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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. somehow i think porn chcks are up my alley for tongiht
  2. cherri is a possibility for tomorrow but a slim one. if so Fri FU shots on me lol
  3. yeah well hopefully tongiht lots of alcohol will cure the Friday FUs
  4. we must be related LOL i second that whole FU
  5. evey friday it rains to clean the streets before platinum and wash the beer and whipped cream off everyone after platinum. LOL think im on the prowl this weekend
  6. HUGEEEE FU to not going back to work for 2 more weeks. im going to be the guy in the neighborhood who didnt shave for liek a week in a ripped flannel drinking a 40 listening to " the devil went down to georgia" LOL
  7. roommates suck unless they are the kind you wake up right next to every morning
  8. trhanks In life everything always works out. Nothing stays the same. Sometimes its just not the way we want it too
  9. i kinda cant wait until im at that age where NYE is just chill at home w someone. The best one i ever had was 2 yrs a go a house party. just like 100 people or so chillin ut for 12 or 14 hrs. was kinda like the best of both worlds. almost like being in a cluib w all your friends but still being home and chillin. The best part no friggin coverLOL
  10. FU to the shit ass weather and what looks like is going to be a shitty weekend. FU to knowing shit never works out the way you hope it will even a little bit ba hum bug
  11. i have a friend like that. hes not cheap but we all think he is funny. While i would never tell anyone my salary its not appropriate he wont tell anyone anyhting concerning money. he had marble thresholds made for his house so i liked them and asked how much the guy charged. he was like oh i dont know i think it was ver 2 or 3 hundred bucks. i was like dude u just got them last ngiht. ask him how much his house was and hell say well it was up around 300k. wont tell anyone what he paid but yet if u wanted u can find out in public records. ITs just one of those funy annoying things.
  12. whoa whoa wait a minute. back the truck bus car whatever it is up. there is no way in 2 yrs my chest will be a hanging meat bag. im not a meathead but im also not going to need a manzeer in a couple yrs when i turn 35. only other comment. bus... notallther is cool he can always be a slinky h dosnt need to be a meathead only man i have ever seen invoke the fear of God in someone so bad with one look she materialized a drink out of thin air to give to him
  13. 6'4 148 lbs of all deisel pumping power i got 6 in guns a 27 in chest and can max on a becnch about 85 full pounds 3 times ( ok i got a partil spot on the thrid one)
  14. well for you guys business venture of being a meathead did you include the " i wanna be a playa" handbook:laugh:
  15. with a name like spygirl u got to have a double and triple life. tongit im going to add to my list. im going to pretend to be a shopper. maybe ill actually buy things for the people im suppse to. just got to stay away from the D&G and Versace stuff and ill be ok lol
  16. i didnt say problems i said issues. as in issues w superman and wonder woman. maybe spiderman underoos would be better
  17. rod man u got some seriuos issues. you boss, the accountant and company president just called asking me to change it. they said my logo is costing their company thousands a month in new staplers staples paperclips and even the desk you smashed over someones head when the confronted you about it. they said they woudl fire you but didnt want a meathead explosion in the office. so before the new year i will consider it oh yeah as far as the " i wanna be a meathead" i opted for the Gold 8 weeks dont have to stick a needle in my ass $150 plan from a friend of mine that ill go get later now that the disc in my back is back in place
  18. hunnie all but the last leave WAAAAAY too much around for the investigating officers. the needle one is good always been a favorite. still mild implications. However to me i thnk to get away with it a nice hot shot in the vein with some high grade street corner pharmicuticals (sp) and leave everything beind. whos going to dispute an overdose. Everyone will say well they didnt do drugs. because most families dont know people do drugs LOL
  19. see now it all depends easy to get away with is sicking them with a needle causing a heart attack always works. personal favorite is chainging them down and slicing them with a very sharp razor to leave nice clean cuts that will bleed and pouring salt all overe the entier sliced body to add some excitement until they bleed to death. of coarse with all the DNZ shit this will certianly lead you to a life behind bars.
  20. rod i got a compromise for ya. when i go christmas shopping tongit ill get some wonder woman underoos for your bro he can wear them when he kicks your ass and then you can have a thing against her and my avatar wont bug ya who said bump ???? rod check ur Pms i had a non meathead issue for ya
  21. i like the superman thing. my friend who i use to lift with told me when im in the gym i think im superman
  22. hmm i got my softbal life with friends i play ball with and then go for some beers. then my regular friend s who are all married and sit around on weekends at someones house and go home like 9 oclock because its time for their kids to go to bed. then i have friends who i use to go to tunnel and exit with but now dont do too much so we go out here and there. then there is always the work buddies. i keep shit different from all my friends that dont go to the city and those that do because most of them wouldnt approve of it. actually they knew one friend was and dont talk to him anymore, think hes some kinda junkie lol
  23. ok so the monster bump to rod and a double guido fist pump. just dont walk around too retarded lol i take it u like the superman thing huh
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