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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. go ahead donkeyboy-- say something- y dont you just start a thread called " the vent" where you can MOVE this waiste of space post too. calling it STOP THE MADNESS makin me and others think its sumething to be read- ur a jerk dont bother waisting our time with this- and to eveyone else on CP!!!//...... dont bother responding either- he / she doesnt need our attentions. get a life THIS IS FOR YOU
  2. whats happening friday? where everyone headed?man i am sooo out of the loop- damb life situations
  3. ok i know ive done that b4 notallthere but, i was like maybe 5 yrs old- you know somehting like "i dare you to..." and ill NEVER forget how it felt-tasted. i was summer time- hence all the free time to think of stupid things to do- it was a grls eye- but im licking the lower regeions now heh heh- and i was womdering if when you do it in the winter... does your tongue get stuck? sorry for the miss-spelling but its the thought that counts
  4. ok one of you help me out here:: i couldnt get into CP since like 4pm friday() what happened what did i miss? i could get everywhere else on CP but the message boards..
  5. ill tell all of u straight off- Cherri is going to 1st look fa bo lo us inside- perfect parking area and NICE work on the interior- perfect locate for a CLICK Party and a CP heads hang out- yo ANTHONY im sending a team of promoters your way guy names Frank or JAY dont let them get away from you bro- theyre good ppl get at me if u need to catch them quick
  6. thanks bri uve seen me a million times but this friday ill say what up- not sure why but i usually get so wraped up in my friends and some of the ladies i meet thati dont take time to say hi to all the CP ppl see u there
  7. info requested and recieved Black Truck Recordings c/o Dj Liqid Touch djliqidtouch@tellurian.com
  8. im lookin but i guess its not here CP list for friday @ metro? i wanna go sooooooooooo bad- andi got like 7 heads comming with....
  9. wakeup? are you confused? just get at me and ill give u the info of where to get some MP3s mine included AIM = djliqid
  10. I LOVE THAT BRO!!! ha ha yea i feel the same way- its not about what another djis spinning- its about what YOU are good at spinning- every true dj had a certain flow- i mean even i can take tracks from OAKIES stuff and mix them in the same feel but then im just another OKIE wanna be- hell i have tracks that ppl havent even hears here in the states- but now thats going to be playing online (the cd) at another site metromixradio.com the cd name "Friction unheard - volume 2" release comming soon
  11. YO mr wakeup get at me and ill direct you to a sire where u can DL a ton of hot tracks- also soon i can get you MP3 files of alot of stuff too- now what do i ask for it? heh heh come to my new spot at this new club- i wont tell about it til its all settled.
  12. anytiime your ready just let me know if u mind me playing the piano and serenaiding you- you know how to reach me--
  13. i like putting other ppls legs behinde mine too- was that alittle pervy/?
  14. hope this gets me nominated bye the way i am male On Sunday morning... when you wake up go outside and look on the lawn you’ll see 3 roses planted into the ground They got there around 4 am With them is a note reading... These r the roses of ... Love ...lust ...and friendship One is to be placed in your purse so when u find yourself looking for something else you think may be important, you will smell this and it will remind you of me, This is the rose of friendship Another will be placed as petals only, into a book or box of your choice since it is special to you it has a significant sentimental value and a feeling of comfort and security This is the rose of lust and the other we should smell together as our eyes close and the smell of your body blends with that of the rose. I will never forget the feeling of you and the beauty of your body and face ....so soft....... ravishing wanted and priceless,,,,,,,,,,,,yet So delicate Touched the right way and it brings me the greatest joy or The wrong way … And it can sting me in a way that I will never forget what I have done This is the rose of love...........hold it close. Eric Robinson
  15. i can make my tongue move in a wave motion- and YES i use that often on the other sex-
  16. ok someone mentioned a trdae in program well how about a charity like thing - since most of you guys -- oops!! GIRLS goto metro on fridays tell pete to set up a drop off thing- like abig box somewhere- so you can leave the stuff you KNOW ur not going to wear anyway- and besides -it goes to those that cant get to the clubs and for that matter cant afford the clothes in the 1st place.
  17. how did she get a picture of ME on her bedroom wall?
  18. Yea im soooo there- MAN IM FREAKIN AAAAMMMPPPEDDDDD my energy is Threw the ROOF tonight!!!!!
  19. yes indeedd i remember those sirens well- and that weekly DIVA dancer that was a tall ass FREAK on stage loved it and NEVER recaptured the experiance boo woo
  20. thanks PHILLYD - your always nice to eveyone here- at least SOME of us dont have to VENT ISSUES RATE ME!!! never mind the thread... <-- click here
  21. ok ihavent hears anyone say this one yet- but its what got me into it all- it was my 1st time ever in a night club and as soon as i got in there- iwas all done- dancing- going up to EVERY GRL in the house chilin like i knew them, took them to the dancefloor its was tremendous- Thanks BERAT!!! the place was Club EXPO nyc anyone else been there?
  22. how can i be trying too hard? i havent said anything all the way through (*) also my original post is on page 3 w/ pics
  23. What i get no love? no has made any comment about me yet-- im so alone
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