see them and you ll know why Drink of The Year 007 Shot of The Year SoCo and Lime Jersey Board Ceepee's... Hottie of The Year - Female and Male Xrapturex IMO Drunks of The Year - Female and Male Jarmenio and hunnie Nicest Person On The Board - Female and Male ysolt and gracer Best Dressed - Female and Male PostWhore of the Year - Female and Male Spygirl Couple of The Year best dating Joe Gio and dknybabe married neena piro Juicehead of The Year stiffler Most Likely To Buy Shots me @ platinum or Joe armenio anywhere else NJBoard Comedian of The Year ou812 for his NJGUIDO thread with all the caption
  12. i think the only one who might need a number is you. here ill give it to you so you dont forget 9-1-1. but then again poindexter here grew up in the mean streets of Freehold or Jackson or whatever it is:laugh: :laugh:
  13. batch compounder Wm Wrigleys Corp. LA Dreyfuss division good comapny free gum. work boring as hell
  14. i didnt say anyone on the board told me these things. i said they were from friends. i also said some of the things i said were from MY friend who read this board and dont post. Also i said people who work at, run or own places have told me things. If you think people dont say shit behind peoples backs on here then thats kinda funny. i have heard alot of things that i havent said. Amazing things come out when people have a few drinks.
  15. i didnt call anyone cheap i just said what some people had told me about people on this board. Ohio State is going to take it up the ass just like you do
  16. this is kinda funny. like i fuckin care. Half of my comments come by some friends who read the board from time to time and dont post. 3 times i went out to deko w friends and they were making fun of someone they thought was making complete fools of themselves when i looked it was nothing more than another CP person i would have never admitted knowing. All i ever hear from alot of people that are actually in the industry is how it seems most of the people on the board just kiss a promoters ass just to get in free and let them get him drinks al night. When the night is over all the do is pay for their parking and thats it. i know of at least one place that said they had a bunch of CP people at the bar and at nights end the bar did the least amount of money and the bartenders made less than they almost ever make in tips.
  17. my friends and i use to all get together on christmas night and exchange presents. now since most are married and have kids it gets to be much buying for friends and al thier kids then your family and their children too. So now its just a phone call and a drink during the week.
  18. temper temper i think u are getting stressed that o state is about to get a royal ass whoopin
  19. well i guess i can respect that I guess after going everywhere from studio 54 to tunnel to killer 2 day house parties NYE doesnt seem so exciting as it use to. After doing something once it isnt as alluring the next time around. i think the only thing i havent done is sit home for NYE. but that would suck. this years challenge is to figure out how my friends that are into rock and shit and my friends that still like clubs will meet in the middle without doing something that seems liek a waste of time
  20. just curious but it seems like some people this is their first trip out on NYE. I mean its not like waiting to get laid the first time. I dont think ive ever seen people count down to NYE. Im sure most parties will be good and im sure alot of people will be screwing around people they probably wouldnt have but its not that big a deal. just an night to spend extra money and get even more mangled than usual. Kinda funny but most people i know we havent even planned anything yet. Guess we were more concerned about chritmas or probably just at a point where its not that big a deal anymore. Kinda seems a lil absurd to count down 2 weeks before christmas
  21. u guys did a great jopb on my flyers happy holidays
  22. IMO local DJs are good but carl cox is from england and everyone knows them do you think anyone in england is dying to hear our local DJs spin. not knocking them they are all good at what they do they just arent known arund the globe maybe one day they will be.
  23. Id like to wish a merry christmas to everyone. Hope you all get everything you want. IM outta here over the hills and through the woods to grandmas house we go. ok well battle shit up to bergen co anyway
  24. maybe santa will deliver the naked chick i asked for upder my tree every year lol
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