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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. ull be getting a few of my demos in a couple days- i can get you TV personell radio people bouncers dancer- male & female bartenders promoters distributors look it easy you tell me what you NEED and without a doubt i can provide or find quickly. i have 2 dancers alreadywilling. u know my contact info djliqidtouch@tellurian.com latest track for BRITISH MVT by Dj Liqid Touch
  2. pleas do telljersey. what place are you promoting anyway? u think it can hold my following? i have a mailing list of over 9,000 members for NY and NJ. too many for you?.... come on , whats the place? to hear the latest track from Dj Liqid Touch
  3. i am a manager for a company that makes equipment for the handicapped and lab testing equipment. i run a welding dept- teflon coatings dept- plastic molding dept- and metal fabricating dept- [
  4. http://www.ecrandeveille.net/images/charmegif37.gif WHOS GOT MORE????
  5. GOtta count me in on that one ill be there wAY early is this week the weel the cocktails begine or that something or other during the early hours??>< Liqid Touch + 2
  6. i know i know but i was just takinga shot tosee if anyone was goingto ad another little something about the country club opening- it was getting funny
  7. EVERYONE WAIT A SEC!!!!! now wasnt THAT the roiginal post here?!?! and look at what we are starting to do-- how is this turning us against OURSELVES???? what happened here?
  8. sry double-p didnt mean u were being told whats what - its just that it looked like thats what was trying to be conveyed- not specifcally to you though peace
  9. ok boy-- now SIT!!SIT AND STAY!!!!! GOOD BOY jpdd810 has turned us all into REAL MEN
  10. ok so its called JT's (or something) but why do u say its a contry club? what did u ask her? did u tell her what u were looking for?
  11. rubba head??? lol thats a killer i cant stop laughing<!> why do u say that? did u call?
  12. all he really needs to due is let out alittle of the info- i think its done right (reguarding info provided) i mean its up to US as the readers or ppl that think there would be anything there for us to go ahead with the phone call- i know i will Eric Dj Liqid Touch **** the new CD releace party is comming***
  13. jsen7? ppl age ppl change need i say more? i used to be able to do a 9hr set no prob but now i need a break after like 4 then i come back- same thing i tell the ladies
  14. OK so i see what i will never hear women say to men but heres alittle twist on that. when a guy is in bed with a grl (hopefully) and theyre going at at. she is alowwed to say things like: Hard deeper faster alittle more this and that way right? well thats NOT FAIR!!!! what can a man say to a woman?:: .....Tighter?.... i mean com'on can someone tell me?
  15. yea i got the same deal here- got a regular job- live nicely dont drink or have any vices and stuff and am a very romantic person- so why is it that only chicks onlinefrom the west or something wanna meet me? i mean im in the clubs all the time too- always makin a scene that ppl love to be involved in- and goto the hot parties in NYC and NJ- wheres the love? or at least the part time grl for me? any single grls here? that want to get aquainted/.?
  16. ok cool i definatly remember her- shes cute!!! both tell her. and where will u be -kid? and tell bad ass i said what up- i dont remember the other grl- well it has been a while- if someone reminded meof what she was wearing - id remember-- but its all good AND WHERE IS EVERYONE ELSE-???
  17. yea i saw them adn spoke to one of them- didnt one of them MAKE their own outfit- ithink it was stef that i spoke to back stage- funny odd loking skirt type thing? and i was the one that lost to the chicken soup deal- i was sometyoe of "formerly known as PRINCE outfit that i made" was it BADASSMUTHAFUKA?
  18. OK every one-- its already wednesday and i know im ready for all the hollween partied but NO ONE has asked about METRO this friday??? SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?? whos going- whos entering the costume contest- whos wearing what? all that info peeps where you at? whats going on? am i going to be the ONLY one there?
  19. useem to have this thing about your undies being out all the time()( why are you wearing them again?
  20. and to you i say:: Edger Alen Poe? god i love that part of the story- my thing was when this grl asked to me be alitle more KINKY- so i went into the livign room as she was naked on the bed- i came back with one of my "touch"lamps- you know- the ones that change the amount of light 3 times the go off when u touch them? well she asked what it was for and i told her i have to come at her from behinde- she applied to it and questioned "what is it called" i said "till the lights go out" and rammed it in her booty. shes screamed and i started to puch her til the lights went out... so thats kinds tuff too when u cant really ABSOLUTELY touch the lamp itself.. :blown:
  21. hey sugar j get at me djliqidtouch@tellurian.com ill see whati have available- but i need to know what you need and for what type area- indoor outdoor style all that stuff and the music shall set u free from the mountain top
  22. stardo- true- if agrl got me on the lips- id be grossed by the teflon- dirt-tar- and tabacco taste on her lips before i got to my sences knowing that i was also getting burned. Kosta? believe it or not- i saw that happen- u guys were driving with the water on your rigth side - right? dud we talked about that for years
  23. ok CP tell all here- whats the worst thing you could have done or happend by accident o na date - or in front of that guy/grl that u had that puppy love crush on....... i had a cold and we were at her sisters birthday party (basement) was probably aobout 16 or 17 - she finally comes to talk to me- i was in heavan (with a head cold) os yea- shes talkin- and im too stupid to notice that shes trying to "mac" on me right? thought she said something funny and i laughed but a stupid bubble blew up out of my nose and went back in- man i was mortified- she was grosed out- just like some of you reading this. ok ok so that about it now it ur turn anyone? anyone? ferris? feiis?
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