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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. sorry popito ill always pass on a "As seen USED on TV " pussy anyday. i just had to do this to the pic though lol below / attachted
  2. you know whats really fuked up is that lets say Paris was a man with the same traits as we see in her and the FEMALE one never existed This "dude" whoever he would be, would be burned by the media so fat for a single TV season and then you would NEVER hear about him again until he dies 50 years later now thats really fuked up IMO
  3. GOD DAM THATS A LOOOOOOOOOONG time ago were we writing on paper yet ?
  4. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to lalate again .........so there
  5. his info is public info since he owns the site I never said hes harrassing anyone. Someone in one of his threads was asking who he was and where from etc etc asked / answered
  6. depends on your preferance of place and how many ppl you know there i would say
  7. sory almost forgot his mailing adddress (as listed) sharp marketing 2723 panorama dr. north vancouver BC V7G1V7 Canada
  8. We all know this user as the person always linking to that HOES.ca website i did alittle searching through webmaster tools and heres what i find Cali44 is actually the registerd owner of www.hoes.ca his real name is craig mcallister his email is craigmillsagencies@hotmail.com his phone number is HOME 1 604 9298457 Fax: 1 604 9853955 any questions? should this constitute banning him from this site?
  9. i dont think theres anything attractive about her actually but im only 1% of the US population i suppose Even if she was neked throwing it in my face- i would just burn her with a stick
  10. best one ive read this year nice work mikey. i also like the part where you mention its a CLUB / UNDERGROUND feel and not a lounge i never liked it when all these places changed to the same as eachothers lounge style. and yes, it is refreshing
  11. yea and you know how i just looooooooooooove that "SWEET SPOT" hahahaha
  12. good call boys - i like what i see and i do have to say it was a while agot that i went there this cough manager was just trying to get some easy party w/o putting anything into it himself anyway im sure ill be up around there soon
  13. thanks dg i have a # of them but ya must be pacient
  14. might i add there are no fire exits or sprinklers correctly placed in there you just waiting for a huge mistake to happen Next time i see 13 Little Devils im sure it will be in the headlines of someones obituary
  15. You have got to be kidding me with this place! I walked into Devils a while ago (less then 6 months i belive) Enter the from door at sidewalk and get passed a WO-man built like a black tall bruce lee with muscles open another door to the main room and what a ungodful wreck i would be embarressed to send someone in there just to take a piss u have got to be kidding the place has no real floor and im not talking about a dance floor im talking about a F-L-O-O-R its like walking on a substructure, unpainted, not carpeted, nothing, just bare. the manager (who shall remain nameless) showed me the quote unquote dance box it measures about 30" wide enxtends from the wall about 26" and is a whole nose bleed height of 6 inches or less tall. now wait - it gets so much better where did the seats come from? did someone leave these on the corner to trash pickup? still more............... theres a downstairs?? OMG thats GOT to be hot its a dead end room with exterior brick walls - no heat - no lighting - no speakers - no furniture. Once you give this place the once over visually and take that image away with you. You begin to realize this "structure" is actually One huge bldg on the left One huge bldg on the right they over hang each other a bit and someone decided to place a door over this alley of a space. Dont take it personally Kenl, i know your just trying something but if this isnt YOUR place then leave it, its not going to work This man wanted me to bring him a rock and roll mixed with hip hop party for a thursday night??????? Kenl - i know you dont own this - nor are you the manager so please for GODS SAKE walk away
  16. ill say it was worth the trip for me and you people know it takes alot for me to drive out that far good work on opening night boys now lets see if you can keep it up From a respectful position: Congradulations on landing it - and good luck
  17. Dont lie like you never rubbed it out or yanked Who do you find yourself fantasizing about most when you want to get started? everyone has their "safety person" i know who mine is - some petite chic from my past. When the girl im with just isnt cutting it as much i want her to be i close my eyes - let-em roll back and shortly after my toes will curle i tried the whole celebrity thing (either porn or general media ) but A) Porn puts me to sleep its like watchin a pendulume or some hypnotic movement celeb fanatasy cant work for me. i know ill NEVER get them but just the thought of getting the girl next door (not really next door but in the same county at least)
  18. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?t=262606
  19. liqidtouch

    ATTN Koky.....

    wow im not even tryin i got lost on page 2
  20. im thinkin DV likes the BIG ONES
  21. i wonder if she can smell her own ass now?
  22. this is something yo hear at the GYNO isnt it? "Ok miss, easy now, your going to feel alittle pressure!"
  23. a short while ago someone told me that a couple tracks i produced had leaked out which i was not so opposed to since they were the short versions anyway so from that a # of people recently asked what was one of the latest projects i put together. Rinxed track from artist D:FUSE title "Everything With You" Im sure you can find the original version (cough cough) online but here is mine. Everything with you, Remixed by Dj Liqid Touch right click . save as when i was asked to do it, i literaly stopped everything i was doing and had it finished in 4 days. Ofcorse there is another version not for the web which will be released again on System Recordings. All i ask is (post your feedback here) done deal and thanks all for asking <--me/ outty
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