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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. id sooner shoot myself if nothing happens by april
  2. Fingers Flowing smoothly over my skin Over indulging curves I quiver within, They find their play, teasing all sin. Teasing me as my body shakes, Giving off vibes & little quakes. How do they know what feels good to me, I’d ask but they’d loose generosity. Faster they move, stiff as my head, Faster they’re coming, im squeezing the bed. They’re strangling me with such a pleasing touch, They know what Im wanting and have been so much. Deeper they go, I dare not say no, But they do as I demand, they have found the pleasure whole. I am happy with the teasing, Yes for one reason, For they are not done These are just breadcrumbs Of what is yet to come……! ------------------------------------------ This one is off the tips of my "fingers"
  3. you can catch it either on an FM radio station in NJ (if your close enough) or couple NJ places but i dont want to turn this into a thread other then the topic And now......... we return to our previously airing show DAAAAAAAAARK VIXENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN <applause / cheering / camera pans to the stage> "Hi and welcome back everyone! I am your host Dark Vixen, and this is, my show" Todays topic is Will Darkvixen produce a picture? <applause / camera pans the audience> DV: "And now lets all welcome a special guest, Liqid Touch" <applause / camera on me and her> DV: "So liqid i do need to ask you, what happend to the letter "U" in your name?" LT: "thanks for having me DV (both times) and yes about the letter U. Well, i try to be as original as possable so there is no U in ME .....but how about me in U ? <host chuckles / audience laughs / spragga runs across the stage streakin naked >
  4. thanks for the pic DV and no i wont share it with anyone
  5. ill give you a hint its not gum but it could be a drink or food all in all obviously it has to be something edable we're on the air right now -- ill try to keep checkin the thread
  6. im actually amused at all this lol you people are so gullable
  7. you got it missy back at ya later all im going to the studio again tonight -- calling a few singers while they are on the road this should be pretty interesting on the list so far Lisa Pure & Reina---- and theres a topic question for the evening as well It has been studied that women find the smell of peppermint on a mans breath very attractive / alluring what smell do men like on a womens breath? answer gets you free ski passes - some CD combo and a month of free tanning Keep in mind is a family time aired show so the answer CANT be dirty lol too bad cause theres so many things i could say lol
  8. yes fresinha - i know- thats why i posted it not that i really ment it that way but it was one of the pics i had on this PC im not home right now
  9. then if you have nothing to contribute dont reply - not to sound offencive but its an honest approach wouldnt you say?
  10. you mean we --take up too much room --make alot of noice when we get close to eachother --are filled with seamen --always have someone looking into our holes thats not what you ment right?
  11. you mean the way you dont like this girl venting on something that bothers her? PS nice burn" sista"
  12. yes indeed i am and proud of it when it comes to ppl that would end up ruining a good party- trust me - ill do it if it means keepin the party going for the other 400 ppl that like it i dont care if ONE person or a group of 6 get narced- ill do it again and again but your not paying attention grasshopper I DID IT FOR ONE NIHGT FOR A FRIEND THAT WAS WORKING THERE wait.... explaining it to you is like talking to my shoe about a hard on PS THanks DV im proud of you
  13. once again AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEE!!!!! have fun little lady i missed ya at Marias house the other week
  14. yea hahah i forgot but then someone would say "Wow! Liquid would drive 8000 miles just to get laid" ahaha anyway - no im not going to be in FL this year -- too bad
  15. if its a matter that will stop a chic from gettin rapped - ill do it any time im sure you would to papa what you up to this weekend? - i might be headed to brooklyn again
  16. 1)Hi back at ya DV 2) no not doing favs for po-po - that was really a fav for someone i knew on the staff 3) not looking for lay - just a meetup - problem? wouldnt you like to as well? 4)Hi again DV
  17. i was doing a favor for a security friend just the one night
  18. i feel you on this one hunie i been approached my many a club staff while i was invited to a club to support the other djs - take pics - host - spin - whatever One person asked when my shift starts. i asked him for what... he said that i was supposed to barback. another time (many on this one) some dude asked if they checked my pockets at the door. a few other words were in ther conversation but they were implying that i was there to either buy or sell. then he finds out the cops in the place were my friends and i was their inside man for that night. Id need to start a whole other thread about things that have happend to me at diners. Its amazing what ppl will think when a guy with my complextion is doing with an italian / asian / caucasion chic for some simple diner food. The worst of all instances that happened is when i was sitting with my mother for gods sake and this guy comes over to say "is he bothering you?....should i have him go outside?....." See my mother is really light skinned italian woman
  19. liqidtouch

    Arab Dancer

    videos http://www.bollyvista.com/bollyvistaexclusive/aishwarya.php
  20. liqidtouch

    $1 Adult Fun

    dolla dolla make ya holla
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