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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. Denny at Deko TGE thats bitter sweet. Id love to hear him there again HOwever TGE i can see it. A sardine can. Yet ill still be there. Only for two reasons. love deko and glutten for punishment
  2. where the hell do women come up with these friggin ego's holy shit. some of these ego riddn women should just be happy someones taking you out let alone what night and where you are going and all that crap
  3. no family shit. they all friggin left. mom and pop moved 3 1/2 hrs away to Pa and retired. Bro moved 9 hrs away to west bumblefuck Pa so its just me whoooo hooooo. maybe ill have a turkey sandwich at noon at the deli on the corner by factory. i know the expressions and shit thats why i asked
  4. just curious did you breathe while saying that i hope so but it didnt sound like you woud have. this year i can go nuts thanksgiving eve. no family shit the next day. a turkey sub from quick check whooo hooo
  5. no deko tongiht R Bar tongiht anyone wanna go let me know
  6. if you go ill go. what time and where is everyone meeting
  7. whos fighting im the only asshole that sticks up for chicks who blow you off :laugh:
  8. first of all im not on the Sopranos is right yes i am italian. second i was kidding third have a lil respect for a woman. doesnt much matter what she says still have some respoect in what you say. Id love to hear the stories you have heard. i really would. id get a huge kick out of what people dont know me say last as far as hitting you. well its a message board lighten up there buddy. i think more than me not wanting to hit you you dont want me to hit you.
  9. i just might have to go. see all you people in a noin alcoholic playa atmosphere. plus i love rides that flip over.
  10. i just asked what if i wore one. i dont like hats or anthing on my head. jeans and a diesel tee ok ??? or will i be banished to looney tunes land lol
  11. i think im going if some people i know go. I dont wear a ban\danna is a back factory hat ok ??? :laugh:
  12. be nice shes a ldy nd more important a friend of mine or ill comb your hair with a birck now thats all that really matters isnt it
  13. is there a quality rating on Alpo lol:laugh: :laugh:
  14. hmm i thought i met most of you people on the board already stardo lil hint.... women should not say " throw me a friggin bone" on a thread about hooking up
  15. ok anyone who wants to make a love connection come to R Bar tonight. ill ither comp or reduce you . Just Pm me before 8 or email me at MVPlist@aol.com. hmmm stardo will you be my date
  16. i totally agree on the smoking thing. if im seeing smeone who doesnt smoke i alway carry gum ( working atwrigleys helps) just out of respect. i remember when i quit for 2 yrs and kisses someone who smoked it was nasty. so id rather them enjoy it than cringe
  17. NAME: Bobby AGE:32 TOWN: Metuchen Occupation: wrigleys chewing gum Married befor yes: Have kids or mind kids: have kids no . mind kids....no Your Best quality: u tell me Your Worst quality: work too much BETTEST DATE YOU HAD: cant decide alot of relly good ones MUST HAVES IN A PARTNER: patience, good in bed. friendly, slight attitude compromises, SMOKING OR NONE ( YOU AND PARTNER): i smoke if she does i dont care either way ARE YOU A BAR OR CLUB PERSON club person. ( i have all my teeth cant do the smokey white trash bar scene yet)
  18. I think more women are players than men. ITs either they are so picky that one little thing and they are gone like the world revolves around them. Or they need to be surrounded my as many men as they can. i think id rather have 100% of one persons attention than 10% of 100 peoples atention. As far as getting hurt. if you cant risk it all youll never get total happiness.
  19. I dont know if i agree about the club person. I do agree with prime. always on the go in around the shit makes it hard to have someone want to bewith you. To me those persons have trust issues. Someone who cheats on anyone. it isnt about yo its about them. either they are insecure or just dont want to be with you..
  20. any relationship os compromise and communication. it cant workif someone desnt know where yo stand. people need to realize things that were important become less important as that other person becomes most important
  21. you wouldnt happen to be dismembering them at the time would you?????? :laugh:
  22. i can work on that one. do they drink free????
  23. yeah can i come in my official "sound factory" pj's and slippers scratching my ass reading the paper. And do i get my own personal 27" TV with remote and sattelite dish. this would make it just like home
  24. hmmm only comment ill make on women cant live with em and ya cant kill em lol :eek:
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